Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Today was not the greatest day. Luna woke up super grumpy and snot just pouring down her face. So I kept her home. Our internet decided to crash all day. So we had to watch DVDs. I didn't have children when I was really into DVDs so we had a small section to chose from. None where her favorites. I used my hot spot to work but the connection was really slow. By the afternoon I had whatever Luna has and my left nostril sprung a leak all night. By 3 the internet came back up so luckily at night she just sat and cuddled with us. Luna refuses to take medicine so we have been spiking her sippy cups with Tylenol. I bought some chewable tablets but they won't be here till Thursday. It's survival mode 😂 I'm sure I will be working from home tomorrow too. Hopefully the internet doesn't die.

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