Friday, March 16, 2018


Isaac is doing a lot better and is acting like his old self again.  We are thinking maybe his scabs fell off early on Wednesday because he had a hard day that day.   It was a pretty day so we played outside this morning.  I worked on trimming the raspberries and am about half way done.  Ruthie hasn't sleep this week so she took a nap today and the boys played games so I worked on the duffel bags for a little bit.  We did Isaac's homework and he is studying measurements so we have measured everything in this house this week.  Isaac has been wanting to go to the hu hut so we went tonight.  We pulled up and two buses full of high school matching band kids were walking in.  We tried to talk the kids out of it but they were insistent we go.   They were really good and waiting like champs.  Their was a balloon guy and for tips he made balloon things.  The boys got hats and Ruth got a flower.  As you can guess Oliver's popped in the car.  Isaac said we could just text the balloon guy and get a new one so Oliver really wanted to do that.  We told him he didn't have a phone and he was sad.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad, we are excited to see you.


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We went down to salt lake in Saturday and helped finish up the floors. Then Luna spent the night a grandmas. We came home and worked on the ...