Monday, December 31, 2012
Ironing in the new year
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We had a quiet day. Karen came down and she bought her a new washer and dryer at Lowe's. It is not a front loader but is really a fancy one. It is a Whirlpool. They are going to deliver it on the 8th of January. She doesn't get internet until the 9th so she will be blogless until then. Robin I hope you don't have a party too late into the night. It is really quiet here. After Karen went back home dad went to work because they needed to recollect two chemicals to be done with 4 units so I ironed and watched Monk. I still have some to do but I am getting caught up. Dad has shirts again. :) We have no hot water at our place. Dad looked at it but couldn't figure it out. I will have to call maintenance tomorrow. I am not sure they will fix it on a holiday. I guess a cold shower is in my future. Rachel I think that is funny that Isaac jumps without holding on. He is such a dare devil. I miss him already. We just laughed and laughed about all the cute things he did this weekend. I don't have any more news. Have a happy new year. LOVE MOM
Happy New Year
I am sorry that your neighbors are having a party Robin, that sucks. Maybe they will move locations. I hope that you were able to take a awesome bath Karen. I am glad that you got a washer and dryer. We had a good day. It is so nice to have Casey home. He is feeling better I think. He is still having a hard time sleeping. Isaac woke up at 6:30 this morning, he is out of control. He was kind of grumpy but not too bad. He was really happy to be home. He can jump on the trampoline without holding on now, he got a kick out of that. We don't have any great plans for tonight it is nice to be home. I hope that everyone has a good New Years Eve and I hope that we have an amazing 2013.
2012 farewell
Thanks for the fun weekend ;) i love your house karen so cute. I got signed into my pattern making class :) I was way excited. it starts the 14th. I hope everyone has a good new years. I think the guy upstairs is starting to have a party. the music is loud and lots of walking around. it will be a crazy night. I might make some bread or something to kill time and listen to my good music. I guess I will be up anyway. I put a picture of grumpy cat below he's my new favorite thing. its so funny. HAPPY 2013!! let it be lucky for us all!!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Yea for Friday
Rachel I am sorry that Isaac got an owie. that is rough. My day was good. I called and got an appointment set up to get Internet at my house. I won't get it until the 9th. But that is better than nothing. I am excited to move. Thanks everyone for all your help. Well have a great one. BYE
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Poor little guy
Man the Anderson men are not under a good moon right now are they. I am sorry that Isaac fell. Shots and then a big lip. I will have to buy him a surprise. I am not so excited for Friday. It means my time off is going by too fast. I did get my hair cut this morning and met Kay, Jen and Sarah and kids for lunch. It was fun just to wander around for awhile. The mall was crazy busy. Tomorrow I am going to run errands most of the day and hopefully get dad's jeep inspected. Wish Casey good luck with his doctor's appointment tomorrow. I hope all goes well with that. Not much else to report. I am ready for the move. YEAH!
We are falling apart
First off Isaac's doctor was good. Isaac didn't do great but he is doing what he is supposed to be doing and he looks great. His weight is 32 lbs 90%, height 35 1/4" 75%, head circumference 51 cm. Casey had today off and it was nice to have him home. He was able to rest. This afternoon me and Isaac went outside to bring in the garbage. We were just hanging out outside. It was snowing and it was really pretty. Isaac was looking up at the snow falling for a little while the he looked down and feel flat on his face. His lip was bleeding but stopped pretty fast but he has a big lip now and its red under his nose. I feel so bad for him. he is eating good and sucked on his binki so I don't think that he is in too bad of shape. We may have to reschedule the picture though. I will see what he looks like tomorrow. I attached a picture, I am not sure if you can see the swelling but it was the best one I could get. Everyone have a good night and stay safe in all of this snow. I shoveled another foot of snow today. It is so crazy.
