Wednesday, July 15, 2009

yard night

Me and Rachel and Joseph got my garden all back in control. I am missing my irrigation water. My house water taps are all messed up. We are going to have to work on that. We also picked raspberries and boy were there a lot. I got two batches of jame done. Me and Rachel are going to go to Clifton tomorrow and spend the night out there. I have to go VT first but that won't be too long. It has been fun to have Rachel here this week. We are going to go hiking for her birthday on Friday. Vickie is back in town and she is coming up to go with us. I go to the dentist in the morning hopefully I will have a good plan to have teeth. I am excited about that one. Robin I love those pictures. They are beautiful. I am so impressed. You are doing so good. It is really coming along. Way to go.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...