Saturday, March 17, 2018


I am glad that you got some rest Mom and Dad, it was a bummer about the weather.  It was so pretty yesterday.  Casey worked all day for overtime so it felt like a normal day.  Isaac wanted to celebrate St Patrick's day so we went to Lee's and got lucky charms and gold chocolate.  I got a corn beef for dinner and that tasted good.  The yarn store is going out of business so we went there to look around.  I get overwhelmed when looking at yarn and don't know what it what so we didn't get anything.  The bead store upstairs in going out of business also and I was going to get some beads for the kids but they were slow and the kids were crazy so we ended up leaving without anything.  We made rainbow pictures out of cereal which was fun.  After dinner we went and got a thermometer and worked on Isaac's science fair project and then made ice cream.  Casey didn't use a recipe so it didn't taste great so we are going to try again tomorrow.  Isaac's throat looks so much better and he slept all night.  He is doing really well.


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