Me too
I wish it was Friday also. Today was good though. We had a steak luncheon for a guy at works birthday. It was super yummy. I ate too much though. It was snowy this morning. But it was pretty nice this evening. I did get some more packing done. So hopefully it won't be too crazy this weekend. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE
Today was good I wish it was friday but at least it is thursday. The weekend is so close. I bought some chicken last night so tonight I made breaded chicken with pasta and ragu sauce. Then I steamed some asparagus with my new steamer. it was tasty. the chickens were huge though I made like 4 dinners for warm ups, now I have Tupperware I can have warm ups. now I am being lazy and watching walk the line. Its nice. Is there anything you need me to bring for the weekend? let me know and I can stop at the store. well have a great night
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
No work
Well I got up at 10 and just did laundry and bills and got things done. It was really nice. I got a lot done. Tomorrow I am going to go get my haircut and then go meet Kay and Jen for lunch. It should be nice to get caught back up with everyone. I am with Rachel. I got the peanut butter cups from skiing and I think I have eaten the whole bag. I guess we will have to buy new treats for next weekend. I did buy the roast and stuff so I am set for the moving time. I also rented a Uhaul so that is set. I am glad that Casey is taking a couple of days off. He will heal up faster besides that he can help take Isaac to the doctor tomorrow. I am 100 percent sure they won't think that Isaac is neglected because he needs his finger nails cut. I am glad he likes his blanket. It is really amazing. I bet it is really warm also. Robin I am glad you got a whole hour off. That does make a big difference. Karen good luck packing. We will be up there Friday night to help so don't stress. Well have a fun Thursday. Two more days and we get a 4 day weekend. Love that.
no powa
today was good, we went out to lunch and when we came back the power was out. so we did a few things, then the owner called it. so I was done with work at 3. It was nice to get off early. I went grocery shopping, and did laundry, then I vacuumed. it was nice to have a day to get ahead. then i watched movies all night. thanks for the fun week, I love all my gifts. thanks again. well have a great day!
I can't stop eating
I can't stop eating all the snacks and candy that was left. I might have gained 50 pounds by this weekend. This morning was like Christmas again. Isaac was excited to see all his new toys. We had a good day and he was happy. Casey did good at work but he is taking the rest of the week off. He has enough vacation so he is going to use it. It think that it will be good for him to rest. Isaac has his doctors appointment tomorrow. I am excited to see how he has grown. He wouldn't let me cut his finger nails so he looks neglected still. I am going to try again tomorrow. He wanted to sleep with his new truck blanket and he loves it. He likes sleeping with it and it has been working out having it in his crib. It is fun to have him use it. Thank you again for the wonderful Christmas. We are spoiled. Good luck packing Karen. I hope that it goes smoothly and we will be there this weekend.
Well it is snowy here today. I have only gone to work one day this week and it has already seemed like a long day. I am tough though I can make it. I did manage to take a load of boxes to my house this morning. It is too cold and snowy to reload my car tonight though. I hope that Casey's shoulder is feeling better. Is Isaac having present withdrawals today? Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Love ya and thanks for the great Christmas.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
What a wonderful holiday
Thanks everyone for the wonderful time. I can't believe how fast 4 days can go when you are having fun. Thank you for the nice gifts and the fun time. I hope that Casey's shoulder gets feeling better soon. I think that Logan got the most snow. Kamas and Heber hardly had any and we had about half of what Logan got. Weird. I thought Kamas would have the most. We just vegged when we got home and watched movies. I am looking forward to the next party. Karen's big move. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
Picture Overload
Here are some pictures from all the festivities. Thank you so much it was so fun being together.
Friday, December 21, 2012
One Shed Bodily
Karen, thanks for the pictures. I love your house and I am so glad that it is finally tours. I am so excited for you. That is amazing that you won all that money. That came at a good time with your house closing. Now you can afford that sewing machine you have always wanted. Today was good. Isaac is feeling better and we are having good days again. It is really really wonderful. It has been so cold I had to give Isaac his Christmas coat early. It looks really good on him and I think that it will be a good coat for him. He also likes to play the piano, he looks so cute when playing I took a pictures.
