Monday, November 17, 2014

We are the coldest

Karen, I just looked on and it said that Logan was going to get to -4 tonight, the high was only 23.  That is pretty cold, probably the coldest.  Today was pretty good.  I had a dentist appointment today for a cleaning.  My gums are looking a little bit better which is good.  I had a small old cavity that they needed to fill and they had a cancellation so they were able to do it right away which was nice.  I came back and took Isaac to preschool.  We went to Somebodies attic, Joann's and Best buy just to walk around.  It was fun to get out and walk around.  I forgot to say that I cut Isaac's hair yesterday, it was driving me crazy.  I need to figure out how to do it cuter, I just shave it.  I put Isaac in his new jeans today and he looked really cute, I attached a picture of them, but then he said that they were too big and wouldn't wear them.  I am going to keep trying.  Oliver looked good in his new shirt that is 12 months, it fit him good.  Thanks Mom.


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