Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Fun day

The museum was really fun. They had a celebration for kids so it was busy but it is really a fun place. We will need to go again. We meet dad for lunch and then went shopping. We got a bucket of Lego parts. Lots of wheels. We had fun playing with them tonight. Julie isn't going to sew to morrow so me and Rachel are going to make pillow cases.  I bought some material so isaac and Oliver can have pillows here.  Have a happy New Years.  Love mom

Even colder

Well the low last night was -23 and the high today was 6. At least we got in the positive numbers. I helped do some pre-counts for the inventory. We are doing the full inventory on Friday. I hope that you guys had a fun time at the children's museum today. I am glad that you guys choose an indoor activity. I am glad that I have tomorrow off. I am so going to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great new years eve. Bye

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Safe and sound

Rachel and family made it safe and sound. It is so cold. We had to turn on the heat. It was 56 in our house when we got home. We are going to the natural history museum tomorrow. They are having a special New Years celebration for kids. They are suppose to have some amazing dinosaur bones. I will let you know if it is good. Be safe in the cold. 10 below. That is so cold you might want to drip your sinks,  open the sink cupboards to let the air circulate.  Love mom


It was really cold here today also. We didn't get above 10 degrees today. I had some snow on my walks this morning and was hoping that the sun would melt it, but it never got warm enough so I had to shovel it after work. It is -10 here right now. Work was good. I hope mom, Rachel, and crew have a fun time tomorrow. I have to work, but I get Thursday off. Only one day but I am so going to sleep. In. Well have a great one everyone. Bye

Let it go

It was so cold today! They wouldn't let truck drivers drive through Davis county it was so windy. I took me three hours after work to dethaw. It was a crazy day. It started crazy and in the middle it was a little crazy then it ended with insanity, it was nice not to work at scheels I have vegged all night, it's been nice. Well not to much else stay warm and travel safe.


Monday, December 29, 2014

So Cold

It is really windy here also.  I worked today and I am with Karen it was hard getting back to work.  However I shouldn't complain because I only have to work one more day.  Rachel is coming down tomorrow night.  On Wednesday we are going to the Utah Natural History Museum and then Thursday we are sewing.  If any one wants to join for dinners or anything else just let us know.  The weather is suppose to be pretty good for the rest of the week.  Just really cold.  Me and dad went grocery shopping on the way home tonight.  It is nice to have food in the house again.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  I am glad you have internet Robin.  I just never realize how much I love that until it doesn't work.  Dad did get Walters virtual stuff up and working.  Let me know when you want to get together and get that to Walter.  LOVE MOM


Robin, I am glad that your internet is working, that sucks.  Today was good.  Isaac had a doctors appointment for his 4 year old check up.  He is doing really good and checked out.  He weights 40 lbs 80%, 41 1/4" 75%.  I asked about him being a picky eater and he said that most kids his age are.  It was so windy here today, it is driving me crazy.  I don't like it.  I was able to go to My Girl Firends quilt shop and use my gift card and Casey watched the kids.  I got some cream fat quarters for my sampler quilt background.  It was nice.  Well we are going to head down tomorrow to SLC around dinner time.  I am excited for New Years, it will be fun.  I finished a quilt last night.  It isn't my best one but it went fast.



Sorry I haven't blogged in a while my Internet was down and I'm at 75 percent on my data till the 4th I'm on restricted phone internet. But they have my wifi working again so that is nice. Today I did laundry and cleaned my room. I now have to do my living room but it's a work in progress. well stay safe in this weather and stay warm!!


