Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nice saturday

Rachel came up and sewed today. It was a good day. WE went and got her a new sweater so when it gets cold on Monday she has a sweater. Karen it might even cool you down to 90 OOOHHH. I am sorry your freezer stuff is bad. I bet it was going out for a while and that is why. I will have to see if I have any more steaks and bring them down next weekend. My source for steaks is no longer working at EA Millers. Oh darn. I got all the baby quilts for BreeAnn done for her baby shower. I still need to sew around them but that is real easy. They aren't perfect but they are cute. Tomorrow we are going to try out church and see if they gym is better. I bought me a new skirt at Kohls. It is nice. LOV EYOU GUYS MOM

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We went down to salt lake in Saturday and helped finish up the floors. Then Luna spent the night a grandmas. We came home and worked on the ...