Saturday, October 28, 2017

So Cute

Casey finished pruning the tree and his Dad helped him.  They had a good day and things went well.  This afternoon I took the kids to Boo at the Zoo.  It wasn't super great but we made it fun.  The kids looked so cute in their costumes, they fit perfect.  It worked out really well, I loved them.  Ruthie wouldn't wear her witches costume but wanted to be a spooky skeleton so she wore Oliver's shirt from last year.  Isaac's costume looked just like the trees when he stood next to them and he loved that.  He walked around camouflaging with all the trees.  We went to the park afterwards.  I had the kids take off the costumes to play but Isaac ended up putting his back on so he could camouflage some more.  On our way home Oliver wanted to go to Lee's so we did that and that was fun.  Then we made pumpkin pie and had dinner.  Ruth was really tired and had missed her nap so she fell asleep early so I hope that goes ok tonight.  Casey came home and Randy and Terry stopped and pumpkin pie and they just left to get some dinner and they took the boys with them.  Everyone have a great Sunday.


He looked so cute as spiderman

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 Luna slept over snd we had a fun time. It is weird getting use to springing ahead. Dad went to work. Robin had some shorts for Rachel. Dad ...