Well it was cold and snowy here today. I shoveled about four inches off my driveway this morning. Then about another inch after work. Work was good. It was rough going back to work after having all that time off. But I was tough and made it thru. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 28, 2014


I forgot to blog last night, sorry.  Yesterday was good.  Casey had to go fix Calleen's furnace last night after work so he was tired today.  He is a trooper.  We made it to church today but not the sacrament, it seemed like a lot to me this morning.  Church will be at 1 next week.  It will be easier to get their on time I think.  Oliver is feeling better, he still isn't a hundred percent but he is a lot better.  He is all over the place and into everything which is a good sign.  Isaac has his four year old check up tomorrow.  It will be good to see how much he grew.  We painted the last of the cookies tonight, thanks Mom.  He loves doing that.  I took a lot of pictures of Oliver today, he was just so cute.


Quiet Day

It was a really quiet day here.  I even cleaned and cooked.  Grandma Bodily didn't want to go out so we just stayed home.  It snowed off and on all day.  I am not ready to go back to work.  Oh well it is only for two days and then I am taking some more time off.  It should be really quiet.  A lot of people are taking the days off.  Robin I hope you had a quiet day off also.  Be careful in the snow tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well it has been snowing off and on today. I shoveled this morning I am hoping that the sun will come out tomorrow, but after looking at the weather report I don't think it will. It is going to be rough to have to work a whole week after working just a day and a half last week. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Home again

Well I am back home again.  I sure had the best holiday.  We met dad in Park City and then I came home and Karen went back to Kamas.  I had a nap, I hope you got one as well Karen.  It was hard to come back to the real world.  I took down my Christmas today.  I hope that Oliver is feeling better.  They had those cute kits on clearance at Walmart and they had soap paint.  I got some for Oliver and Isaac.  Robin, I hope you are getting some rest.  You have been going a hundred miles per hour.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


I am doing good. I had a great Christmas. Thanks everyone for the fun time. I also had a fun time with mom also. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be much snow. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye

Friday, December 26, 2014


Thanks for the fun day! I didn't do Boxing Day my place is a mess still. I hope the mornings are better Karen I am worried. I'm glad the kids had fun with their toys. I worked today it went home early though around 12. They said I could stay but they said leaving early is totally fine. So I had no excuse to work and a million reasons to leave early. So me and Walter meet up for lunch at IHOP. Then I went to scheels for work. I decided to go grocery shopping. I bought some bread mix so now I just need to get Christmas organized and then I can make bread, I work again tomorrow but I have all Sunday off. It will be awesome. Today felt like Monday I am going to be so off this week. Have a good one



We did Boxing Day in kamas also.  It was nice to get things put away.  We drove to park city and got a craft. I got those rubber bands that make brackets and Karen got a scarf. We went to carters and got Oliver some more of those jeans. They were having a great sale. We have had a nice day. Played games and watched bones and made bracelets.  Karen is going to not take so much insulin before bed. I thing that will solve her morning lows.  Robin I am glad that Walters family loved your gingerbread houses and gifts. I am going home tomorrow. It is suppose to snow on Sunday.  Love mom

Boxing Day

We had a wonderful Christmas also, thank you everyone.  It was just a nice day.  Today I cleaned up all the Christmas stuff and it feels nice to have more room.  We played with all the toys this morning and got the roller coaster built.  It runs a lot better than your Karen, I don't have to mess with it as much.  It was the same brand just a different design.  We painted snow outside, made wooden cars, played with the sand, and everything else.  Calleen and Allen came and visited after lunch and stayed the afternoon.  They wanted to see what the boys got and play with them, it was fun.  We tried the lanterns, this one was a little slow to get going but it made it.   I am glad that you guys are staying in Kamas, that is fun.  I hope that work went fast for you Robin, that is a long day.  I love your hair, it makes me want to do mine.  Thanks again such a nice time.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

thank you everyone for the nice CHristmas.  I sure had a nice time. I am glad everyone made it home safe.  We are staying the night at Karen's. Thanks again for every thing I love you.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Thanks for the birthday wishes. I got my hair cut today it is so nice to have less hair. I'm excited to see everyone tomorrow. I used Karens vacuum it's awesome, I still have a messy house but it's vaccumed. I am making ginger bread houses so hopefully they look ok have a good night and everyone travel safe


Birthday Eve

Happy Birthday tomorrow Robin.  I hope that you have amazing day.  We will see you tomorrow.  I will text you when we leave Mom.  I am hoping to get down their around 3.  Today was pretty good.  We visited Randy this afternoon and it was good to talk.  Isaac was wild, I think he was just a tired boy today.  Casey was reading to him tonight and he fell asleep as soon as he laid down.  I hung up his calendar and we went through it and he loved it.  I think it will be really good for him to have it up to see what day it is.  Well everyone have a good night and I will see you tomorrow.


