Monday, October 21, 2013

Thank You

I owe everyone a big Thank you for all your hard work this weekend.  It was really fun and we got a lot done.  Robin we would love for you to take a day off and come up.  Casey doesn't work Friday's so that might be a good day.  Whatever works for you.  Karen the sign up sheets went really well, thank you for making them.  Thanks for all the food Mom and for cleaning everything up, it looks good.  Thanks for making an appointment for the roof.  I hope that he is a nice guy.  Today was pretty uneventful for us.  It was nice outside so we spent the morning out there.  Isaac is still kind of tired and a little grumpy.  He took a long nap and I should of been more productive with my sewing but I didn't get much done.  Everyone have a good night and thank you again.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...