Thanks Karen for the pictures. I love your house. I agree the red bedroom may have to go. It might be a good train room however. (just kidding). Robin thanks for the bread. It looks so good. I am so excited for tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next week. 11 days off. I am going to have a real good time. Well I wrapped the rest of my presents tonight and I am ready for Robin's birthday. I agree with Robin we could have a count down to the quilt show. That would be fun. Get lots of rest tonight. We are going to need it.
Well I won 500 dollars at the party. Then I got an award for having a good attitude (the Happy Jack Award) and got 200 dollars with that. Yeah! Work went by pretty fast today as well. I guess having a 2 hour luncheon will do that. I went to my house tonight and took pictures to put on the blog. Impressive I know.
Living room
mater bedroom
Master bathroom
Dining room
Laundry room
One bedroom
Outside (Rachel will you take the playset on the left)
Extra bathroom
2nd bedroom
3rd bedroom
another bathroom
4th bedroom
5th bedroom
Thursday, December 20, 2012
quilt show
maybe a count down to the quilt show?? anywho happy last day. I really hope tomorrow happens I have been cooking non-stop. I've have be in go go mode, mom I will bring down the crock pots they are in my pile. -- also rachel I have in my pile the christmas movies that you wanted to copy. I made pretzels with carmel dipped in chocolate, oreo truffels for my work "its my birthday" treat. and for you guys..... bread!! I did it, its all done i posted a picture below. Hopefully my oven cooked it properly it looks done. I haven't made the houses to decorate yet hopefully tomorrow. if not I will bring the pan with me and I will make a fresh batch in logan. sorry ran out of time and kitchen space. I wrapped everyone's presents YEAH!!! so christmas is a go. happy friday!! see you all in a bit :)
Two great minds
I think that is funny Rachel, I came back to blog that we need a new count down calendar. We will have to think of something epic to count down. Love the pictures. Now if we just had pictures of a new house. :) LOVE MOM
One More Day
We need to think of something else to count down to, our countdown on the blog ends tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow if the zombies come. Good job on your house Karen. Pictures would be nice if you stop in again. Today was good. Isaac is feeling better and things are going better. Casey had to work late since he was sick yesterday so me and Isaac walked the mall and I set up an appointment for his two year old pictures. I made another table runner and I put it on my table and I really like it. It doesn't match the kitchen great but it doesn't look too bad either. I also attached a picture of Isaac arranging all the magnets in a row. It was really cute, he was working on it when I was making dinner. I am excited to go skiing this weekend. It will be fun.
I went to the store tonight and got all the food for the holidays. I am so excited. I got everything for a fondue. Robin can you bring your little crock pots and we can use them for chocolate and cheese dips. I got steak and chicken and cresent rolls and fruit and marshmellows. We are going to have a really good birthday dinner. Work was slow for me also. I am just ready for the holidays. I am looking forward to 11 days off. That will be so good. I am driving to work tomorrow because I have to go to the post office to mail some stuff. That will be fun. I need to drive once in a while. Not much else to report other than I am ready for the parties to begin.
Almost Friday
Well I went over to the house after work today. It looks good. Mom said I should have taken pictures but I figure you can all see it in real life soon. My day was good. Work seemed long but that is just business as usual. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also the end of the year party at work. So that should be fun. I am good with the plan that everyone blogged. It should be an exciting Christmas holiday. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Firming up plans
Let's just go to Logan on Saturday and then leave on Saturday night after we have Robin's birthday dinner. We can come to SLC and then on Sunday we can go to Kamas and spend the whole day there. I agree with Robin. I think we are going to need some time to get things organized before we move everything in. Rachel and Casey and Isaac can do their thing on Sunday and we can goof around in Kamas and then Monday morning we will get up and go to Logan. That might work better for me anyway. I have to do payroll sometime on Monday or Sunday. I like that idea. LOVE MOM
um ok
well I was hazy on the whole saturday to sunday to monday business. I just know karen might be a tich excited for her house so I thought on my birthday we could clean up the yard and clean the house, i'm sure they are great people but so were the people that owned the house in logan. and they left some fun surprises. but I am totally cool with whatever works for everyone I will pack cloths and I will follow the pack. So there is my impute ;) well I am off to bed I am so tired....
