Sunday, October 10, 2021


 Today was good and busy.  I had a meeting this morning.  When I got home Casey took off to go on a bike ride with his friend around Willard Bay.  They had a fun day.  I took the kids to church.  I handed out the primary program parts.  After church I emailed them to the parents also.  I have been using mail merge which is awesome and I was happy I could remember how to do it.  We promised candy if they memorized the parts and I heard a kids super excited in the telling his parents about it.  I delivered some birthday books.  Then we went to the park with Tony.  I threw the ring for him and the kids played.  It was a beautiful day and we had a fun time.  Casey came home around dinner time.  Casey and Isaac made a dish that Isaac has been obsessed with for the last few days.  It tasted good.  Casey gave Tony a bath.  He has smelled bad since his surgery.  Traci asked if I could substitute for preschool in Wednesday so I am going to do that.  It should be fun.  Love you guys and have a good Monday.



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 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...