Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I hope that you guys had a fun evening together, that is fun.  Ruthie stayed up late last night and I then I stayed up watching a scary series on Netflixs so I was tired.  I didn't work out because I was going to watch Stephanie's kids and it seemed too busy.  Oliver had school while they were over and it was really fun to have them.  We went shopping to get stuff to make Casey's cake for tomorrow.  I am going to try to make German Chocolate Cake from scratch.  Casey fixed all our bikes last night so we were able to ride bikes today which was fun.  Oliver did crash his on the way home and scraped his knee.  Casey had scouts so he was later getting home.  We were just lazy tonight which was nice.  Have a good day tomorrow and good luck with your sensor Karen.


Ruthie dancing

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