Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. My day was pretty good. Work kind of dragged but that is just because I would rather be playing. I hope that everyone liked looking at fish. I am doing my laundry right now and I am almost done. I am excited to see you all tomorrow. Drive careful and call if you need anything.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Almost in the sunshine
Not to much longer and we will be in St. George. I am excited about that one. Not much going on here. WE did go get a few more of the cutting dies for Rachels cutter, while they were on clearance. Isaac has done welll with his shots. I am going to bring some food so don't buy any Karen. I am excited to play in ST. GEorge. Don'work to hard. See you soon.
The sun will come out
Well I made it thru work today. It seemed like a long day though. At lunch and ran to the post office to get dad's present. The post office was super busy so it took me a half hour to get the package. Then I went to Arby;s to get something for lunch really quick, but it took 10 minutes to get stuff there. So I had like 10 minutes for lunch. Oh well I made it. I am sorry that Isaac had to get three shots and a blood test. That is rough. I hope that you guys all had a great day tomorrow. Thanks for such a nice Christmas.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Karen, I am glad you made it safe and sound back to St. George. WE went to dinner with everyone tonight and it was nice. Julie's battery went out in her car so we had to go help her but there was such a long line for dinner we got there just as they were sitting down. I am glad you made it home safe and sound. Thanks for coming up. WE will be down in St. George before you know it. LOVE MOM
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
safe and sound
Karen made it home safe and sound. WE went to dinner at the Yellow Fin. I know everyone is jealous. WE bought dad and Casey dinner and took it to them. It was really good. I am excited for this weekend. I feel like I should be doing a lot of things but I didn't do much tonight. It was nice to visit with Karen. LOVE MOM
Karen, I am glad that you made it up safety. Good luck at the doctors. I had a good day. Casey slept in so we went to lunch before he left, it was fun. I got a popcorn tin for tenth day of Christmas, I am pretty stoked about that. I also finished all my Santa Claus decorations, I made 16 more today. It didn't take long I just needed to sit down and do them. Well everyone have a good night and try to stay warm.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
today was good I went to a mary kay thing that I got roped into but it was fun. then I went to work and made it out alive. it was a close one. Well I am glad that christmas is happening and that everyone is coming down I love it. drive safe karen. well not to much else happening. have a great one
Over the river and through the woods
Karen I am so excited for you to come. Just wrap an IOU and we will get them when we are down there. It will make Christmas last longer. Drive Careful. I didn't watch the weather yet but I am going to watch the 10 news tonight. Work dragged for me. I am ready for the holiday. I went and saw Shawnie at Shriners tonight and then went to pick dad up and ended up getting pizza for everyone. They are putting in a late night. Let the party begin.
I am ready
Well i am packed and ready to go. My day was good I felt productive at work and that was nice. Well I order dad's present on the 1st of the month and it still isn't. I went on their website and ask the on-line helo about it. They said that it normally take 10-15 buisness day to get here. So today was the 13th day. So I guess it will get here on Thursday. Just my luck. Oh well. I am so ready for the holiday. I just have to work 4 hours tomorrow. i hope that they go fast. Have a great one. BYE
Monday, December 19, 2011
Almost here
I am excited that christmas is almost here!!! it will be fun fun fun! well today was good I went out with josh we exchanged christmas gifts and went shopping for some other small gifts for people. it was fun. we had a good time at the party. the christmas bash will be epic! presents for everyone :) lol well I better head for bed have a great one....
Is it Christmas yet?
I am ready for the holidays. I just want to play and play. Work was slow but I think that was because I didn't want to be there. I am glad that Isaac loved his new toys. He was so cute opening them. I didn't do much tonight. I watched Miracle on 34th street. I believe. It was so cold today. I am ready for summer. I keep hoping it will warm up here soon. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Isaac loves the box book that Dad got him, we read it a lot today. He enjoyed playing with all his new toys, it made today go really fast. I picked up some lifts for Dad. The chiropractor's office has moved, it is now in front of the sports academy. Well I don't have much else going on. Everyone have a good night.
Well I made it thru Monday. It was a good day. I stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. Just one more full work day this week. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, December 18, 2011
And the parties begin
What a fun way to start the holidays. You did a good job Rachel. Isaac was so cute. Karen he does love to unwrap presents. We are going to have a fun couple of weeks. I am so excited. We made it home safe and sound. That was nice of your home teachers Karen. You have a good pair. Rachel that is neat you are having the 12 days of Christmas. I always love that. Have a great week. 3 more days and Karen is here to start having fun. I am getting a full clip board of fun. Love you guys MOM
Thank you
Karen, I didn't think about you loosing your kids that is sad. Maybe they will move you up so you can stay with them. Thank you everyone for coming up for the Birthday. I had so much fun. Isaac was so good and he had a blast. He fell right asleep when everyone left. I just wanted to say thank you, I really appreciated it. We will have just as much fun at Birthday Party #2 when Karen gets here. I am up for playing more Parcheesi, I will win next time, WAHAHAHA. I am super excited for Christmas, it will be really fun. This is a fun time of year.

Well I had a good Sunday. My class went well. It was sad cause it was the last time I would have those kids in my class. Then after church my hometeachers came. They gave me a cute snowman ordiment. I bought some chicken taco seasoning so I am making that for dinner. I hope that it turns out good. i haven't tried this yet. I hope that everything went well at Isaac's birthday party. I hope that everyone has a great week. See you all soon.
nice saturday
I thought I blogged last night. I guess I didn't. I had a nice day. We took Grandma Bodily out for lunch and then went shopping. I got some boots for 18 dollars. I love them. We got the oil changed in the jeep. It was a good day. Off to see for the birthday party. YEAH
Saturday, December 17, 2011
day off
well tomorrow I have a day off and I am excited. today was good it was a two show day and in between shows we watched muppet christmas carol. it was fun, i love that movie. well not to much else happening. excited for isaacs birthday, sorry karen won't be there but we will make a ho-do for christmas (the real deal)
have a great sunday
have a great sunday
Well I have had a good day. I got a lot done. I am doing my laundry right now. That way I should be all set to come up on Wednesday. I went and saw the second Sherlock Homes movie. It was good. It was a lot more action packed than the first one was. I am glad that Isaac is letting his inner genius show. He is just humble. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
He is a genius
I knew that Isaac would clap when he wanted to. He just didn't feel the need. He is so cute. I am sorry I didn't blog last night I feel asleep watching a moving and didn't wake back up. I was tired. I am excited for next week. It will be fun to be together. We went shopping last night and finished up all the gifts. It feels nice to be done. I am excited for Isaac's birthday party. The cake is really cute Robin.
Friday, December 16, 2011
clap yo hands
I;m glad isaac clapped I was worried about preschool and not being able to clap. :) well today was good nothing to crazy. I finished isaac's cakes for sunday and I worked. Not to much else. I can't believe next week is christmas yikes. it goes so fast. well have a relaxing saturday
He will make it in Preschool
Isaac kind of clapped today. he put his hands together three time and then threw his hands up high. It was really cute, he is getting it. That was the excitement of my day. We went to the mall to get a present for Kim and Collin. the kids were really rough at the playground so we didn't stay long. Isaac took two naps today and that was so nice. He had a rough night the Tuesday night and I think that it caught up with him today. He did sleep through the night the last two nights so I hope that continues. Robin no news is good news in job searching. I hope that you hear soon either way, waiting sucks. Well I am going to crawl under some blankets and read my book and wait for Casey to come home. Everyone have a good night.
