Saturday, October 30, 2021


 We made it to Vegas and are having a fun time.  We did a lot of driving today.  The check engine light came on in cedar cedar.  Casey got a code checker and everything seemed fine.  We got dry ice for our cooler and it made the grapes taste like Sprite.  They were really good.  We got checked in at the strat and hit the rides.  Isaac loved them.  We got the unlimited pass so he could go as much as he wanted.  Casey and him are uo there now riding them at night.  They didn't have a roll away bed so we went to the store and got an air mattress.  Then we found a pizza place and ate dinner.  It was late and the kids got a second wind afterwards.  We thought about going to the m&m store and we drove by but parking was hard and the kids just wanted to go to the hotel room so we came back.  We are headed to California tomorrow.  Love you guys.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...