Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Day

Today felt busy for me also.  I went visiting teaching this morning.  Isaac had a cough so I left him with Casey took Oliver with me.  My partner got a call about her daughter so we didn't finished because she had to go be with her.  I hope that she is doing alright.  I had to get some things at the store afterwards.  I was fun just going with Oliver.  After lunch I sewed with Jenn, it was fun.  I gave her a bag for Christmas and she really liked it.  Casey's Mom had some time between a soap appointment and picking up Allen so she came and hung out with us.  We made her hamburgers for dinner since she likes meat.  She left the same time Casey went to scouts.  The boys went to bed really easy which was nice.  Tomorrow we are going to start making the big birthday cake.  Pretty exciting.


Isaac and Oliver checking out the washing machine together.

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