Yeah, I made it to the weekend. Robin don't give up hope yet. With the job I got down here it seemed like they called a week after i totally gave up hope of ever hearing from them. With it being this close to the holidy they may wait until after the holiday to call also. It is a crazy time of year for everyone. My day was good. It went by a lot faster than i thought it was going to any way. I am getting close to half way thru the stupid pile so that was good. It is turning out not to be as annoying as I thought it was going to be. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend and that Isaac has a good birthday party on Sunday. BYE
Thursday, December 15, 2011
no word
sorry i didn't blog last night the words were gibberish and i didn't know how to change it. but it self fixed so we are good now. no word yet from cirque I'm dying slowly. I also made isaac some cakes for his birthday and worked. but that is about the extent of my day. I hope everyone has a great friday
Sunshine does sound so good to me also. I am excited to play in St. George. It has been a while. Not much to report here. I did have beef stroganoff for dinner and it tasted good. I also shredded all my mail. I know I lead an exciting life. I also did 3 batches of laundry. I guess I did have a productive evening. Have a great friday. Next Friday is Robin's birthday. Way to go Robin.
I am so excited to go to St George. I am hopping it is going to be sunny and nice when we are there and we can get out and go to the park. It sounds so nice. It is cold up here. We have been hitting the mall to get some playing time in. Isaac is getting used it now and loves playing there. He loves crawling around with the kids. Casey got stuck at work again so he wasn't able to make it home yesterday or today. He does have the weekend off for the party so that will be nice. I got french bread today for the twelve days of Christmas, it has been fun to have that going on. Well I am off to work on my red embroidery, I love it. It is so pretty and fun to do. I will put a picture on later.
Well my day was pretty good. I got one of my stupid piles off my desk. I also started the other stupid pile. Once I get rid of that one I should have all the stupid piles off my desk. I got a card in the mail from Austin saying thanks for the package I sent him. I thought that was nice. Well i hope that everyone has a great Friday.BYE
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Let the good times roll
I am so excited Karen that you will be here in one week. That will be fun. Rachel, thanks for the pictures they are so cute. I couldn't figure out what he was doing in the one picture. It took me a minute to figure out he was taking out the wet ones. That is funny. He is getting so big. I found some of those soft shoes tonight at REI and got them for his birthday. I got him a large size. Dad got some new boots to walk in the snow with and they are really nice. We went to get those stud things you can put over your shoes. We got him a pair of those also. Work was good. It was our annual christmas dinner. It was good. Margaret bought us a whole bunch of steaks and I thought that was really nice of her. Have a great Thursday.
One more week
Well there is just one more week until I get to come up for Christmas. I am so excited. Work was good today. It did seem like a long day though. I liked your pictures of Isaac Rachel. They are really cute. I like the last one where he is smiling. Robin I am glad that your car is fix. I hate it when my car doesn't work. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
well I got my battey fixed. thanks again for mom and dad helping me out and draging me and my car around town. but hopefully that is the last of my car troubles. I'm sorry your reindeer broke karen. but at least there was a happy ending. I'm glad that your wall is fixed as well rachel. I hope it drys quickly. I can't believe how big isaac is though he grew up over night I can't believe it. well today I also went to the muppets with josh it was alot of fun the movie is cute not the best muppet movie but cute. and then work tomorrow is a two show day. blah. well have a great wensday
12 Days of Christmas
Someone is doing the twelve days of Christmas to us, they dropped of some canned pears. It is really sweet of someone to do that, it is going to be fun. The plumber came today and he fixed us up. The sink was plugged up and their was a pipe that wasn't capped off in Karen's old room it was spilling out all over the place in the wall. He capped off the pipe and unclogged the pipes. It is still wet in the room but I have some fans going so hopefully it will be dry soon. Well here is a picture of the wall that was destroyed today and some of Isaac. I am glad that we are all getting put back together.


I am a blogger
Sorry I didn't blog last night. Dad laid down at 7 and feel sound asleep. I didn't want to disturb him. I think he was so asleep nothing would have been able to wake him up. He is still tired but I think he is getting better. I am glad everyone got glued back together. That was amazing. I didn't think it would fix up that fast. I am so excited for Christmas. It will be fun to be altogether. Gary's mom got us a bunch of steaks. I thought that was really nice of her. Tomorrow for lunch we get a free christmas lunch. That will be fun. They have a tradition of having a slide show of pictures of everyone's year. I am in charge of getting all the pictures together. I hope it goes well. Have a great hump day.
Well since everyone else has a broken story I will add mine. My candy cane reindeer broke. It was very tragic. Don't worry though I ate and it was yummy. So it all ended well. My day was good. I had a design review in the morning so that killed 3 hours and then I worked on pricing sheets for the quotes we are doing. I am about half way thru them. So yeah! Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE
Monday, December 12, 2011
re broke
well my car didn't start today for work... lame. Mom and dad said it was the battery. i went and got stuff for isaacs cakes today so its a recent development. I love my car this week *sarcasm*. so hopefully things will stop breaking and keep glued together. but that is my news. I think isaac must like getting his hair cut. good job on successful hair cutting skills rachel :)
Robin, thanks for making a cake for Isaac's birthday, that is very sweet of you. I am getting excited for his birthday party, it will be really fun. This morning we went down stairs and it smelled bad. I took out all the garbages but that wasn't it. It was coming from Karen's old room and the carpet felt wet. So when Isaac took his nap I cleared out most of the room and located where most of the water is. Casey is coming home tonight and will look at it and figure out what is going on. I took Isaac to the mall tonight just to play. I got us some pretzels to snack on. While we were sitting their he pointed at the Hair Solon and I was tell him that is where they cut hair and he grabbed his hair, it was so cute. I asked him later where his hair was and he grabbed it so he figured out what his hair is. He loves playing at the mall. We have been there a few time so he feels comfortable and he doesn't mind other kids around. Well that was the excitement of my day. I am excited for everyone to be together for Christmas.
Long day
Well today seemed like a long day. It was cloudy and rainy here most of the day. It is suppose to continue tomorrow. I stayed pretty busy at work so that was nice. I went and exchanged the sweater I got at old navy today. I tired it on last week and it had a hole in it. It was sad cause it was really cute on except for the hole of course. So I went and got a new one. It was really easy and quick to exchange so that was nice. I like Isaac's hair cut Rachel. it looks very handsome and manly. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, December 11, 2011
my car is fixed thanks mom for the help :) now my car drives as smooth as butter. well not to much else happening just about the same as moms but I just ate and slept. not to much else. have a great week ya'll
Dad skyped me this morning and it was fun to talk with him and be able to see him. He has had a really fun time in China and got to meet a lot of people. He was really happy when he called. He is already on the airplane and will land in Seattle at 7 in the morning. He has a 7 hour layover in Seattle so he won't be home until 4:30. He is going to be one tired man. I had a nice quiet day. We got Robin's tires all fixed up and that felt really nice. I have been worried about that. Then we just layed around and I fixed a roast for dinner. The gravy was one of my better ones. It was really good. I saved a whole bunch of meat for the holidays. I did get all my presents wrapped tonight and my bedroom has room again. It was fun to do that. Rachel, Isaac looks really cute. That was a lot of hair. I think it will look nicer. It was really uneven. Karen I am glad your VT liked the angels. That was so neat. I think they are so cute. Everyone have a great Monday. LOVE MOM
Robin I keep forgetting to tell you that I bought some leave in conditioner and hair spray, they work so good. I spray the leave in conditioner in every day and I am really noticing a difference, thank you. I have been putting some in Isaac's hair also and it is helping. I also cut a little of his hair off today. It was driving me crazy and I think that it looks a lot better. I had a hard time taking an after shot but you can kind of tell his hair doesn't hang down so far. Casey had to work today. Me and Isaac went to church. I tried to go to Sunday School but it was too much sitting still for him so we went in the halls and I let him crawl around, then we went home. I made hamburger helper for lunch and Isaac liked it. I made eggs for dinner and he didn't like them. I think that it all everyone have a good night.

