Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

I worked this morning and then we went to go get dad some blood tests the doctor wanted him to have.  The lab was closed at Cottonwood so we went to IMED and of course they couldn't find the orders.  I will call on Thursday.  We went over and got that shot in his neck and he said he feels better so that is nice.  We just watched TV the rest of the night.  Rachel, those pictures are priceless.  I love the ones of Oliver.  Looks like the robes are a hit.  Robin have fun playing games with Jeramy's friends.  I am glad he likes his PJs.  I am sorry about your teeth.  I hate teeth. I use to love having dinners with fancy glasses.  It just makes them so much more special.  LOVE MOM

Happy New Years!!

You got a lot done Robin, good job.  Casey wasn't feeling good so he stayed home.  He was able to get some sleep this morning which was good.  I walked a little later so it was light outside which was nice.  I need to decorate the primary room so this morning we looked for pictures but no one sells big church pictures.  We stopped and got some chocolate milk.  The kid were happy about that.  This afternoon Casey installed Oliver's new closet and it is really nice.  I like it a lot.  It is at his height so he doesn't need to stand on a chair anymore.  Casey made dinner and we had fancy glasses which is fun.  We just did sparklers outside which was a hit.  The kids are all sleeping downstairs and really want to make it to midnight.  We will see how it goes.  Love you guys.


New year's

I hope everyone has a great new year's eve. My day was good. It was meeting day at work so the first half of the day I was in meetings, so I didn't feel very productive. Everyone stay safe in the storm. Bye

new year's eve

Today was good. I was able to get into the dentist they just took exrays and set up and appointment for Tues to fix my cavities. I guess I have more than a chipped tooth. I was sad they just didn't fix my chipped tooth but it's life. Then I got new tires so that will be nice since the big storm is coming tomorrow. We might try to go to Lehi and get pizza and play for a bit at Jeramy's friends house. We will see how the weather goes though. Everyone be safe love you


Monday, December 30, 2019


I took today off since we are forced to take New year's Eve off. I went to the social security office again since I didn't get my card. They said a house might be better so Rachel is saving the day and I'm going to mail it there. Hopefully in two weeks it shows up. Then I took Jenkins to get his nails done and his teeth brushed. As I was loading him in my car I noticed my tires are looking pretty bald. So I talked with Jeramy and we found a good deal at discount tires. So we ordered the tires and tomorrow I am going to change them out. Then while cooking dinner I felt something sharp and I noticed my tooth had a hole. Luckily it doest hurt but I can feel the hole. So hopefully tomorrow I can find a dentist that can fix it asap. I did all my laundry today and then we were getting for bed I now have new laundry lol it never ends.


I made it

I made it to work early and got payroll done.  I went grocery shopping after work so we had stuff for tomorrow after dad has his shot.  He is getting another steriod shot in his neck.  I think food prices have really gone up lately or maybe it is just Smiths.  I had the hardest time sleeping last night.  I hope I do better tonight.  I took valerian root already.  It is suppose to snow really bad on New Years Day but if it doesn't I would  love to hook up.  Any good suggestions?  I ordered a meat platter from Lees for lunch on Saturday for Ruth's birthday.  Rachel said her party was at 2.  Is that correct?  Saturday is suppose to be really nice.  We are going to Kamas after work on Friday for Karen's party. I think most everything will be open on New Year's day.  Everyone keep safe.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It was rough after 9 days off but I made it thru. After work I ran to Walmart and got a few things. I figured I should go today because it's suppose to start snowing tomorrow night. The weather man said we could get 4 to 8 inches of snow on Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


I was back at it today which was nice.  I walked this morning and I did my programming this afternoon.  Isaac didn't want to go to exercise class so we stayed home and played smash bros.  I am in charge or decorating the primary room next year so we went to desert book to look for stuff but I didn't find anything.  Isaac found a book he wanted so we got that.  We went to the library and returned our books and got new ones.  Then we went to Lees to get a couple of things.  Isaac went and played with his friend for a while.  This morning Oliver's closet broke.  The plastic broke all and the poles fell.  They have been using it as a message center with a zip line between the closet and the bed.  I am not sure if that cause it or not.  Oliver was pretty sad and he hates changes.  After dinner we went to Lowes.  We got a pole and we are going to build a shelf on top of it, I think it will be nicer.  We can make it at his level so he doesn't have to stand on a chair anymore.  Love you guys and have a good New Years Eve.  What should we do on New Years?  Does anything sound fun?


