Thursday, October 20, 2022


 Today was a crazy day.  I messed my alarm up and woke a late this morning.  I made it to work only five minutes late.  Luckily we love close.  Work was good.  I had meetings and then we edited some instructions with the pictures I took.  They had a event training this afternoon that they told me about this morning that went later than I work.  I called Casey and he was able to pick up the kids.  They want us to see the end products so we see the bigger picture.  Ruth had a party at school and had a good time.  Oliver did a lot better which was great.  Isaac had orchestra and I was able to pick him up from that.  We went and got doughnuts for a treat.  Casey had to work late since he got the kids so we had an informal dinner.  Oliver had a fun time playing with Karen.  Ruth wants to play with you tomorrow.  I went to exercise also this evening.  It was hard but felt good to go.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.

Love Rachel

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 Your shed is looking really nice Robin, good job.  I am glad you finished the flooring in the spare bedroom.  That has to feel good.  Yeste...