Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year

Well I don't have anything exciting to report. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May 2017 be awesome.  Bye

Friday, December 30, 2016

The children were all nestled sound in the beds (almost)

We met Rachel at the mall and traded cars and we took the kids.  We went to the train store and that was fun. We just played home the rest of the day. Ruth and Oliver fell sound asleep.  Isaac is still awake but hopefully he will crash soon.  We are going to play tomorrow and then take them home on Sunday.  Karen and Robin I am glad you got some rest.  Everyone have a nice last day of 2016.


I was tired today also. Yestetday before I left work I decided to take a half day off today. I think that was a good choice. They had free pizza at work for lunch so I stayed for that before I left. It was good. Then I took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye


Today was busy at maggie. They closed early so I didn't get everything finished. Then I worked at scheels. I am tired though. I am going to sleep in tomorrow for sure. I hope everyone has a good weekend


Thursday, December 29, 2016


Well I hate to rub it in but I am on holiday now until Tuesday.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I took off 2 hours early and used some PTO.  I just didn't want to work anymore.  I am getting bad.  We went to Toys R Us to find Ruthie's present but they didn't have it but Rachel helped me find one at Target.  I made tacos for dinner and they tasted so good.  Robin, I hope your neck gets feeling better soon.  I just love those sayings you find.  They make me laugh.  I am excited to pick up the kids for a couple of days.  I hope they don't get too bored with just Grandpa and me.  I am sure we will have a fun time.  I have lots of ideas.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that the weekend is almost here. My day was good. I got a lot done. I hope you have a fun trip to Logan tomorrow mom. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye


Today was good, we are starting to get a routine and it has been nice.  We did do the tie dye shirts today and they turned out really cute.  It was so pretty outside we played in the snow for a while.  Isaac's face was really red afterwards and I thought it was because he eats a lot of snow but Casey said he probably got sunburned.  I didn't think about sun screen.  I was folding laundry and Isaac and Oliver were wearing the laundry hampers on their heads and running around.  I only got a picture of Isaac.  We are meeting Mom and Dad tomorrow and dropping off the kids.  It will be fun for everyone, thanks Mom and Dad.



Sorry I didn't blog last night. I was watching bonny and Clyde and fell asleep. I was tired. My neck is a bit better. I had a really bad migran sunday night and I think it was my neck. But I'm on the mend. Work was busy today. I am soooo glad tomorrow is friday! Have a good night


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Hump day

Well I went to work early and dad decided to stay home so I drove my car.  It was good to warm it up after the storm.  Work was good and I even caught one project I was way behind in.  I felt good about that one.  I didn't do much tonight just vegged.  I am glad that tomorrow is my Friday.  I am looking forward to 4 days of playing.  I am going to meet Rachel and the kids on Friday and take them for a couple of days.  I think that will be fun.  Robin, I love your picture of the quilt.  LOVE MOM


How is your neck Robin, I have been worried about you.  I am glad that you gave Rickie his quilt and that he likes it, good job.  Thanks for calling Mom and making plans, they kids are excited.  Today was good.  Ruthie slept in late and we just went slow.  We did some of the science experiments that Isaac's teacher gave him and they were fun.  We also did some of the crafts that santa brought.  We went to the hobby lobby and got some white shirts but never tye dyed, we will do it tomorrow.  It was a really pretty day outside so we played in the snow for a while and built a snowman.  Casey worked late tonight and we met him at Costa vida for dinner which was fun.  They called me to be the second counselor in the young women's, it should be fun.  I finished Mom's quilt last night and was able to wash it today and I love how it turned out.  Tonight I am going to make the pillow cases.




Well my day has been good. It was windy and chilly here today. Work went by pretty quick and now the week is offically half over now. I made spaghetti tonight for dinner. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today was good. Work was really busy
. I forgot I missed friday and so I had alot to catch up on. I went over to ricky's. For a bit to give him his quilt. He loved it. I didn't stay very long because he worked late and I was madly trying to finish the edging. But it was fun to say hi. His dad is feeling better. He sent me a picture later.tonight with his dog all.snuggled in. I thought it was cute. Well not much else with me have a good night


