Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

I am sorry about Vickie's husband. That is hard. I feel bad for her. If she needs anything let me know. Robin, I am sad that you aren't going to be here for Thanksgiving, I will take a ton of pictures and jump on some people for you. I am getter really excited to shop. Karen you are busy, I hope that you are able to get everything done. I am really liking the Gathering Storm, but I hate Egwene. She is stupid. But the book is good and has made me happy a couple of times. I have four more hours to listen to. Karen when you have a free moment you need to read it so I can discuss it with you, I am about to burst. I had a good day. Work went well and then I went visiting teaching. I know the ladies now and it is fun to visit. I finished cutting my quilt out tonight so I am ready for tomorrow. I am really excited for this quilt. I need a week off so I can just sew, that would be nice. I set the goats up this morning with a water heater so they should be alright. I will check on it in the morning and make sure that it hasn't frozen. Well everyone stay safe and be careful. This is a funny website, it is just werid family photos. http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...