Say I
I like the plan. The only problem I have is sleeping in Kamas on Saturday night. Karen doesn't have anything in the house yet. So we will leave here on Saturday, You guys go skiing in the afternoon. I was going to bring up some stuff for fondue. I think we can go to Kamas on Sunday and then Logan on Monday. How does that sound. I was going to also make some lasagna and then for Christmas eve we are going to have Karen's ham. I am glad you got you hair cut Robin. That is always fun. I am going to do that next week when I am not working. Mine is so long. Congratulations Karen. You are now a home owner. May you have many years of happiness in your house. Do we want to come and pick you up on Saturday Karen on our way to Logan? Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Congratulations Karen, that is awesome. I am so excited for you. That sounds right about the holiday plans. I am not sure about spending the night Sunday. You guys are welcome and it would be fun to have everyone stay. We need to stay in Logan on Sunday because Casey's Mom is coming over for Isaac's birthday. If you guys don't have to do anything Sunday you should just stay up here. We decided to make tamales for Isaac's birthday lunch. We got the stuff for it and I am excited. They hopefully will taste good. Casey didn't feel good last night and had a fever so he called in sick today. It was so nice to have him home. I don't feel as stressed out now. It was really a nice day. He was able to get some rest and is feeling better. Well I am excited for skiing and having the holidays start. Congratulations again Karen.
I did it
Well I did it. The house is mine starting tomorrow. Just as soon as the title clears. At least the bank will start emailing and calling me now. Just 2 more days until the weekend. Yeah! And it is a long one so that is even better. So let me sum up the holiday plan as I understand it. We are traveling up to Logan on Saturday morning and then going skiing from 1230 to 4 ish. Then I am assuming dinner. Now for my first question are we spending Saturday night in Logan? Then we are celebrating Robin's birthday on Sunday. Next question is that in Logan or SLC? Then Monday we are celebrating Isaac's birthday Monday and spending that night in Logan. Christmas the next morning. Then back home sometime that day. Does that sound right to everyone? Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
hair did
well today was an awful day at work. The new girl offically is a goner. she kept calling in all last week and hasn't shown up at all this week. then my boss is on vacation and all the orders were a hot mess. SO i decided to call up my groupon and see if i could get my hair cut. just for fun. they could fit me in so I got it dyed and cut. Lucklily the girl was super new so the "mentor" did most of the work. she basically styled it. so everything I really like but the style, but I figured one wash and that will change. Tomorrow I have a morning work breakfast. I am excited for your house karen :) it will be so fun. Rachel I will totally help you dye fabric. SO>>>>>>>>>>>Here is my final revision on plans. all in favor say I. So we will come down on saturday and ski (at beaver) I think afternoon is best but we can do morning. but if we do afternoon time. we can ski till 4. then come home and have dinner at 5. eat and play then we can pack up and go to kamas. On the 23 we will play in kamas/park city. clean the new house knock down some bushes. and take relaxing baths in the jetted tubs. Then on the 24 go up to logan party thru the 25th and come home and then we get ready for the next something...... ya
Home owner
Just think Karen tomorrow at this time you will be a home owner. WOW. That is exciting. We will meet you at the signing place at 4:00, then we will go celebrate. It was a busy day and then tonight I went looking for a wicker basket for the party tomorrow. I couldn't find one but I found a cute snowman box and I have decided that is good enough. Tomorrow I have a Christmas luncheon for administration and their assistants and then a retirement party for one of the people I work with and then off to help Karen. It is shaping up to be a busy day. Rachel, your quilt is really nice. You do such good work. I am sorry that Isaac isn't doing well. I hope his teeth come in soon. These ones have been rough. Are they the last set for awhile? I talked to Melody today and Lisa named her baby David. I thought you would like to know that. LOVE MOM
Good Job