Well I made it thru all three hours of church without being in primary. It was rough but I made it. My visiting teachers just left. I gave them one of my angels I made and they like them. I hope that you got your tire fixed Robin. i am sorry that you had a flat. That sucks when that happens. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE
Nice Day
I had a really nice day. Thanks Rachel and CAsey and Isaac for the fun time. It was hard to leave and come home. I made it safe and sound and was tired so I laid on the couch and watched Ghost Whispers. No contact from dad but I did try to email him a couple of times. He will be home soon. I am going to cook a roast for dinner tomorrow and help Robin get her car put back together. It will be a good day. I hope you all have a great Sunday. LOVE MOM
Saturday, December 10, 2011
well last night on my way home from work my car had a flat. I went to go have it fixed but I didn't have time to get it all done so the car place put the spare till I can fix it tomorrow. yikes. so hopefully that is the last of catastrophe. I like your angel karen its really cute the kids will like that :) well have a relaxing fun sunday
Crafty Karen
Karen, that is really cute. Good job. I think that the kids will really like the angel, she is cute. We had a really nice day. We dropped off my quilt to be quilted. I am really relieved to finally have it all finished, it is going to be really pretty. Thanks Mom and Dad. We did some shopping and Isaac was so cute he was tired and was laying down across the cart. We ate lunch at El Toro, it was very good. Me and Mom cooked up some meat, it will be nice to have that in the freezer. After Mom left we went to the jewelry shop and they are going to fix my bracelet and necklaces, I am excited. Isaac was fussy so we went home and I feed him and made chicken for dinner. It tasted good. Thanks for the fun time Mom. We love it when you come up. Casey gave me the book that you got and it is really cute, I like it, thanks. Well everyone have a safe night and have a relaxing Sunday.

Well here is my angel. I think that they turned out cute. I still need a story or saying to go with it, but I think that it is cute. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. Mine was good. i went every where trying to find wings for my angel. I finally just cut some out. Well have a great Sunday tomorrow BYE
Friday, December 9, 2011
Safe and Sound in Logan
I made it safe to Logan. The funeral was nice. I was glad I went. We went to the ward Christmas party also Karen. It was fun to see everyone. Rachel was on the set up committee so I got to play with Isaac while she worked. I love your Angels Karen that is such a good idea. I will look for a saying tomorrow night when I get home. I am coming home tomorrow afternoon. I am glad the weather is nice. I love the new border Rachel. It is getting Christmas time. Man time is going so fast. Dad called me from China he is doing really well. My phone lost its charge so we didn't get to talk long but he sounded really good. I feel better after talking with him. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Well my day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. The are cleaning the carpets this weekend so we had to clean everything up before we left. Then I went to the ward Christmas party and had dinner. It was really good food. They had ham and potatoes. Hmmm! I love not having to cook or clean up. Well I found these cute angel things to make for primary. Now I need a cute saying or story to go with them. So if you guys have any let me know. I haven't found any good ones. Well have a good weekend. BYE
Thursday, December 8, 2011
well today was good nothing to crazy. I slept for most of it, it was so nice to get some sleep. Then the show ran well today nothing to crazy. well about the same deal for tomorrow travel safe mom to logan and everyone have a great friday
This and that
I don't have much going on it. It was a nice day outside so we walked around a bit. I have to make some pumpkin bars for the ward party tomorrow so we went to walmart. I got Isaac a cute sweater vest outfit for Christmas day, he is going to look so cute. I am glad that Dad is in first class, that will be so much better for him. Well don't rush tomorrow Mom, we will see you when we see you. It should be fun.
I am glad tomorrow is friday also. I am tired. It has been a busy week. I am going to Betty's funeral tomorrow and then driving up to Logan. Rachel I will keep you posted on time but I should be there before you have to go set up. Or if you want us to go with you we can. Dad hasn't made it to China yet but he texted me and said they got him a first class seat. That made me feel a lot better. I just finished laundry and dishes and I am going to go lay down by my new heater and watch a movie. Have a great friday.
Ready for Friday
Well I am ready for it to be the weekend. The week has seemed kind of long for some reason. Oh well. I am trying to think of something Christmasie that I can make for the kids in my primary class for my last Sunday next week. Do you guys have any ideas? I am coming up blank so far. My day was good. I stayed busy so that was nice. I am glad that your presentation went well mom. I hope that dad had a good trip to China. Well have a good Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
that is funny about isaac hes a funny kid. well not to much is going on today i had a two show day so that was basically it. I got to listen to annie twice. tomorrow is a one show day so I am going to sleep in and relax. it will be nice. have a great one
He is a red head
I think that is cute he is having moments. He is so dang cute. It is so hard not to laugh when they do that. They are so serious about it. I had a good day at work. The computers were down until 11 so I didn't get much done before that. I am making progess on my work. I am going to leave work around 10 on Friday and as soon as the luncheon is done. I am figuring around 3, I will come up to Logan. I am not sure I will make the dinner or not. I will keep you posted. Karen I am so proud of you. I am glad you went. It helps to get to know people. I know I need to get active also. Robin I am with Rachel I am so proud of you for trying. I think no matter what happens this is a good thing but just for the record, I see me and dad at a blue man concert very soon. I am getting excited for Christmas. LOVE MOM
A very good title
Robin, good job at the interview. I am proud of you and whatever happens I think that this has been a good experience for you. Karen, that sounds fun, I am glad that you went. Dad have a safe trip to China tomorrow, I hope that it goes well. I am excited for Christmas also, it is coming fast. Casey's kindle came in the mail today and that was fun. I have been getting a lot of packages in the mail from my shopping online for Christmas, I am going to miss getting them. I had a good day, Isaac took two naps so that was nice. I think that he was a little frustrated with me today, he kept putting his head on the couch. Also when we were playing with his quiet book I was leaning over it and he threw his whole body over it to push me away, it was really funny.

no title
Well I had a pretty good day. Work was alright. I am glad that the week is half over though. I am so ready for the Christmas holiday to here. Well mom you will be proud I went to the Relief society Christmas party. It was good they had dinner and a short program. Is was good. One of the musical numbers was Far Far away on Judea's plains. And it made me think of Grandpa because he said that when he sang people always requested that he sing Far Far Away. Well I hope that everyone had a good Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
well for an update in length. I think the interview went well. It was kinda like the job fair, just really easy to talk to and we were laughing, there were 4 people interviewing me. but Then they didn't say a date of when they were going to call me back. and I think they wanted me to see the whole show but I don't think that is to big of a deal. They were really excited that I knew how to do face casts, they asked alot of questions on that to make sure that I knew for sure what I was talking about. But that was a bonus. It was only like 1/2 hour though but they brought up a few times that I came out before for the red carpet event, I think that was an uber big bonus on my side. but I don't know I just see if from my side were they didn't shun me and throw me out on the streets. so from my side it went well. but I will keep ya'll updated on what I hear back. :) I'm glad everyone is doing well. I can't believe how cold it is with out snow. well I am going to go crash for the night have a great wensday
Looking at lot like Christmas
We went christmas shopping tonight and I am getting really done. YEAH. THat feels nice. I am glad the birthday stuff is fun. I am glad you made it home safe and sound Robin. Good luck working all night. You have had one long day. Karen sorry about the email. I didn't look very close at the address. I need to erase the one that is to your phone. I will do that in the morning. I hope you guys have a good hump day. I am going to pack up dad. I need to see what the temperature is in Bejing so I know what to pack. Have a great one LOVE MOM
Good Job
Good job Robin, I am glad that everything went well. Today was good. My visiting teachers came over this morning. I have new ones and they are really nice. They both have moved in recently so I don't think Mom will know them. The party package came today and it is awesome. I am super excited. It came with everything needed to throw an awesome party including orange cone hats. Casey made it home safely. Well everyone have a good night.
