Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pretty Day

I am glad that everyone had a good day, you guys are busy.  I am glad that you were able to visit with Jordan Mom, that is sweet of you.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac woke up early this morning tired and was kind of grumpy.  We had to run some errands this morning and go to story time which is always good.  The neighbor girl had her baby at the beginning of Oct and she brought her and I got to see her.  Isaac fell asleep when we got home so Casey didn't get to see him.  Jenn came over and we sewed.  She is working on the prettiest quilt.  I love it.  It is really bright and cheerful.  Isaac woke up after Casey and Jenn left so we had time to eat and then go to scouts.  The boys were really good today.  They weren't as wild so it was a good time.  Casey has a dentist appointment at 9 tomorrow morning so he came home early so he could get some sleep.  We went out to ice cream and it was fun.  I am excited for Mom to come up next week.  It will be fun.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...