Karen, I am very proud of you. I didn't realize how involved buying a house was and you handled everything really well. I am so excited for you. I am excited to see the house. Good luck tomorrow. We had a rough morning but I sewed with Jenn which was really nice and Isaac was a lot better in the afternoon. I finished my quilt and I am glad to be done with it. I going to quilt my quilts now. I need to dye some fabric so I was hoping that you could help me do it Robin. One more week till Christmas/Isaac's birthday. :)
Down to the end
Well I am super nervous about closing tomorrow. It will go good, but boy is it stressful. My day was good. The weather was snowy off and on today. The drive to work was alittle slick but the drive home wasn't bad at all. I am good with either skiing time. I do vote for Beaver though. Tomorrow is the cookie exchange at work. I even made cookies. I went with the standard oatmeal chocolate chip. If there are any left over I will bring them with me. I can't believe that Christmas is only a week away. Well wish me luck. Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Monday, December 17, 2012
That is crazy about the price difference for skiing. We could do half day in the afternoon then you wouldn't have to leave so early. That might work better. I will look around and see if there are any deals or coupons going on right now. I will let you know. Congratulations on your house Karen. I am excited to see it. I bet that it is beautiful. Well it is going to be a busy and fun Christmas. I am excited. It will be here soon.
decisions, decisions
I am good with anything that will work. Dad isn't feeling very well tonight so we will have to see how that works out. It is raining here tonight but I met Robin and we went to Costco. I had a really nice time. Well not much else going on with me. Hope you have a good day. LOVE MOM
its a crazy
OK so here is planning session 101:
Ski trip:
2 choices- brighton-57 for half day pass, beaver -32 for half day pass.
SO I was thinking we can go to beaver we will leave slc really early so we can start skiing at 9. Then we can eat lunch up there. If you guys are up for a full day we can do that. And then we can go to rachels and casey's for dinner and have fondue..... . from there we can either stay the night in logan..... go to heber and stay in karen's new place....go stay in SLC.... Depending on what we do depends on what happens on the 23. On the 24 we will go to logan for lunch/isaacs birthday, and I will make cakes for decorating (option of doing that on the 21st. if we are not tired or do a half day and want to kill time before dinner. SO those are my ideas, options, and diffrent senarios. what is everyones ideas/hopes/dreams????
Moving right along
Well my day was good. We are closing on my house on Wednesday. Then I get the keys on Thursday morning. You guys should all come up Friday night or Saturday sometime and see it. I got my cookies made tonight. We are having a cookie exchange on Wednesday at work. I was halfway thru mixing it and I didn't have any vanilla. So I had to run to Smith's and get some. I hate it when that happens. It was even rain/snow so that made it even more fun. Well I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. BYE
Sunday, December 16, 2012
its over
Its over. Yesterday was alittle crazy but I made it through alive. today I slept and slept and ate then slept. it was so nice, I didn't even get out of my pajamas ;) I'm excited for your house karen if you need anything let me know and I can come up. I'm glad its just isaacs teeth. that means there is an end in sight. it just sucks not feeling well. Mom if you want I might head to costo's tomorrow if you want to go and we can plan for this weekend. If you are busy tomorrow no stress my week is alot less crazy then the past few. well I am off to sleep some more have a great monday
So glad
I was getting so worried about Isaac. I am glad it is his teeth. Since they are breaking through he should be feeling better soon. Poor kid. Karen good luck with your week. I hope it works out. Actually I kind of hope it takes another couple of days and then it will be the new year and it will save you lots of money. Good luck with all your parties. I had a good day. I think I slept most of the day. We did make sacrament meeting. That was nice. We got our records coming to our new ward. That will be good. I did call Dirk and Lisa had her baby 7 lbs 10 ounces but other than that I had no details. I will let you know if I find out anything else. It was nice to have a quiet day. Robin we need to get together one night and get this weekend organized. Let me know what will be good for you. Other than going with Karen to sign her new house I am free. Have a good week. Christmas is almost here. Rachel that is a beautiful table runner. I really like it.