Still cold
Well it is still cold here. Some one at work told me it was 13 degrees this morning. I had a good day. Work went by pretty quick so that was nice. Just think 2 weeks from tomorrow I get to come up for Christmas. Robin I am glad that your interview went well. I hope that working after all that doesn't wear you out too badly. Mom I am sorry that I didn't email you back on your last email. You sent it to my phone so I didn't see it until after work. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, December 5, 2011
crush it in
thanks everyone for your support I will let you know how it goes ;) but at work the girl that is subbing has a huge test she has to study for so I am going to go back to work after I land to help clean up. yeesh tomorrow is going to be beyond crazy. I love isaacs hat and gloves that is cute. well have a great one I will keep everyone posted on tomorrow.
love you
love you
Monday Monday
It was a cold day here also. I love the hat and gloves Rachel. That is neat he will keep them on. It will be a lot warmer for him. I had a good day at work. Busy but not out of control and then Dad worked late so I went and bough subway sandwiches for them and then we went to Shapiros to get some stuff for China. He is leaving on Thursday and coming home on Monday. Good luck Robin on your interview. I am so excited for you. I will be praying for you. I go to the dentist in the morning so I won't be emailing until afternoon. I hope they don't have to pull that tooth. I am a little nervous about it. I did get some wrapping done and that is nice to get some boxes out of the doorway. Now I need to work on the stuff in my bedroom. Have a nice tuesday. Fly safe Robin. LOVE MOM
Good Day
Today was a good day. I made a beef and froze it like Mom has been doing Sunday and Isaac is really liking it. I have been giving it too him for lunch the last two days. It is good to see him eat something other than those snacks. He also eats on of the baby food with the beef. Tonight we went to the mall to play on the playground and walk around. I tried to get a picture of Isaac with Santa and he would have any of it. Maybe we can try again this weekend. Tiffany sent Isaac a cute hat and gloves, I have attached a picture. He loved the gloves, he keep looking at them. Good luck tomorrow Robin, you are going to do great.

Baby it's cold outside
Well it is really cold down here. They high today was only 41. I nearly froze. Sorry I didn't email muh today mom. They want to send out 90 pieces of the part I am helping rework and so far I only have 50. So i have until Thursday to get 40 more done (or as many as I can). SO i am trying to get as many done as possible. I made spaghetti for dinner. It tasted good. Good luck with your interview Robin. We have to celebrate you getting the job next time I see you. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, December 4, 2011
well I just slept all day. sorry I didn't blog on saturday but the play went well. we had a pot luck in between shows it was fun we started watching annie the movie and the play is a lot better. but anyway glad everyone is good have a great monday
Quiet Day
We had a nice day also. We just hung out and napped. It was good to get some rest. Kay left me an email this morning saying that Betty (Paul's mom) was in ICU and that she wasn't going to live much longer. She just called and said that she passed away. THey think the funeral will be either Thursday or Friday. I felt really bad for Bert. We had a good food day also. I made hashbrowns for breakfast and barbequed chicken with rice a roni for dinner. It tasted really good. I am glad your lesson went well Karen. That is sad about Collin. I am glad he is OK? I put my Santas on my trees this morning and it made the trees look so cute. I love them. Thanks Rachel for giving me some. It made a big difference. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
Today was good. It was snowing this morning. We went to sacrament meeting and that was good. Casey was wearing his sweater and it was making Isaac's hair go crazy with static electricity, it was funny. Last night we went grocery shopping and I bought some ground beef and I browned it last night. So we had tacos for lunch and they tasted so good. Isaac loves ground beef and he ate a lot of it. The we had twice baked potatoes and steak for dinner. It was a good food day. We went and visited Casey's family for a while. Collin was in a car accident last night. He is lucky alright. His hand was sore but that is all. They think that the car might be totaled but they will know more tomorrow. I also put my some of my santas on the tree and it looks really cute. I just had to trow that in.
Well my Sunday was good. My class was huge today. I had nine kids in my class. We were talking about Paul's mission so I went to Deserst Book and Missionary in training pins. I bought 10 of them luckily so I had enough for everyone. That was luck for me. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. Just three weeks until Christmas. BYE
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Good Day
I had a good day. I slept in and then got some errands done and we went to Logan. It was nice to hang out up there. I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done. That was nice. We stopped in Willard at that Maverick station and got gas and hot chocolate. It tasted really nice. If you want to see some excellent lights go through Willard. The houses there are amazing. It was a nice ride home. I am glad everyone had a good Saturday. It is cold. BRRRRRRRR
Where did the day go
Today was fun. I went to a relief society breakfast this morning and that was nice. Mom and Dad came up. We went to Juniper takeout for lunch. Me and Mom went to a newer quilt store. It was fun. Mom signed me up for a mystery quilt. It is going to be a lot of fun. Thanks Mom. Today went so fast I don't know what happened. Well I am off to put the baby to bed.
Well I had a busy day. I went to the bank, then I got my blood test done, then I went to deseret book to get something for my lesson, then I went grocery shopping, and then I got a call asking me to come in for tithing settlement. So I got that done. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip to Logan. It was super cold here today. I could still see my breath outside at 10 this morning. Burr! Well have a great one bye.
sorry I didn't blog yesterday the power was out and i didn't have the blogger thing on my phone. but anyway I got the call for the second interview for cirque. I'm nervous I hope it goes well. but its on tuesday at one. so hopefully is goes smooth. well not to much else happening just more annie :) have a good one
Friday, December 2, 2011
Rachel I love the santa. If you want to make me some I will give them out to people as Christmas gifts. My day went good. It was Friday and payday so that was good. It went by pretty fast so that was nice. Congrats on your interview Robin that is totally awesome. You will be living in Vegas before you know it. I am going to go get my blood work for my doctors appointment. At least that will be done for another few months. Well have a great one everyone. BYE
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Little Stink
Isaac would not take an afternoon nap. I have been trying to get a routine down so he will get used to taking one at 4. So I went to the Hobby Lobby and he fell asleep in the car on the way home about 6:30. He is still asleep so he is probably down for the night. Casey thinks he might be growing. He is funny. I made the cutest Santa Claus. I am using your fabric from down stairs Mom if that is alright. I went to the store and got buttons for his eyes, his nose and a bell for his hat. I am going to make a ton of these, they are so cute. If anyone wants him and will make you some.

Paper work avalache
Well since I was helping with rework all day yesterday, my desk was a little buried today. I have got my piles down so that is good. It was cold, windy, and cloudy here all day today. Apparently the worst of the wind is hitting Davis county so I hope you don't get blown away mom. the wind is bad enough here. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. i hope that you all enjoy your Friday. BYE
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
today I woke up and felt like death so i basically slept all day. I finally got up to go to work I started to feel better by the time I got all druged up. I think by the end of the night I was feeling better. but that was my day. Nothing else to exciting. but the "Talk" went good. I guess he wants to get together again. but I told him if we do we are going uber slow and see how things go. so who knows how long anything will happen. its just going to be interesting for the next few weeks. so that is the jist. but I'm glad everyone is so festive I liked your trees. :) sorry about the insurance stuff. I hate paper work stuff. well have a great day be safe in the wind and weather. '
Mom, I am glad that you had a fun time. I would like to go sometime. The tree is fun. Isaac likes to look at it but he hasn't pulled himself up on it yet. We are giving him the car ramp for Christmas so I put it kind of in front by the couch, so he us that to stand up and see the tree and he can play with the cars. He is really warming up to it. He was so tired yesterday he fell asleep at 6 pm and slept until 8 am. He took two naps today and we had a really nice day. I picked up the pictures at the mall and we played a while and he had a good time. Well we received a letter in Oct saying that the state needed proof of our insurance so we had our insurance agent send it over to them. But yesterday we got a letter saying they didn't get it and our registration was revoked. So Casey came home and we got the fax the insurance agent sent and they resent the information. Casey also went to there office in SLC and got everything taken care of. It was stupid and I am glad that it is taken care of. Well everyone have a good night.