Almost 30

Less than 24 hours and someone I love is going to be the big 30.  YEAH! The rest of your birthday present came today.  I am all ready to go.  I worked late today so I can leave early tomorrow.  Just give me a call Rachel and I will leave after you leave.  I am so excited.  I went to Sam's tonight and got a few more things for the party.  WE are going to eat well.  Karen thanks for having us come up.  I had a stupid headache all day.  I am ready for bed.  Have a great day and I will see you soon.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM

I am Groot

Well I did laundry tonight and I watched Guardians of the Galaxy while doing it. It is a good show. I took my tissues into work today. Everyone seemed to like them Rachel. I only have to work a half day tomorrow so I am super excited about that. It snowed a lot here today. I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Happy almost birthday Robin. Have a great one bye

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Fun times

I had such a fun time for Isaac's birthday party.  Thanks Rachel for having us all up.  Isaac is was so cute.  He was so cute today at church.  They sang happy birthday to him.  I am excited for Robins birthday on Tuesday.  The fun times get to keep happening.  Have a great Monday.  We made it home around 3:30.  It was pouring rain in Sardine but no snow.  It seems so weird to have rain.  It wasn't raining at all at our place.  I am glad you got some snow Karen.  I love the bike Rachel.  He is going to love that.  I fell sound asleep when we got home.  LOVE MOM

Thank you

Thank you for giving Isaac such a nice Birthday.  He is one loved boy, thank you.  I am glad that we get to celebrate Robin's birthday on Tuesday, that will be fun.  We had a fun afternoon playing with all his new toys.  The day went really fast.  Here are some pictures.  I didn't get one of Mom but I got everyone else.  I need to work on getting better pictures.



Well my day has been good. I did have to shovel this morning. It sucked because it was super wet. At least it was only about an inch. It has snowed off and on most of the day. But it did stick to the sidewalk after I shoveled. I also got the rest of my house cleaned up. So I am all set for everyone to come to my place. Mom we forgot to get chicken for the Hawaiian haystacks. Thanks for the fun day yesterday. I am excited for the fun times to continue later this week. Have a great week everyone. Bye

Friday, December 19, 2014

They made it

Mom and Dad made it too Logan.  We have one excited boy.  Thanks for driving up tomorrow.  We will have a good time.


I am so glad that it is the weekend. My day has been good. Work did drag a bit in the afternoon, but I made it thru. I am excited for Isaac's party tomorrow. I really don't have too much to report. So I guess I will just see everyone tomorrow. Bye

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Cutest cake in the whole world

I love the cake and Isaac loves it.  That is all that matters. Karen way to go on cleaning.  You are more than welcome to come and clean my house when you are done. :) Robin good luck working.  I think you secret santa is going to love that purse.  It is so cute.  I had a good day.  It was busy and I need to have a quiet day.  I am hoping tomorrow will be quiet.  I need to enter data bad.  I am so excited to come up.  I am packing my bags as I speak.  I am also going to bring sunday clothes so we can go to church with you.  I thought that would be fun.  Everyone have a wonderful Friday and we will see you soon.  LOVE MOM

Only One

Today was pretty good.  Casey and Isaac finished frosting the white camper cake.  Casey is so patient.  He was all done and then Isaac wanted sprinkles on it and he dumped the whole thing on it.  Isaac loves the cake and that is all that matters.  We went to the library Christmas party tonight and we were the only ones there.  It was so funny, usually their are ten million kids at the events there.  They said they didn't put it in the paper and advertised late.  The boys had fun anyway.  We watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas, that is a really good movie.  Then Santa came and we got a horrible picture with him.  I am excited for everyone to come up.  Thanks for everything.