I figured it out
I figured out what is going on with Isaac. He is getting his top two molars in. We were talking on the floor today and I looked in his mouth and the tips of them are showing through. This has been a rough teething. I am hoping that it is almost done. We went to nursery today and he did really good. They took the older kids into sunbeams and when they came back it was crazy. It was really a crazy time. I made a table runner and I love it. I need to quilt it still but it was really fun. I have another one cute out to make also. It is made from a charm pack. Casey made it home, he said that the road were bad through the pass. Karen you have a crazy week. Good luck with everything. I am so excited for you. Yea!!
Going to be crazy
Well I think this week is going to be crazy, but I will survive (unless the world ends of course). Well I should close either Monday or Tuesday, then Wednesday is a cookie exchange at work, and then Friday is the year end Christmas party. I may need large quantities of coke by the end of the week. Robin I hope that your last show went well. I have had a good day. I even got some stuff pack. Wow I know. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Good times
I really am hoping for one more Saturday. I want to babysit Isaac while you guys ski. Maybe have Christmas also. I did buy presents. We did have a good Saturday. Karen came down and we went shopping and looking for furniture then we just kind of hung out the rest of the day. We did get naps and that was nice. I am sorry that Isaac still isn't feeling well. I hope he gets better soon. He looks like he has a fever when he is laying in the bed. You might need to take him to the doctor and get him checked out. I know they always say to give it two weeks but I think it is getting close to that. Casey made it to our house safe and sound and is in bed. Robin I hope your last shows were good. Have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM
Our Last Saturday
If the world ends on the 21st this will be our last Saturday. I hope that everyone enjoyed it. We had a good time at the ward party last night. It was fun to go and see everyone. We went and visited Casey dad also after the party. they are are doing good. Isaac had a better day yesterday but he had a harder time today. He is up and down. He we did make cookies tonight and that was fun. He help me stir. I am glad everyone is doing good. I am excited for your house Karen. I am glad that your play is over robin, you can enjoy the week before Christmas. I am glad dancing was fun mom. That is such a fun thing to do. I have attached pictures also.
Isaac's first art project from the ward party
He wants to spend a lot of time in bed.
Walking in the snow
Not feeling good on the floor
Isaac's first art project from the ward party
He wants to spend a lot of time in bed.
Walking in the snow
Not feeling good on the floor
Well my day has been good. I met mom and dad is SLC. We had lunch and went to some furniture places. I also picked up boxes. Now I guess I don't have an excuses not to pack. It was really snowy in SLC but when I got back to Heber there was no snow at all. I went grocery shopping when I got back and then I unloaded all the boxes. Rachel thanks for the quilt. I am sorry that I didn't get it before I left SLC. But mom is going to meet me at the bank when I close so I can get it then. I hope that your last play went well Robin. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday.
Friday, December 14, 2012
end of the world??
that is cool you and dad took a dancing class, never thought I would see that one. You will have to go dancing more often. I"m glad you are closing on your house karen. so exciting. ;) not to much here it started crazy snowing while I was driving home from the play. but I made it safe. I have a photoshoot early so hopefully the roads are good by then. THen the last of the shows!!! yeah so excited!! THough the news of those kids getting shot at school made me sad. I was balling while I was reading the news report. Isaac can never go to school. he knows his shapes and colors, and aunt ro is crazy what else do you need.... OR you can get him a cell phone and he has to text every hour to say he's fine. those are the terms... just kidding but anyway have a great night and saturday safe travels!
