Sunday, December 29, 2019

Nice day

We had a nice day as well.  We just slept in and then we went for a walk at the Mall.  It was still really crowded.  We watched the second season of lost in space.  I enjoyed it.  I am not looking forward to going back to work either.  it is payroll Monday so I am going in early.  I think I am pretty well done with it but with the holiday I figured it would be good to go in early and make sure I get it all done.  That is neat that Oliver gave a talk.  I am proud of him.  I have been looking at all my pictures and I can't believe how fast they have grown.  Karen you might have a hard time going back after 9 days off.  It will seem like a new job.  Do we want to play on New Years day?  It is suppose to snow but I can't figure out how much yet.  My laundry is all caught up as well.  That never lasts but at least it isn't overflowing.  Rachel, I am sorry Primary is crazy.  Are you changing times for next year?  We are going to go to 10:30.  I was excited about that one.  I was hoping we could make it once in a while.  Robin, I hope you had a really quiet day.  Good luck getting back to the real world.  Just think Rachel, Isaac gets his casts off on Thursday.  That has to sound good.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...