Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 I would love to go in with you on Karen's present.  How should we proceed?  Thanks Robin!!  Ruth and Oliver both woke up last night so I was tired today.  I took Tony on a walk and was trying to implement the no pulling technics but it didn't go great.  Everytime he pulls on the leash you are supposed to stop and do the command to pay attention to me.  It works for a while but he was getting bored stopping all the time and I ran out of treats.  I sewed a bit this morning and then we went to the store to get the last things we needed for school.  We pulled everything out when we got home and wrote their names on everything.  I think we are set.  We were going to go to the jump zone but Oliver got a bloody nose in the car so we came home and watched a movie.  Oliver's teacher came by to introduce herself.  She said they only have 13 kids in the class which is awesome.  School should be ok I hope.  I bought salmon for dinner but I got the wrong kind.  It was smoked salmon that you get on a bagette.  Isaac wasn't to try it so Casey picked up a bagette on the way home.  It tasted good and was fun to try new things.  After dinner we mowed the lawn and the yard is looking good.  Sorry to ramble.  Love you guys.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...