Thursday, June 4, 2020


Today was good.  We had swimming lessons this morning and the kids had a hard time waking up.  Isaac had his magic class today and the teacher sent me a link for a 10 am class.  I thought it was at 2 so we hurried home from swimming lessons.  I was right and it really was at 2 so he sent me another link. Isaac enjoyed the class and he did fun stuff with them.  I read with the little kids while he did that and that was nice.  I worked on taking up the baseboards downstairs and it is slow going.  I am almost done with the second course for the certification which is good.  I dropped off a birthday book for a primary girl and then we went to the library which was nice.  Isaac read then rest of the afternoon.   Randy came over and they worked on fixing his bike.  Me and the kids rode our bikes around the block which was fun.  I had book group so I went to that so I am late blogging.  I am sad about the rain this weekend.  So crazy it is 95 tomorrow and then 55 on Sunday.


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 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me...