Almost Friday

Well my day has been good. It was cold today. It even snowed for about ten minutes or so. Work went by fast. Then after work I decided to start getting my house clean for when everyone comes up for Christmas. So I got 2 out of my 3 bathrooms clean and the three bedroom on the main side. So now I just have to clean my living room and kitchen and the other part of my house, but at least I got started. I am so glad that it is Friday tomorrow. Robin do you want to drive up to Logan with me on Saturday? I am just going up for the day. Just let me know. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Do close

Work has been so busy time flew by today which is nice. Tomorrow we have our secret santa at work. I am giving my Minnie mouse bag. The are buying us lunch to so that will be fun. I am working scheels tonight so nothing big to report. I am so so glad tomorrow is friday.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

White Camper

That cake is going to look just like a white camper.  Casey is so talented.  That is fun.  I am glad you are having a fun time.  Isaac looked so happy.  Congratulations Robin on wrapping that always feels so nice.  I am done wrapping also.  I am excited for this weekend.  We are going to try and come up Friday after work and then leave Sunday after church.  I thought that would be fun.  Today was busy but I just wasn't very productive.  I will try again tomorrow.  My piles are not getting gone but they aren't getting worse.  I am so glad we made it through half a week.  Next week I only have to work 2 days.  LOVE MOM


Today was. Busy at work it's been crazy. I worked till 5. I work tomorrow  and Friday at scheels. So nothing else to crazy with me. I wrapped all my presents yeah!!



Karen, you can come up whenever you would like.   Thanks for coming up.  Casey was baking for most of the day today.  He wanted to make the cake today in case it didn't work out and Isaac wanted sugar cookies again so we made those.  I gave Isaac's teachers the tissues for Christmas and they liked them.  They gave Isaac a present and he made one for me and Casey.  We put them under the tree.  I also brought some treats for Isaac's birthday to his school just to make it special.  They gave him a birthday card and I noticed he was the leader in line.  Calleen and Allen dropped by a minute after they looked at the green house again.  It was good to see them.  After dinner we walked around joanns to get some interfacing and just to get out of the house.  It was a busy day with all the cooking, it is busy with Christmas things and Birthday stuff.



Well my day has been good. I am glad that it is getting closer to the weekend. I made tortilla soup for dinner. It tasted really good. Rachel I was planning on just coming up on Saturday for Isaac's birthday. Is that okay? I would just leave here in the morning and then come back that night. Well just one week until Christmas. I am excited. Have a great one. Bye

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Good Day

Today felt busy for me also.  I went visiting teaching this morning.  Isaac had a cough so I left him with Casey took Oliver with me.  My partner got a call about her daughter so we didn't finished because she had to go be with her.  I hope that she is doing alright.  I had to get some things at the store afterwards.  I was fun just going with Oliver.  After lunch I sewed with Jenn, it was fun.  I gave her a bag for Christmas and she really liked it.  Casey's Mom had some time between a soap appointment and picking up Allen so she came and hung out with us.  We made her hamburgers for dinner since she likes meat.  She left the same time Casey went to scouts.  The boys went to bed really easy which was nice.  Tomorrow we are going to start making the big birthday cake.  Pretty exciting.


Isaac and Oliver checking out the washing machine together.

