Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I am glad that everyone had a good day, that makes me happy.  We had a good day.  We went slow this morning and that was nice.  While Oliver was at school I took Ruthie to story time and that was fun.  I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned this afternoon.  Casey watched the kids but our wires got crossed on the time so he ended up picking them up at the dentist office but it worked out great.  When I got home we walked to picked up Isaac which was nice.  The boys had their last swimming lessons.  The boys in Isaac's class have been wild and it stresses him out.  Today the boys were moving the platform again.  We had talked about what to do so Isaac got out of the pool and that worked out good.  Casey took Ruth to visit Leona and they drove her up the canyon and had a nice time.  She came over for dinner and then went home.  Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week which will be nice.  Love you guys.


Ruthie was running around naked with a box on her head after her bath, it was funny.

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