Saturday, June 1, 2013

Home again Home again

I made home in one piece.  I had a really nice time in Logan.  We sewed and played, it was great fun.  Thanks Rachel and Isaac and Casey for having me come up.  Dad went for a walk tonight and got a lot of blisters on his feet.  His is going to be really sore for a couple of days.  Poor guy.  Not much else to report.  We did make blackberry leather.  It turned out really good but we had to try a couple of different ways to dry it.  Isaac was so cute helping.  He turned into the blackberry child.  A good bubble bath and he was good as new.  Have a nice Sunday.  Robin I hope your last day was very nice.  Karen, I am glad you got a new garden.  I hope you don't have to replant again.  I remember one year we had to do it twice. I did get you some raspberry starts.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...