Big Busy Day

It was a busy day at work.  We got a new employee and that took most of the morning.  It will be nice to have an extra person.  We have been short handed.  I met Kay and Julie and all her kids for dinner.  It was nice to walk around Gardner Village.  They have cute displays.  Kay took me to Shopko and I found the snow colors for Isaac for Christmas.  It was even on sale.  That was good.  I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday.  Just think next week at this time we will be all done with Robin's birthday and zoo lights.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM


Today was good busy. We are changing processes at work and it's crazy. But it will be for the better. I worked at scheels today so nothing to exciting. I am tired but I think it's just the weather being dreary adding to my sleepiness


Well my day has been good. Work stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. I am ready for it to be the weekend already. Oh well at least it is getting closer. I hope that you had a good time at dinner with Kay any Julie, mom. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 15, 2014

10 more days

It is getting so close to Christmas and birthdays.  I am getting so excited.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  I am so glad about your meds Karen.  That is going to save you a lot of money.  I am glad you got thread Robin.  That is so much fun.  Rachel, I am glad your took your Van in that is good to get is all working.  We went grocery shopping on the way home.  That was nice.  Work was crazy busy and I didn't hardly get anything done.  Tomorrow a new girl starts working so that will be nice.  We have been so short handed.  Well have a great Tuesday.  I am going to meet Kay and Julie for dinner tomorrow at Gardner Village.  I thought that would be fun.  Julie got a new phone and wanted to show it to us.  Love you guys.  MOM


Robin, you are welcome about the thread.  It was old and I am glad that you can use it, it makes me happy.  I am excited about your sewing machine.  Good luck with all your paper work Karen and I am glad that you got some rest Mom.  We had a good day.  Their were some recall stuff on the van so we took it in this morning and picked it up this afternoon.  We also ordered a glove box latch and that will be in tomorrow which will be really nice.  We went on a walk after we dropped off the van, it was a pretty day.  Then Isaac went to preschool.  Casey took him and picked him up since I don't know how to drive his car.  Oliver slept the whole time Isaac was gone which was really nice.  We played outside for a while and then picked up the van.  After dinner we just watched some shows.  Oliver fell asleep while I was holding in and it was so nice just to hold him when he isn't wiggly.  Well everyone have a good night.  I am excited for this weekend.


It's the week before

Today was good, work has been busy, we are changing the production check process and it's going to be quite the change. We basically were told last week we were changing but we don't honestly have anything in place to make it run smooth, so it's going to be a bumpy ride. Rachel sent me a million thread colors. I'm excited all I had was red so now I can do some diffrent stuff. Thanks! I hope it's not to super snowy in kamas we got nothing in Murray. I finished Christmas shopping so that is a load off, so glad to have that done. Well not much else have a good night



So today I had to fill out a bunch of paper work for the merger. I asked about insulin and it is classified as a preventative drug so I only have to pay a copay for it. I was way excited about that. It should save me a bunch. Other than that it was a typical Monday. I did go to Walmart after work and got a few groceries. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, December 14, 2014


I have really crashed today.  I woke up at 11 and then took two naps.  I should be getting rested up.  It snowed here off and on all day also but nothing stuck.  I had a nice weekend also.  I have Isaac's presents all wrapped and ready to go for his birthday.  I am so excited to celebrate his birthday.  I ordered Robin's birthday present today also.  I love the pictures.  Oliver is getting so big.  I love the way he stands.  Have a great week.  Robin I hope you got lots of fun things with your discount.  LOVE MOM


We had a good weekend.  Yesterday we went to the ward Christmas party.  It was fun, it was pretty simple.  Isaac liked playing with the kids.  We played around the house and had a really good day.  Today we went to church and made it the whole time.  I am excited for Isaac's birthday party this next weekend.  It will be fun.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.



