Monday, January 24, 2022


 Today was good but turned our really busy.  Casey had to get up at 5 to go to work for a training.  The kids got ready for school really well and it was a nice morning.  Me and Ruth went to exercise class.  We did 100s and they are hard but it felt so good afterwards.  I had to do some stuff for primary this morning which felt nice to be done with.  I had my interview this afternoon and I think it went ok.  They will contact me in a week if I will have a second interview.  I forgot to deliver birthday books yesterday so me and Tony walked to deliver them.  It was nice to get out.  After school Isaac had orchestra and we went to the library to help Casey set up for a stem event.  It was him talking to a group of kids for a hour about what you need to learn to work at juniper system and they got to take apart some units.  Then they did the vr headset.  I picked up Isaac and he was able to go it.  Oliver and Ruth just played in the library.  Isaac also had basketball practice so we picked up a pizza and then him over to that.  He didn't like pizza so after basketball he made some Rice a Roni.  I cut Isaac's hair this morning.  The curls were bothering him Love you guys.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...