Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well may I just say I hate dentists. I went today to get my teeth and that didn't turn out well they said everything was in the wrong place and they can only put a bridge on them so if I loose any more teeth I would have to buy new ones and couldn't add anything so I would have to take out the studs and leave the metal in my mouth and not use them and get a partial denture so I could add teeth when they fell out. Needless to say I fired my dentist and I am looking for someone new who will listen to me. I cried all morning and feel like an idiot. I am having a good time in Clifton. I love to watch Rachel with the goats. They just love her. Vickie is coming up tomorrow for Rachel's birthday. That will be fun. I think we are going for a hike and a picnic. I think that sounds fun. Well I will brave on with the saga of teeth. Dad is coming home tomorrow. He is suppose to finish up his nuclear scan if they have the medicine to inject into him. Crazy. LOVE MOM

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your teeth are in shambles.....:( was it doctor skinner that did all that to you? anyway when I take prosthetics in few weeks I will make you your own set.... no complications. :) i don't know if they are chew able but they will look good. :)



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...