We're dancing
It is just raining here but I bet it is snow before morning. I hope we don't get too much snow. Well me and dad took a ball room dancing class tonight and after the class was their Christmas party and so there were a lot of people dancing. It was a lot of fun. We even did good. I think we will do that again. Good exercise for us. I really enjoyed myself. Work was busy and I was so ready for Friday. Have a great Saturday. Drive careful Karen. If it is too bad we can drive the jeep up and bring you boxes. I have a ton of them. Robin good luck on your last busy Saturday. You did it! Rachel I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.
the race is on
Well apparently I on closing on my house on Monday, and if no then Tuesday. You know you don't want to leave these things to the last second. Work was good. i stayed busy which is nice It still seemed like a long Friday though. It is currently snow. Not bad but still burr. Mom, weather permitting I am still coming down tomorrow. I need to start packing, so I better pick up some boxes. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Almost there
I am sorry that Isaac isn't feel well. I hope he gets over it soon. That is cute he wanted to lay in his bed and eat. He is so cute. If you need anything let me know. I agree with the poem but I think quilts also are part of who you are. You make them how you like them. It will be an heirloom for generations to know Rachel. She is pretty amazing.
Karen I was planning on Saturday. If you decide you want me to come your way just let me know. I would love for you to have your checks. I am excited to see what happens tomorrow about the house. I am not sure what to wish for. I would love for you to be in your home but a few more weeks would be nice on the finances.
Just think Robin 2 more days and then we can play or rest which ever one you need. I have been enjoying moving a little slower. Dad's watch broke so we went to Walmart and got him a new one. I got Christmas paper and tape and plan on wrapping presents. Walmart is so close to us. I really like that. Work was crazy busy and I am falling behind but all I could think about, is one more week and then I get 11 days off. I am really looking forward to that one. LOVE MOM
Karen I was planning on Saturday. If you decide you want me to come your way just let me know. I would love for you to have your checks. I am excited to see what happens tomorrow about the house. I am not sure what to wish for. I would love for you to be in your home but a few more weeks would be nice on the finances.
Just think Robin 2 more days and then we can play or rest which ever one you need. I have been enjoying moving a little slower. Dad's watch broke so we went to Walmart and got him a new one. I got Christmas paper and tape and plan on wrapping presents. Walmart is so close to us. I really like that. Work was crazy busy and I am falling behind but all I could think about, is one more week and then I get 11 days off. I am really looking forward to that one. LOVE MOM
Low Key Day
Isaac isn't feeling well still so we had a low key day. Me and Isaac did go to the pita pit for lunch and walked over to lees. It was fun to get out of the house for a bit. He took a long nap and wanted to lay in his crib afterwards for a hour. He was hungry though so I had to keep bring him things to eat. It was funny. I am almost done with the scrappy quilt I am making. I was having a hard time with some of it but it seems to be going better. I will put a picture on tomorrow. I was reading a blog and the lady said that "the beauty of quilts is that they are made to be lived under...not laying totally flat all the time stretched out on a floor" that made me feel better about this quilt not being perfect, it will be a good TV quilt. Tomorrow is the ward Christmas party, we are going to go and it should be fun. I think I have confused Isaac about his Birthday and Christmas. I must talk about both of them together because now whenever I talk about his birthday he says Ho Ho Ho. It is cute. I think that he is getting jazzed up about getting presents. Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.
