Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Well I went and got my monthly allergy shot this morning, so my arm is sore tonight. Oh well it should feel better in a day or two. Work was pretty quiet in my office. It is the end of the shipping month on Friday and I guess there is a lot of stuff they want to get shipped out. It is kind of nice because then I can work on my to do list without getting interrupted. Then after work I went grocery shopping at Walmart. The only sad thing there was they didn't have any diet dr. pepper. I hope that starts showing up again soon. Then I came home and read the first chapter in my time and motion class and watched the first lecture. It was kind of boring because we went over what is time and motion and the history behind it. I have had a few classes that have already covered that history so it really wasn't anything new. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

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