Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lost Patience

Isaac stayed up late last night watching a movie and then he woke up in the middle of the night upset and it took a while to get him calmed down.  So we were all tired today and with very little patience.   I put Isaac to sleep early and I think we will have a better day tomorrow.  We did go to story time today and that was fun.  They are going to do story time on Friday's also so we might start going to that too.  I don't know if two story times is too much but it we are bored we will probably go.  We walked to the library and that felt good.  Jenn came over to sew and that was fun.  Afterwards Casey had a meeting for scouts and then he had scouts tonight.  I made black bean enchiladas again, they taste really good.  I have been working on my sampler quilt again.  Some of the blocks are hard but it has been fun to do.  I did one last night while Isaac was watching a movie and it had a ton of y seams in it but it came together really well.  I have attached a picture of all that I have done.  I have about two hundred more to go.


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