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nice day

We had a nice day as well.  We just slept in and then we went for a walk at the Mall.  It was still really crowded.  We watched the second season of lost in space.  I enjoyed it.  I am not looking forward to going back to work either.  it is payroll Monday so I am going in early.  I think I am pretty well done with it but with the holiday I figured it would be good to go in early and make sure I get it all done.  That is neat that Oliver gave a talk.  I am proud of him.  I have been looking at all my pictures and I can't believe how fast they have grown.  Karen you might have a hard time going back after 9 days off.  It will seem like a new job.  Do we want to play on New Years day?  It is suppose to snow but I can't figure out how much yet.  My laundry is all caught up as well.  That never lasts but at least it isn't overflowing.  Rachel, I am sorry Primary is crazy.  Are you changing times for next year?  We are going to go to 10:30.  I was excited about that one.  I was hoping we could make it once in a while.  Robin, I hope you had a really quiet day.  Good luck getting back to the real world.  Just think Rachel, Isaac gets his casts off on Thursday.  That has to sound good.  LOVE MOM


Oliver gave a talk in primary and did a good job, he is cute.  Isaac gave the scriptures and did really good too.  Church is busy.  We are getting everything ready for the switch next week.  Two people said that they have moved today so I need to call new people.  Casey worked and we played today.  We did more crafts from Christmas and cleaned up the living room.  We all played Smash Bros and that was fun.  The kids are all pretty good at it.  Good luck with Monday.  I was feeling sad but then remembered their is still no school so we can have another slower day.  Love you guys.



It snowed here a bit today. I did laundry today. That is nice to have done. It is going to be tough going back to work tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Quiet Day

Today was a quiet day for us as well.  I did clean a little bit and ended up with 3 big bags of trash.  I still need to do some more cleaning.  I have been really neglectful.  I will work on that.  Bowling was a really good idea.  I bet that was fun for everyone.  I never would have thought of that.  Dad worked on his printer most of the day.  Not much else to report on our end.  I love all the pictures.  I have been looking at them.  It is nice to see everyone.  LOVE MOM


Today was good for me. Jeramy had to work so that was sad for him. I slept in and then picked up groceries. I took Jenkins to the dog park. It was so cold we only did two laps. Then I was tired again so I took a nap till Jeramy came home. Then Jeramy took a nap. We fit in how to train your dragon 3. It was a lazy day



Today was good and it was nice to spend the day with Casey.  We were trying to think of things that Isaac can do in casts and we ended up going bowling.  I love bowling and it was fun.  Everyone else is lukewarm about it but it was fun.  We played games afterwards and played in the softplay.  Casey made sushi for dinner again and it tasted good.  Thanks for all the presents again.  We are loving playing with everything.  The kids are so excited to go to Lagoon.  Ruth was talking about it all day.  Love you guys.



I don't have much to report. It was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

Friday, December 27, 2019


Well I made it through the week.  I agree it is weird to have the holiday in the middle of the week.  It was so quiet.  I sure got a lot done.  I was on a roll.  Dad got me two new tires on my car so I drove trax home.  We just vegged tonight.  I love those pictures Robin.  They are so cute.  It sure was cold out there.  Not much else going on with us.  I feel like I am getting a cold.  Tis the season.  Everyone have a nice weekend.  I keep walking around thinking I should be making a list.  LOVE MOM


I can't believe it is Friday.  It is so werid when a holiday is in the middle of the week.  Casey worked half day today.  We were lazy this morning which was nice.  We went shopping at Sam's and had lunch there.  Then we went shopping at Walmart.   The kids used the build a bear gift cards and got a new animal.  I started a new quilt.  It is the jen kingwell pattern Robin bought me.  It has been so fun to do.  Casey made sushi for dinner and it tasted really good.  Not much going on.  Everyone have a good Saturday.



Things are going good here in Kamas. The trash man hasn't come yet today, so I guess they will come tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Thanks for the fun Christmas. I posted picts :)


Karen, I love that marble maze.  Robin that is amazing.  I am glad it wen together.  It looked hard.  I love all the pictures. Thank you for posting them. I sure had a fun time.  I went back to work today and it was really quiet.  I got a lot done.  I am looking forward to another quiet day.  I had 103 emails from Monday.  Crazy!  It was nice to think of all of the things we were able to do.  Robin, I love the picture of you and Jeramy at the zoo.  I am always ready to play.  LOVE MOM


I had a great Christmas as well. Thanks for the fun time. My day today was good. I was just lazy most of the day. I did build my marble run Robin gave me. It was fun. I even remembered to put my trash cans out tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Looking at the pictures I was thinking what didn't we do.  We did everything, thank you so much.  It was such a fun time off.  Thanks for having us for so long.  Thanks for giving such thoughtful and generous presents.  You guys are amazing and we feel really loved.  We spent the day playing with all the new toys and building legos.  I made the roast for dinner and it tasted good.  Thank you guys again.  Love you.


Christmas Eve and Christmas Pictures

Sunday Dec 22 Pictures

Saturday Dec 21 Pictures


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...