Thursday, January 2, 2020

Counting down

I am going to count down also but I am going to leave an hour early tomorrow so I can go to Kamas and get free dinner with Karen.  They always have the best food at that party.  Karen said they broke all their records so we might get another party.  I am hoping boondocks.  Keep you fingers crossed on that one.  Robin are you coming to Logan?  We are going to leave from Karen's house.  I did got to Walmart and get a couple of LOL dolls and I am bringing soup tomorrow for lunch for administration.  I made chicken soup.  I couldn't find those frozen egg noodles but I bought some Amish noodles so I think they will be good. Dad's jeep didn't pass emission test today so he took it to this garage and they said it could be up to 2,000.00 to fix it.  We are going to see if that is really true.  We have a month to get it fixed so we have options. Dad stayed home today and chilled and exercised.  That shot really helps him.  Everyone enjoy Friday.  It looks like it could get to 40 degrees.  Heat wave.  I am so glad that Isaac got his casts off.  He is going to be in heaven.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...