Festival of Trees
I meet Julie's gang and Kay at the festival of trees. It was the first time I have been there. THere are a lot of fancy trees and they want a lot of money for them. I was glad I went. It was Alyssa's birthday today so that was fun. Work was good. I am glad you got your insurance all worked out Rachel. I am going to stay home tomorrow night. I have been running all week. It has been a nice week. It is suppose to snow tonight not looking forward to that one.
Well the week is half over, yeah! I am ready for the weekend. Work was good. I was busy all day so it went by pretty fast. So Robin how was your "talk" with Josh? Is he still being a dork? Rachel I like the tree. You did an awesome job on it. Has Isaac tried to use it to stand yet? Hopefully he won't get it to fall over. Well have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
well today was good. I woke up and then josh wanted to meet up to talk about our feelings so that was a hoot. but we will see about that drama. then I came home and took a nap. it was so lovely. it was short but sweet. then off to annie, the show ran really smooth and I started on caseys funny gift for christmas. this weekend was fun thanks i am excited for christmas!!!! yeah.... well have a great day
Too Quiet
I missed the sound of all of you guys around the house. I am looking forward for all of us being together for Christmas. I had such a nice time. I love your Christmas Tree Rachel and Karen yours was darling also. I need to get some christmas decorations here. It really looks so festive. How did Isaac feel about the tree? I went and saw Kyle today. He looks a lot better. His room is really nice. I think we are going to take Alyssa and Julie to the festival of trees tomorrow for Alyssa's birthday. I have never been to the festival. I think it will be fun to see. Maybe I will find a good decoration there. I need to take some from Logan and bring them here. I looked at some when we were there for Thanksgiving, I just didn't bring them with me. Have a great Wednesday. It looks like a storm is coming. LOVE MOM
I feel bad because you guys left so much food here, I scored, I hope that everyone got some leftovers also. They are so good. Thanks for doing so much while you were at the house. Their wasn't much for me to clean up today and I wanted to say thanks. I did miss all of your help today. It was nice to have everyone together. Last night after we got home we setup our Christmas tree, it looks nice and it is fun to have up, it is a little sparse but I will am working on it. Here is a picture. I hope that everyone had a good day. Everyone stay safe.

Well today was good. I stayed busy at work so it went fast. There was a insurance open enrollment meeting. So that was a little long. Then i helped in assembly. It was very time comsuming. I am going to work on unpack some of the bags I brought back from SLC. Right now they are on the floor of my living room and it looks a little cluttered. Wish me luck. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow. BYE
Monday, November 28, 2011
Me and Rachel went to Kohls to use my Kohls cash and I got a lot of Christmas done with it. It felt nice. I was excited about that. I need to wrap now and get a tree up. I just need to hit Best Buy and I am pretty much done. I thought me and dad will do that sometime this week. I am going to the nursing home tomorrow night to visit Kyle. Julie says she needs a day off so I am taking Tuesdays. It is Alyssa's dance class and that way she can get her around. I was going to go buy him a bunch of chocolate. I am doing laundry and I did two batches and have two more to do. I am never caught up lately. Well have a great Tuesday. It looks like there is a storm coming on WEdnesday.
Mom, you can just eat the chocolate. I ate one of them already so I will share the rest with you. My days has been good. I was tired though. It was tough getting out of bed on time. I hope that every had a fun time in SLC. Have a great rest of the week everyone. BYE
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Missing Item
Karen, you did forget your chocolate. I might eat it before I mail it but I will get you some more. Thanks for driving up here. It was a wonderful holiday. I had such a nice time. It is nice to know that we will be doing it again soon. Have a great monday. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The missing blogger
Sorry I haven't written the last couple of nights. I totally spaced it off. I got busy collecting horses on farmville one night and that was all she wrote. Then last night we went to bed early and it threw off my whole routine. I got the cranberry salad going tonight. I will need to finish it tomorrow. THen I made stuffing and thanksgiving is ready to go. I got some paper plates and cups so when we graze we won't have to do dishes. Linda called and she is game for either morning or evening. She said she would even do both. Let the shopping begin. I am so excited for this holiday. It will be nice for us all to be together. My favortie thing. I love you guys. Drive carefuly Robin and Karen. We will leave when Karen gets to SLC, that should be around 7. LOVE MOM
One more day
Well I all set to come up tomorrow. I have just finished packing. It is going to really suck getting up early tomorrow though. Work went pretty well. I really don't have too much to report. I am excited to see you all tomorrow. BYE
Monday, November 21, 2011
tell the phone
well today was good. My interview I think went well. I feel like a dork on the phone. and I usually can read body language during the interview on if its going well. and on the phone that is non existent so who knows. they will call me the beginning of next week if they would like to set up a second interview. so cross your fingers. then i went to a play with my friend from lagoon. it was fun it was at the desert star. well have a good night see everyone in a few days
It's cold outside
Today was good. Isaac slept in and that was nice. It made the day go really fast. I went to Taco Time for dinner and it tasted really good. I am excited for this week. It will be fun to have everyone together. Well I don't have much going on. I am glad that your interview went well Robin, I am excited for you.
Robin I hope that your phone interview went well. My day has been good. It did rain a little bit today. It just did that because I washed my car on Saturday. Just 2 more work days left. I am so excited. Well have a great one. BYE
Sunday, November 20, 2011
today was good. we just hung out and played mostly with isaac. but the anderson clan went to logan tonight. I don't know yet if I am going up to logan on tuesday or wensday. I will have to check and see when it would be best. Well I'm exctited for this week it will be fun. have a good monday
Well my day was good. My primary class had a good time making turkeys. Then after church my visiting teachers came over to visit. I am glad that bingo was good. Mom black pant would work, but i like jeans better. How about jeans and a gray t-shirt. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
We had a good time at bingo. Isaac wasn't to happy but he did well after everyone went in the kitchen and he could play in the living room. We won a bunch of stuff and it was good to see everyone. I am glad you got your laundry done so you could come up. They kids were thinking maybe black pants and grey shirts for pictures. How do you feel about that one?
Well my day was good. I got a lot done. I went to the bank and washed the windows in my car. Then I went thru the car wash to do the outside. I also went to Olda Navy and got a new pair of pants. I got some wrapping paper and wrapped Isaac's birthday and Christmas presidents also. Right now I am waiting fo my last batch of laundry to dry. So I should be all set to come up Wednesday. I hope that you guys had fun at bingo. Have a great Sunday tomorrow.
Friday, November 18, 2011
today was good. I got a call from cirque and they want to do a phone interview on monday. then they said if that goes well to go down and have an interview so they can meet me. The one I went to a few weeks ago was just a basic job fair it wasn't for a specific job. so that was exciting. hopefully it goes well. then I went up to centerville, my friend had a magic show that he was doing so I went and saw that it was cute. it started to snow tis the season. :)
Today was very nice. It snowed all day and that was fun to watch. We went to the book table to get a book for Randy but they didn't have it. Isaac was in heaven, he kept wanting to sit down and look at all the book. I bought him two really cute one, the Piggy book and the little blue truck. I love both of them, you can really tell who put time into there books and who doesn't. Then Terry called me and said that she needed help getting Randy out of the house to setup to surprise party. So I had him come over and watch Isaac and I went and helped set up the party. It went well and I think they had a good time. Then I came back and picked Isaac up and went back to there house. He was surprised and had a fun time. Isaac was really good at the party, Kimi held him most of the time. It was 9 when we got home though, he was a trooper. I am excited for tomorrow. It will be fun. We will be down in the afternoon. I will text you when we leave.
