Wednesday, October 17, 2018


It was a busy day at work and I talked to my boss about my future.  I probably will  never be able to go back to CI.  I am not sure what is going to happen.  I told him I was worried about my position.  I will see if anything happens.  It upset me but it wasn't anything that I already knew.  We did try a new Indian place called Saffron.  It was good.  It was fun to try a new place.  We went to Target afterwards to look for some carpet for Robin's stairs.  We didn't get any but it was fun to look around.  Karen got the kids Lego Christmas countdown calendars and I bought that pet patrol thing that Oliver wanted.  I bought Ruth a Barbie and Issac some battling robots. I thought Santa could bring them.  Just a filler.  I called and canceled my home owners insurance and it made me feel rich.  Karen got her test strips all worked out.  They paid her back what she paid for the wrong strips and gave her the new strips for free.  They gave her a Walmart card.  Well Dad is staying home and going with Karen to the doctor.  I love Ruth dancing and Oliver in those glasses made my day.  Good luck with your apartment tomorrow Robin.  LOVE MOM

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