no news
Well I have no new news on the house. I will let everyone know if I hear anything tomorrow. My day s was busy. So it did go bye pretty fast. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend. Are we still on for Saturday mom? I am glad that your slide show went well mom. It is always stressful to do stuff that everyone watches. Well have a good one. BYE
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
miracle on 34th
that is crazy you might get your house. Its like the miracle on 34th street house. you get a house for christmas. but in the real world you pay for it instead of santa. sad news. but still fun for the house :) the santa picture is really cute, its weird that he wore an aggie shirt. thats not really festive. but I think you should dye your hair red rachel. your kinda out numbered. lol. I'm glad things are going well for mom and dad. not to much with me just work'n. so good times. well not to much else
nice evening
work was really busy but I stayed a little late and I thought I would do that the rest of the week and try to get caught back up a little bit. Dad met me at the trax station and we went to dinner and then Sam's for some Christmas presents and then we went to see Kyle. He looked the same to me. Julie was so upset last night I thought he was going to be a lot worse. I love the picture Rachel, what a cute way to do Santa when they are scared. Your family looks so cute. Karen I was so surprised that you might get your house on the 17th. Who would have thought. Robin 3 more days. You can do it. I think that is nice you are helping Jen with a photo shoot. I hope it goes well. Not much else to report. Tomorrow is the Holiday Luncheon at work and we have a slide show. I have put it together. I hope it is a good one. I always mess up. Wish me luck. It will be the third time I have done it. It doesn't seem like I have been here this long. I love you guys MOM
Karen, that is awesome about your house. That is exciting. It would be fun to have new years up at your house. Today was good. Isaac still has a cold. We laid on the couch most of the morning. He seemed better after his nap and was really chatty. I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun. I put the border on my granny square quilt. I really like how it turned out. Tonight we went to the mall and got our picture taken with Santa. It isn't great but we got it done. Isaac looks so big compared to last year. I hope that everyone has a good night.
Maybe or Maybe not
Well the bank lady called and said that she submitted all the paper work to the under writer. So apparently if they don't need the tag information then I can still close on Monday. If not then I have to wait for the tag information. So not to wait until the last minute but I should know Friday if I can close on Monday. Crazy I know. Other than that my day was calm. Work was pretty busy but that was nice because time went by fast. I am excited to come down and play on Saturday Mom. It will be fun. Hopefully it won't snow. Well I hope that everyone had a great 12-12-12 day. It was the last time you can do that for 88 years. BYE
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
pizza pizza
Thanks for finishing the quilt rachel. sorry I didn't finish it karen. I always think I will have all this time. Next years birthday will be epic ;) well today was ok. I was tired. but after the show I went and got little cesears, It was so amazing. Every bite I think I pulled an isaac. mmmmmmm. now I have warmed up pizza all week. its more like 5 dollar week pizza for me. I am excited. well enough about food I am going to sleep. Saturday I am doing a photoshoot with jen palmer and then 2 shows. But sunday I am done!! yeah!! well have a great night
Well today I made the soup that I put on the blog. It was really good. I love crock pot recipes. It is so nice to come home after work and have dinner already cooked. Work was good. I am staying busy.The quilt looks amazing. Thanks for making that for me Rachel and Robin. I am spoiled. I hope that Isaac feels better soon. I know I hate being sick. Have a great 12-12-12 tomorrow.
Fun day
It was a fun day to hang out with Rachel and Isaac. Sorry I forgot all the presents I bought today Rachel. I am a rock. We went to the doctors and they drew blood for a cholesterol test and between my veins and the new guy I had to have three sticks and two burst veins. Lucky me. We went to story time with Isaac and a pen had burst in my purse and I was trying to get him some fruit snacks and him and I got ink everywhere. Other than that is was a perfect day. Karen I think you got both of your checks. I did remember to bring those with me. WHEW. I love that quilt Rachel. Thanks for the fun day. I hope Isaac gets feeling betting Robin I am glad that you neck is feeling better. That can just be miserable. LOVE MOM
Fun Day
We had a really fun day with Mom and Dad. Thanks for hanging out with us. It was a really a good day. Isaac has a bit of a cold and doesn't feel good. He had a rough night and was kind of grumpy today. I am keeping him on Tylenol and he is acting a lot better. I finished the quilt finally. I love it how it turned out. It is really nice. It is really warm with the soft fabric on the back. I hope that you like it Karen. You did a good job on it Robin. I will send it down this weekend. Here are some pictures. Isaac is breaking it in for you.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...