Let it snow
It looks like the snow has come. I went grocery shopping on my way home from work and then did laundry. It was a quiet night. We just watched ghost whisper and vegged. It was nice. I am excited for you and Isaac and Casey to come down tomorrow. I have been trying to baby proof the house. I will need to work on that some more tomorrow. I got all the stuff to make stroke potatoes and got a really nice ham. I think I am ready for bingo.
Robin congrats on your second interview. I am excited for you. Just make sure that you are in a area with good cell phone reception when they call. My day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast actually. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I do have to teach primary on sunday, but I am going to have them make thanksgiving turkeys. We are going to write things we are thankful for on the feathers. It should be fun. Well have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
red rock
well today was good. i meet up with a photographer friend of mine to have lunch it was fun to chat. we went to red rock. they have on by fashion place now, i had no idea. then i came home and dad had to get his watch cleaned so we all went to the mall and then I had a hot dog on a stick. then just came home and relaxed no to much else have a great friday !!!
Today was good, it was a little slow for me in the afternoon but this evening went fast. I taught Isaac were his mouth is and he is getting it pretty good. I am going to practice that for a while before a start a new body part. Casey came home tonight. Thanks for the diapers mom, they are so nice. I ran out and I have missed them. Well we are enjoying the fire place, we are spending a lot of time down stairs. Well I am excited for this weekend, it will be good to see everyone.
So close to the weekend
Well my day has been good. It was kind of quiet at work, but I had a project to work on so it wasn't too boring. Rachel the 22nd works for me. I have a doctor's appointment at 9 but it should be done around 10ish. I am so ready for Thanksgiving. Just 6 days until I get to come up. Well the weather up where you are looks nasty tomorrow and friday. I hope that you don't get a ton of snow. Have a great Friday everyone.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
okey dokey
well today was good nothing to crazy happened. the 22nd will work for me I have to work at night around 5-6 ish but If we do a lunch thing that will be great for me. well nothing much else have a great one
sounds fun
Rachel I think that sounds like a good plan. Julie and Alyssa came over to get help with her math. It didn't go so well. Oh well I don't think we will be helping with math anymore. It was a nice day. I am glad that the week is almost over with because I am so excited for next week. Kohls sent me something saying they are opening at midnight also. We might be done before the morning. We can come back and sleep in. That is if the boys will take Isaac. Have a great day tomorrow.
This and that
I think that we are going to have Isaac's birthday party on the 22nd if everything goes as planned. It should be fun, let me know what time would be good for everyone. Also this weekend we decided to spend the night Saturday night, if that is alright, and come home Sunday. I think that will be nice. Well not much happened today. I hope that everyone has a good night and stay safe.
Well my day was good, but it really seemed to drag. They did come and fix the printer at work so now it is not faded in places any more. Just one more week until I get to come up. I am excited. I liked your picture Rachel. I am sorry that you got locked out. It sucks when stuff like that happens. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
oh dear
I'm sorry your day was traumatizing rachel But I does make a cute story. I like the picture 2 :) I like that t-shirt karen. I'm cool with whatever for christmas there is no big sweat. also if you want to I would like fabric for a cape or another corset to make. I think if joanns has 50 percent off stuff that would be the cheapest and best route. but thats just another idea. well my day kinda mirrored moms and I have been into criminal movies all week so i pretty much thing everyone around me is a murder on the run. I should get out more ;) well have a great night
Love the blog
OK the pictures are the best. Karen I love the shirt and Rachel I love the picture of Isaac. Those made my whole night. I have laughed and laughed. Get use to the bumps. He is on the move and hasn't learned what hurts yet. I am so glad that Randy helped you into the house. Screens are easy to fix. Don't stress about that one. I am just glad you are good. Me and Robin went to the hospital to see Kyle. He was doing better. He might be able to go home by Thursday. We took Julie to dinner at the cafeteria. It was nice. We went to the mall afterwards and got a couple bingo prizes. Robin is going to want them bad. Should make for a fun bingo game. WEll have a nice night. Thanks for the pictures.
Today after I put Isaac down for a nap I saw a police car and an ambulance outside of Jays house. They took her out on a stretcher so I hope that she is doing alright. Casey's Dad and Grandma came over to visit, she had a doctors appointment and they dropped by after. I walked them out after and locked myself out. So Randy got the screen off of the kitchen window and got in. It was nice of him, I felt stupid. We are in the process of fixing the screen. Isaac also hit his head three times today he was just being wild. Thanks for all of the Christmas wish list, that helps alot. I am excited, I looked online for black friday ads. It is pretty exciting. Here is a picture of Isaac to leave you with.

Monday, November 14, 2011
z list
well for my christmas list I am boggled. I want stuff but I don't know what stuff I want more :)
I like crazy cooking pans, or on they have fun icecube trays and zombie cookie jar. or fun pizza cutters or on amazon nordic ware has some cool cooking pans. like castles and rose buds and such.
a rhinestoned belt ( )......., this is just one I found on line but I am not picky if you find a better one or a deal that works to.
makeup stuff (they have these tattoo lipstick thingers that look cool. they have glittery ones and fun patterns, I wanted to try those for fun, , ......
or its called third degree...... ( ).... I like the clear color best . the 2 oz is a better price if you would rather by a smaller size.
I was going to look around at the day after sale and see if there are any crazy deals of things that would be fun. also I will keep an eye out for deals on amazon that would be fun. anywho there is a start if that helps a bit. :) other then that my day was good keeping it simple :) have a great one
I like crazy cooking pans, or on they have fun icecube trays and zombie cookie jar. or fun pizza cutters or on amazon nordic ware has some cool cooking pans. like castles and rose buds and such.
a rhinestoned belt ( )......., this is just one I found on line but I am not picky if you find a better one or a deal that works to.
makeup stuff (they have these tattoo lipstick thingers that look cool. they have glittery ones and fun patterns, I wanted to try those for fun, , ......
or its called third degree...... ( ).... I like the clear color best . the 2 oz is a better price if you would rather by a smaller size.
I was going to look around at the day after sale and see if there are any crazy deals of things that would be fun. also I will keep an eye out for deals on amazon that would be fun. anywho there is a start if that helps a bit. :) other then that my day was good keeping it simple :) have a great one
Made it
Rachel I am so glad you are feeling better. I agree is usually does help to get sleep. You haven't had any in 11 months. I bet it does feel good. I had a good day. Work was busy but I got a lot done and then me and Robin went to Target and you will never ever guess what we bought. ARe you ready? A new garbarge can for the kitchen. I knew you would all be way excited. It is tall and has a lid. I know it is amazing. We got a few bingo prizes and I got some pull up diapers for Isaac. I looked for glasses Karen but they didn't have anything nice. Have a great Tuesday. I am getting so excited for thanksgiving and black friday and pictures. Yeah!
I keep forgetting to say thanks for the cinnamon rolls Robin, they were very good. We have eaten them all. I will send the dish down with Casey on Thursday. After talking about that jello snack I made some Friday and today. They are so good. I have enjoyed them. Today Isaac got to a sitting position from his stomach, he has been on the verge forever and he finally did it today. Once he figured it out he did it all day. I think he was enjoying the freedom. It was nice to have a day at home. I had so much energy today, Casey said that what sleep does to you. We went to bed so early all weekend, I think that I got caught up. Casey also got up in the morning with the baby Saturday and I got to sleep in a bit. I found this website it tells you everything you ever wanted to know about Harry Potter. It was nice to read and see what really happened to everyone.