Well it has been snowing off and on all day today. I didn't have to shovel though so that was nice. My day was good. Robin I will bring the net up to Isaac's birthday then. That way you have more time to wrap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Saturday, December 13, 2014


I got everything all wrapped up tonight.  I am usually not that organized when it comes to wrapping.  I usually just put them in boxes but Isaac has been loving wrapping so everything is wrapped up.  I think he will like that.  We went to Park City with Karen today and I went to Old Navy and got everything I needed to finish up.  It was so nice and they had such good sales.  I really scored.  I also went to Carters and got those pants for Oliver.  I was on a roll.  We came home and I took a 3 hour nap.  I have been so tired lately.  It felt so nice.  I also got all my laundry caught back up.  I don't think we are going to Logan tomorrow.  Sorry about that Rachel.  I am just so tired.  I think if I could have a day to rest, I will make it.  Have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Wurk it

Today was good I worked at scheels so nothing to exciting. Tomorrow me and Walter are going Christmas shopping at scheels since they are letting me use my discount. Karen I am good with whatever. I will do whatever is easier. But if I have to decide we can give him the soccer net for his birthday. It will give me a couple.extra days to procrastinate wrapping. Well have a good one



I had a fun time today. Last night me and mom went to Forgotten Carols which was really good. Then dad, mom, and me hung out for awhile today. It did snow for a little while here, but none of it stuck so that w's nice. Robin I have been meaning to ask if we are going the soccer net or the scooter for Isaac's birthday. I am good either way I just didn't know if I needed to bring the soccer net with me next weekend for Isaac's birthday party. Well I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, December 12, 2014

Nice time

Karen made it safe and sound.  We went to dinner and then went to the Forgotten Carols.  It was a really neat play.  I enjoyed it so much.  Karen bought me the CD afterwards so I can listen to the music.  She is going to spend the night and if it doesn't snow we are going to play for awhile.  Rachel that is so cute that Isaac wrapped presents.  I hate to wrap presents.  I am not very good at it.  I love sacks.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  LOVE MOM


Today was pretty good.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then went to story time.  This afternoon Isaac wanted to wrap presents so I got out the paper he won from bingo and he wrapped up all his cars.  He held the scissors the right way and cut out the paper and we taped it on.  It looked good.  Then he could unwrap it.  We ended up doing it three of four times.  He loved it.  It took forever tonight to put everyone in bed.  It wore me out.  I am going to sew for a little while.  We have a ward Christmas party tomorrow which should be fun.  Everyone have a good weekend.


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fun times

WOW Robin that would be fun to go to Chicago.  I know a lot of people at work that have been there and I could get you some fun places to go. You will love that.  Me and Karen had a really fun time at the party.  I won a gift card to Starbucks.  Robin, I am saving that for you.  Thanks Karen for inviting me.  Traffic was horrible on the campus.  It took me 45 minutes to get onto Foothill.  I was stressing out.  I did make it in the nick of time.  Rachel, I agree with you.  I think with that much effort you could get a masters degree and that will be a lot better.  I love your pictures.  Oliver looks cute in his shoes.  He is growing up so fast.  I have been loving this weather also.  I had a work party today also.  I had two free meals.  The work party I had to do a slide show of everyone's pictures.  It even turned out good.  I am getting better at power point.  Have a great Friday.  It is suppose to be stormy on Saturday.  It was so windy in Kamas tonight.  Karen's garbage cans kept getting blown over. Rachel I love your table runner.  I love the colors.  They are so bright and fun.  You always pick out the best fabric.    LOVE MOM

I love this weather

Robin that is awesome you get to go to Chicago, I think that would be a neat city to see.  Fun.  Mom and Karen I hope that you had a fun time at the party.  We had another fun day.  Jenn watched the kids for a while this morning and we finished Christmas shopping and I went to bridgerland and got information about their program.  It is 20 hours a week and it would take me a year and a half.  I think that if I am going to invest that much time into school I might as well get a masters degree so I am leaning towards doing that later.  I think the kids are too little to throw too much time at it now.  After lunch Oliver took a nap and me and Isaac ran to Sam's.  We spend the rest of the day outside.  It was so nice.  We played and pruned trees.  I did finished my table topper today.  I like it, I am not sure if I choose the right fabric but I like how it turned out.  Casey goes back to work tomorrow so it is back to real life.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...