Monday, April 25, 2022


 Work was going good and I felt good because I got sleep. After lunch I was working and opened a blank page on the internet and got this virus page. It was huge with talking and everything. Our it department is so lame it took 2 hours before we got someone to come. They took my desk top because you can't have two computers. I just have a laptop now but it was home so I used someone's else. It wouldn't have been bad but I am working from home and need to get packets prepared for interviews. I just stayed late and got it done. It was just scary. I just vegged at home. Tomorrow I am working from home. Dad has a doctor's appointment and then we are going to Logan. Wednesday I am working in the morning at Wasatch canyons it is by the spaghetti factory by Jeff's. Robin I am so excited for Wednesday. You can start moving and ubpacking. That will feel like heaven. Karen I am glad you are unwinding. That has to feel good. Rachel we will see you soon. Love mom

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...