Thursday, December 3, 2009

construction zone

Wow karen it sounds like you are super busy, busy, busy. good luck with all of your test and dentist. I like your lights mom I think they are really cute. Sorry you had to miss your lunch the other day rachel. There is this AMAZING!!!!!! waffle place up here that I will take you to to make up for stupid work. :) Well today was fun. the fashion class was taking there final practical test and one girls model bailed on her so I went in and modeled for her. She did my foundation really thick and pale so everyone called me a ghost afterwords. I felt bad but luckily the girl didn't hear. :) but it was fun to not work for a few hours. anyway I posted a picture of the construction zone called chester the cheetah. His head isn't attached and I'm still working on his hands. and still have to sand, smooth, sand....... ect ect ect... any who have a great one

love you

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