Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well i went and got mycar washed this morning and then went to the bank. I then went to Walmart to get milk and the like. Then I went home to marinate the steaks that I had in my freezer (since they were thawed) But they smelled a little off so I ended up just throwing everything in my freezer out. I figured that since the most frozen thing in my fridge was bad it might be a good idea to get rid of it all. So then I had to go back to Walmart and get freezer stuff. Can I just mention how much I hate shopping. Oh well I have food again. Well I get to go to my new ward tomorrow. I think that I am going to ask my new bishop what family ward I should go to and just go to that one. I will keep you up dated on that one. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

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We went down to salt lake in Saturday and helped finish up the floors. Then Luna spent the night a grandmas. We came home and worked on the ...