Monday, October 14, 2013

Lazy Morning

Isaac's crack is gone.  I was putting lotion on his feet tonight and his toe looks perfect.  I am so glad that it has gotten better.  This morning Isaac got up early since he really didn't eat dinner and was hungry.  We spend the morning just watching movies in his room till the girls up up.  It was nice.  Gigi won some money on the scratchers in Franklin so she took everyone out to lunch at herim's.  It was really really good food.  Everyone really liked what they got.  Then we went to the DI and then we came home and Isaac took a nap.  I worked on quilting Andreas baby blanket and I am almost done.  It looks cute.  After dinner we went up to Randy's and spend the evening with everyone.  It was good.  Mandy and Tiffany leave tomorrow and Charlotte and Laurie leave on Wed.  Everyone have a good night.


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