Thursday, August 20, 2020

Crazy week

We have had a crazy week.  We were going to work in the jeep and it started to smoke.  We stopped at a gas station and it was a hose that had broke.  We taped it up and it was only 2 miles to the repair shop but it got way to hot so we had it towed to the shop.  It was just the hose, there wasn't any other damage so that was nice.  We needed a new tire on the back so we are replacing those as well.  I never did make it to work.  We just rode the bus home and I worked from home.  I am going to try to go tomorrow.  Karen is coming down to spend the night.  Rachel have fun camping this weekend.  I am glad the kid's first day went well.  That is a good sign.  Masks suck. I think that is nice they get out a little earlier and have more recesses.  That will really help.   I will be glad when that is over with.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am ready for the weekend.  LOVE MOM 

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