Thursday, January 23, 2020


I am glad that it is a good house.  That is awesome.  I am glad that you are moving desks Mom.  It will be good to get away and start your new job.  I took Isaac to school and he called me and said that he felt like he was going to throw up so I went and picked him up.  The secretary said he looked really pale.  Their was a kids flipping out and throwing a fit.  The secretary said it happens a lot and she was so upset.  It was upsetting.  Isaac used the rest room and took a shower and seemed to be feeling a bit better.  He took another shower later because it felt so good.  The little kids had school and I went visiting teaching.  I bought some valentine crafts yesterday and the kids loved doing them.  We made butterflies today.  Casey has been trying to go to work earlier so I have been trying to do resistance workouts instead of walking so I don't have to get up with him.  The weight band I have is so hard I can't do anything.  Keep trying I guess.  Exercise class has a lot easier ones to use.  Casey worked late and the kids were playing so I finished all the clues for the quilt class so we are ready to go.  They all look so good I am excited.  Thanks guys.  Have a good Friday and don't work too hard.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...