Felt like Monday

It really felt like Monday to me.  Work was OK, they gave the lady her 1st written notice at work and she left right afterwards.  It was a quiet day for me.  I got to work at 7 this morning so I left at 3:00.  I didn't want to stay late.  Rachel I love that ladder.  That is so beautiful.  You are going to love that.  I was looking at the pictures and I don't think we bought enough paper rolls for Isaac.  We might have to get a couple more of those.  :)  We did go to the mall after work to look at phones.  Sprint no longer has 2 year contracts and you have to buy your own phone.  So we are going to have to get dad a new phone here soon.  I did go to Children's place to spend my coupons.  I still have one left.  So what are the plans for this weekend?  I was thinking tomorrow is Wednesday so we better come up with a plan.  LOVE MOM

Quilt Ladder

Casey finished up the quilt ladder and it is so pretty, I love it.  Casey also started a new shift today which is 8-4:30.  He is really excited about it and it will be nice to not have him get up so early.  Today was good, the kids loved playing with their new toys.  Then we went to bounce n slide and they had fun their.  It was super crowded and Oliver never got to use the car roller coaster but he still had fun.  We just played and did crafts in the afternoon.  I miss going outside.



I made it thru my first day back to work. My day was good though. I really don't have anything too exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 26, 2016


Thanks everyone for the fun Christmas.  I had a nice day today.  I went to Walmart to get some french bread to make garlic bread. They did not have any so i had to go to Smiths. I did get a puzzel to do. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


I am glad you had a nice day Rachel.  I love after Christmas, it is fun to play with all the new toys.  We slept in and then went out to visit Grandma.  Oh my word.  She is bruised from her head to her toes.  She looked really bad and they said she was looking a lot better.  We brought in lunch and we talked and then she laid down.  I am really worried about her.  We stayed for awhile and talked with Jani.  I did get some new gossip.  Kristen is pregnant.  I didn't think they would have any more.  I didn't know if you knew that Lisa was pregnant also.  We dusted all the snow off my car which was a lot and then just did laundry and vegged.  I am so glad I only have to work 3 days this week.  I hope it is really quiet and I get a lot done.  Thanks again for such a wonderful time.  I love looking at the pictures.  WE had a really fun time. 


Today was back to normal.  I cleaned up the tree and spent all day cleaning up the house.  Thank you for all the fun toys, the kids love them all and it was fun to have them home to play with them.  We would open them up, play with them and then find a home.  We haven't gone through everything yet so it will give us something to do tomorrow.  We did go sledding before lunch and that was fun.  We did it for an hour and then the kids got cold.  Ruthie hated it the whole time and wasn't very happy.  It was a pretty day though.  Casey cleaned the van and helped neighbors shovel their walks.  He also made me a quilt ladder which was really nice.  He and Isaac stained it tonight so they can put it together tomorrow.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Thank you guys so much for the wonderful holiday.  I love you guys.  Here are a million pictures the weekend.  I hope that everyone gets some rest.


Merry Merry Christmas

I am glad that we all made it home safe and sound.  The roads were a little crazy.  The worst one was 7th east.  There was only one lane plowed and it was a mess.  Thanks again for the wonderful time.  I had the best Christmas.  The kids got a lot of fun stuff.  Everyone have a nice Monday.  I hope everyone gets some rest.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Robin, I wrap like a T-Rex.  I even had to cut and paste.  That made me laugh so hard.  I did get everything wrapped, went grocery shopping and made some food.  I was like on fire.  I am tired now.  I am so excited for tomorrow.  I have to work a little late so I will be home around 6:00.  Karen are you spending the night.  My couch is open if you want to stay.  Robin what time are we hooking up for birthday party celebration.  I am excited for that.  Everyone drive safe.  Karen good luck at the doctor's tomorrow.  Dad is taking the afternoon off and putting new tires on my car.  Call him when you are done.  LOVE MOM

Alphabet Train

I am glad that everyone had a good day.  We had a fun day.  At school they had all the parents come and make a alphabet train with the kids.  Randy came and watched the little ones and I went with Isaac.  It was fun and the train was really cute.  Isaac said he didn't sleep well last night and was tired so he laid on his bed all afternoon.  I eventually gave him some medicine and then he seemed fine, he might have a bug.  My friend in the quilt group was showing a quilt at a Christmas party at another stake so we went and saw her quilt to support her.  I never saw her though but we had a fun time.  They had a live nativity scene and the kids loved the camel.  It was a fun night.  We are headed down tomorrow after Casey gets home.  I will send a text when we leave.  I can't believe it is almost Christmas.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...