Friday, March 16, 2018

We did it

We made it to Friday.  Rachel, I am so glad that Isaac is feeling better.  I have been so worried.  Hu Hut is a good treat.  Way to go.  I hope he ate and ate.  Karen thanks for the girl scout cookies.  Dad has a doctor's appointment for a check up with Dr. Strong at 7:00 on Monday.  If you want to we can hook up for dinner and I will get them then.  We went to see the trailer tonight with Robin.  It needed a lot of work but I always figure we can do that but it was laid out all wrong.  The second bedroom was so small.  She could never have a craft room in there.  So it was a no for that one.  What ever we said about fixing it up, it still wouldn't be what she needed.  I am excited to come up tomorrow Rachel.  Thanks for letting us come.  Everyone have a great weekend.  Remember to wear green tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...