Monday, June 19, 2023


 Isaac has violin camp this morning.  Casey took him and picked him.  He had a fun time.  The little kids had the primary party.  I left work and drove them over.  It was finished when I was done with work so I sat around and talked with everyone for a while and that was fun.  They had a really fun time at the party and everyone was happy today.  Work was ok.  We had a meeting and it is stressful.  I recorded a video wrong so I took it home and Casey helped me fix it.  Ruth made a potato bar for dinner.  She has been wanting to do it for a while.  I went to exercise class and it was high which was fun.  My face turned so red and that was embarrassing.  I got really hot.  It was raining a lot this evening and cool for most of the day which was nice.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

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