Well my day has been good. It was a little slow at work this morning but it picked up in the afternoon. I did think of something else I would like for Christmas. I could use some new drink glasses. But I would like plastic ones not glass. I have glass ones now which is why I am needing some new ones. I would like to point out that Robin has still not blogged her list of Christmas wishes. Well I hope that everyone has a great week.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
sleep/and eat
so I slept and ate food all day. Didn't do much else. i know don't over work myself. so I don't have much else to describe my day. I'm glad everyone is doing well
I got up and went and helped someone at work apply for jobs. Her job is being eliminated in January. I got home and dad made me pancakes and then he fell asleep. I didn't want to wake him up so we missed church and then he called Grandma Bodily and no one answered so we just watched TV most of the day. Dad made steaks for dinner and they tasted really good. I am glad that you had a good time at Clifton. Karen I am glad you had a quiet day. Not too much else to report. I am so excited that Thanksgiving is almost here.
Today went good. We made it up to Clifton around 9:30. I brought a bunch of Isaac's books and that was a good idea. I could read to him in the car and while we were at the house. Isaac was really good with everyone and they were glad to see him. Casey did a lot of work on the house with Allen and he had a good time. They fixed the water heater. I brought Isaac's play and pack for his nap and that that worked really well also. We came home around 5 and we just relaxed the rest of the evening. I watched Harry Potter last night and it was really good I liked it. I cried through most of it. I am glad that they made neville a good guy and survived everything. I thought the end was hokey when they had them all grown up sending there kids off. What did Harry Potter do as a job? I thought he would run the school. It was weird.
Well my day was good I really haven't done too much. My home teachers come over at 130. Then I took a nap and then cooked dinner. Exciting I know. I am watching Malcom in the Middle on Netflixs. It is a funny show. It was cloudy here this morning, but it cleared out as the day went on. I thought it might rain but it never did. I hope that everyone had a good Sunday.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Hot Chocolate
We had a good day. It was snowing when we went up to Logan but coming home was beautiful. It was a full moon. We took the back way through Willard and stopped at Maverick and got hot chocolate. It tasted so good. We got a 23 lb turkey. There will be a lot of turkey for the Bodily/Anderson clan. I am excited. Tomorrow I am going to get up early and go over to work to help someone with their resume and then hopefully we will go to church and see Grandma Bodily. That sounds like a full day. I am jealous Karen that you get to sleep in. I love doing that. I don't get to do that much anymore. Well have a nice sunday.
It's the most wonderful time of the year
Karen, thanks for the ideas, that helps. What are your kitchen colors and dinning room colors? We had a good day. Mom and Dad came up and we hung out. We got stuff for Thanksgiving so we are ready to go. We have a ton of really good food. I am excited. Isaac loved having everyone here and is now fast asleep, he is worn out. Thanks for the fun day. Tomorrow we are going to Clifton to see Casey Grandma, Mom and Allen. It should be another good day.
Well my day has been good. Robin sorry I didn't blogg a list last night. Here are a few things that I want I will post more if I think of anything. I really could use a new vacuum, I also need some more hot pads (I only have 2 and the are getting worn), a kindle gift card is always good. If you have any ideas of things you would like Robin I could use some hints as well. Well it is stake conference here tomorrow so I get to sleep in. Yeah! I hope that you all are enjoying the snow. It was sunny and 60 here today. BYE
Friday, November 11, 2011
today was chill not to much happening just sleeping and eating and shopping. I live the hard life I know. :) anyway I like your clock karen. its alot smaller then I thought it would be though but I like it. well tomorrow I have a photoshoot in draper it will be fun have a good night
Nice Clock
I like the clock Karen. It is really nice. It fits perfect there. I am glad you got it. That is cool how it chimes. We decided to go to the mall and check out the opening day of H&M. I couldn't believe the line it went clear down to the door and then wrapped around to the front door again. It was crazy. We didn't get to go in. I have never seen the mall so crowded. I did pick up Isaac a pair of crocks. She said if they don't fit we can take them back. I did get all my laundry done so that was nice. Ironing is in my future again. I hope you guys have a good weekend. Just think one more weekend after this and we are going to have fun fun fun.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Logan was fun today my day kinda lined up with rachels ;) It was fun. we got the family portraits set up though. I was thinking a black shirt with jeans. But that is my vote I didn't know what everyone else wanted. I'm glad that you almost got your clock karen I am excited to see it. It will be beautiful. Also karen if you have any ideas of what you want for christmas and would like me to buy one of the ideas that would be fun. for me at least. well have a great night
November is going fast. I am excited for pictures. I really wanted a new one. Thanks for doing that guys. I think I am going to go to Pepperidge Farm on Saturday to see if they have any good bingo prizes. I thought that would be fun. I called Casey to see if he wanted us to bring him some indian food for dinner and he was coming to get some. I didn't know he had already ordered take out so we had ordered him food also so he had dinner with us and has lunch for tomorrow. That was fun. He said he didn't have a clean shirt so me and dad went to Shopko and got him one. They had some pants on clearance so I bought dad and him a pair. I also bought Isaac a book. I can't believe you clock is coming already. That is quick. I hope it is everything you wanted. I am glad tomorrow is friday. It should be a quiet day. I made it working a whole week. It has been a while since I have done that. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Good Day
Today was really fun. It was really nice to spend the day with Robin. Thank you for coming up. We went to the Italian place for lunch and went over to the fabric store. They have so much fun stuff. It is hard not to buy everything. I did buy some truck material for a quick blanket, he doesn't need it but it is cute. They had soft truck material that I almost got. We also went to the mall and went to the Bluebird for dinner, it tasted good. Well I think that we have all of November planned now. It filled up fast with a lot of fun things. Casey's Mom called today and she is coming through this weekend to go to Clifton so she is going to drop by and see us. It will be good to see her. Casey had to work tonight but he should be coming home tomorrow. He has had a busy week.
Friday Eve
Well yeah for Friday tomorrow. Thanks for setting the appointment for the photos Robin. You are awesome. I had a good day. I stayed pretty busy so that was nice. I checked my package tracking and my clock is in Vegas and should be delivered tomorrow. That is really quick for free shipping. I was impressed. I hope that Robin and Rachel had fun in Logan. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
tick tock
I love the clock karen I'm excited to see it. well today I made cinnamon rolls today and I watched some glee and got caught up on the office. Well have a great night
They found us
The high priest leaders came over tonight. We have been found. I don't think they will find us a lot. WE have been here a year and this is their first try. I had a nice day. Work was quiet and I got a lot done. I am getting use to sitting a lot more. It isn't so hard anymore. It was so pretty outside. Karen I do love the clock. IT is beautiful. Robin have fun in Logan. LOVE MOM
Karen, this is an epic day. We have been talking about getting a clock for you for YEARS and today is the day that it has happened. I am at a loss for words. I am excited for you. I don't know what I will tease you about any more. Robin, I am excited for you to come up tomorrow, it will be fun. Thanks for doing that. Today was good, we tried to go to the park but all the slides were wet so it was a failure. It was nicer outside though so we did spend more time outside walking around. I am loving my scrap quilt. It makes me happy to see all my old fabric together. I haven't done much but it is going fast. I need to be more motivated. Well Casey is down in SLC tonight and is coming home tomorrow. I think that I am going to play bubble bobble now. Me and Casey were playing it the other night and I need to practice.
