Monday, December 6, 2021


Today started crazy Luna had a stuffy nose and couldn't drink her bottle. We finally got the nose sucker to work and got the boogers that were stuck..I was worried she was getting a cold but still was acting fine. So we tried day care..then my glowforge notified me it was being delivered by 12 today. So I took my work laptop and worked at home for a few hours..once it showed up I went into work. went by fast. When I pick up Luna she did great. The lady said she had a small runny nose. I think i unblocked the nose. I ran to Walmart to get a humidifier and baby saline drops. Once we got home she had 2 baby foods and a bottle . She was acting alot better and her nose wasn't runny. My glowforge worked and was amazing. I didn't get a ton of time to play with all the craziness but I have forever to play with it.

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 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me...