Monday, June 17, 2024


 The kids were not very cooperative at school today so it wasn't as fun today.  Casey took the kids to the dentist and they are doing good.  Ruth has some cavities that need to be fixed.  Oliver wanted to see Inside out 2 so we went and saw that.  It was fun and the movie was pretty good.  It was raining most of the afternoon.  Casey rode his bike so I drove to pick him up.  I made it to exercise class and it kicked my butt.  Isaac woke up with a sore neck and he called me at work and was so upset.  I had his take some medicine and put ice on it.  A lady at work suggested him take a hot shower and that really helped.  I kept calling when I had time to see if he was ok.  After work I bought him some patches to put on his neck.  Anyway the medicine is helping but he still has a sore neck.

Love Rachel 

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