Monday, November 30, 2015

So true

Robin that saying about cleaning the car and the water bottles was so true.  I know we have that many in the jeep.  That was so funny.  Karen I am so glad that someone is coming to look at the electrical.  If he needs an eye witness, I am there for you.  Rachel, I am so glad that Ruth is doing good.  Thanks for picking up the jeep for us.  Not much else going on.  Back to the real world.  We did go grocery shopping.  I knew we wouldn't be home for a while so I didn't buy a lot of stuff last week.  We had turkey sandwiches again tonight.  They sure are good.  I am sorry you aren't feeling well.  I hope you don't get it.  Oliver was pretty sick.  Everyone have a great 1st of December.  I can't believe how fast time is going.  LOVE MOM

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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...