Well the week is half over. I had a good day. I went on line and got me a pretty clock for the wall in my living room. I will post a picture when it comes and I hang it up. I really don't have too much else to report so I will just wish everyone a good night. BYE
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
time of time
well today was good. I did laundry and bought some new makeup brushes. :) well not to much else happening. I am still working on my demon mask. it still has some kinks for me to work out before I add a picture. but I hope it turns out :) well not to much going on I didn't know what you were doing on thursday rachel but I thought I would take a drive up to logan for a bit just for fun. maybe eat out for lunch. I don't know just a change of scene. But if you have plans no stress. well not to much going on have a great night
Nice Day
I had a good day. I just worked all day and it felt nice. I have a lot to do but I made a little dent in it. I had tacos for dinner tonight and that tasted good. It was a quiet night. I needed one of those. Tomorrow night the high priest leaders are coming over to visit. I don't know I kind of feel like where have you been for a year. I guess I need to get over that. Move forward. I am so excited for thanksgiving also. Kay called today and they are going to have bingo at Julie's on the 19th. I need to start buying some presents. WEll have a great Wednesday. I should be another quiet day. They are interviewing someone so everyone will be in meetings. Maybe I will be lucky like Karen and get a few piles off my desk. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
In my head
I was in the car today listening to the radio and the song In my head came on. I was like this song is so familiar, it took me a minute to remember it was the song in Grandma dancing animals. It was weird to hear it on the radio. We went to Micheal's and got Dad's Christmas present. I am excited about it. Isaac isn't great at going down. I have been trying to show him to go down on his butt but he doesn't do it. Today he was going down on his stomach and it was going pretty good. I have started feeding Isaac soup for lunch and he is liking it. He eats it better than his baby food. Well I am glad that everyone is doing good. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. :)
Well my days was busy. There is a proposals that they needed to get out tomorrow so there was alot of stuff to get done. I even managed to get rid of a couple of piles off my desk in between working on the new proposal. They are shutting down part of the road by my place at 7 pm tonight. But it is suppose to be open at 6 tomorrow so it shouldn't impact me at all unless they change the times. I like the stair climbing video Rachel. How is he going down? I am glad that you got your bonus Robin. I love bonuses. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, November 7, 2011
well today was good. I went and got my lagoon bonus :) that always makes a day brighter. then I came home and put up some organizer hooks for my scarfs and coats. Mom and dad came home and we went out for dinner and shopping. now I am blogging. I ssac is super cute going up the stairs. :) I can't believe how big he is gotten. well not to much else going on have a great night
Since I had no food we went to eat and then went to Fred Meyers to buy groceries. It was a nice night. We went to the spagetti factory and dad got some spices at William Sonoma. It tasted good. I am really liking eating home lately though. I know that sounds weird but it has been fun to cook again. Rachel, Isaac is really doing the stairs well. He is amazing. I wore my new outfit to work today and it made me have a good day. I don't know what it is about a new outfit but I sure love it. I will have to go back to the old stuff tomorrow. I am browning 7 lbs of hamburger so I best be off and check it. I really like having hamburger already browned and ready to go. YOu can make a ton of things with it. Have a great night
Today was a good day. I think that I have Isaac more on the new time schedule, it still felt like there was a extra hour today. I have finished cutting out all my scrap fabric and I have decided what size I am going to make it. I hope that it turns out alright. We went to the mall this evening and walked around. There were a ton of kids at the play land so we didn't get to play there much. It was fun anyway. I have been teaching Isaac how to climb up the stairs and he is getting it. Here is a video of him going up. I only got him doing two stairs because I like to be behind him when he gets going. I hope that everyone had a good day.
Well it is dark outside. It seems like it is much later than it really is. Work was busy today. I still have a pile on my desk. I like it that way. At least I am not bored. I hope that you got your grocery shopping done mom. I am doing my laundry right now. Fun times I know. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fall Back
Yes it does take a while for a time change to take effect. Isaac will adjust eventually or you will get to know 6:30 in the morning a lot. We made it to sacrament meeting. We were going to go see Margaret but when dad called she didn't answer. Dad did work for a couple of hours this afternoon. I just watched Ghost Whispers. I like that show. It does sometimes scares me but it has a good moral. Well I am going to work all week this week. I know it is going to seem strange. It has been three weeks since I worked a whole week. Oh well I only need to work two in a row and then we get to play for thanksgiving. That will be so much fun to have Linda shop with us. I will have to call her and make sure she knows she can come. Have a great Monday. LOVE MOM
Well it has been raining here on and off most of the day. The time change is rough on everyone Rachel. I hope that Isaac falls back soon for you. My day was pretty much same old same old. I did dye my haor last night. I decided I needed to cover the gray I am getting. It really isn't differnet for my normal color so I am not going to post a picture cause you won't really see anything differnet. I hope that everyone has a good Monday. BYE
Today has been good. Isaac has been living on the old time system, I think it is going to take a while to shift an hour. He got up at 6:30 new time, 7:30 old. He took a nap when church was going to start so Casey stayed and watch him and I went to church. I sat next to Linda and she wants to shop with us the day after Thanksgiving. It will be fun. After church we baby proofed more of the living room, it looks nice and not as cluttered. Casey had to work today so he is in SLC. Thanks Mom and Dad for the nice weekend. We had a good time.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
well today was good. I worked more on my mask. then some kids from work went to a hypnotists show in odgen it was fun. well going to head for bed don't forget about the time change
Let it snow
We made it back safe and sound from Logan. It was a really nice day. At least for me. Dad had to work at Harolds all day but I got to play with Isaac and me and Rachel even got to sew. I made a baby blanket for someone at my work. I even got my hair cut. It was a good day. It did snow and there was snow in Logan but I think we have more than they do. It is cold. Karen Hot Chocolate does sound good. I even got a really nice pair of pants for 17 dollars at Christopher Banks. Thanks for reminding us Karen. One extra hour that will feel nice. LOVE YOU GUYS LOVE MOM
First of the Season
Well I am enjoying my first hot chocolate of the season. IT has been cold and windy here all day. I did get alot done though. I went to the bank, then got my oil changed and then I went grocery shopping. Then after lunch I went and renewed my apartment lease. I hope that it didn't snow to much on you up north. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip to Logan and back. Well I have that everyone has a great Sunday and don't forget to fall back tonight. Love ya BYE
save it
well today was good. I went out and looked at all the halloween sales. everything was 90% off so I raked it!!! I got a lot of cool stuff for GREAT prices. wigs were a dollar and costumes were 5-7 which were normally 50-80 dollars. so stoked. then I worked on my mask for the rest of the night. killed more brain cells if that were possible. well have a great one and be safe in this weather.
Friday, November 4, 2011
It is snowing in Logan. We made it safe and sound. It was a nice drive. We we to walmart because a pipe for a drain on the furnace came unglued. It was dripping water we will fix it in the morning. Have a good Saturday. We are going home tomorrow. Love mom
Yeah for Friday
Well it is really wingy and stormy looking here right now. It is also chilly. (I would say cold but you guys are colder up there). I had a good Friday. I stayed busy all day so it went by pretty quick. I keep feeling like I should be planning a primary lesson, but I don't teach this Sunday so I don't need to plan one. I am sure that I will get over the feeling. I am going to get the oil changed in my car tomorrow. It will be good to have done before the holidays. So wish me luck that it isn't too busy tomorrow morning. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Thursday, November 3, 2011
last day
well today was good not to much. I worked at lagoon for a bit. It was my official last day till next season. I also starting sculpting a gargoyle face, I will post pictures as I go. But its fun. anyway have a great friday
But my lips hurt real bad
Today was good. I took Isaac to the park and he liked that. The slide made him laugh. He loves walking through leafs and kicking them with his feet. Yesterday and today he steers towards them, it is cute. I had an enrichment meeting tonight, it was at Angela house in nymans nook, they have some really nice houses up there. I took Isaac and he did really well, we did have to leave around 8:45 because he was ready to leave and go to bed. It will be fun being involved in enrichment. I am cutting up some of my scraps to make a scrap quilt. I have been throwing all my scraps in the corner and I finally decided to take care of them, it feels good to clean up the room a bit. Well I am off to bed, I hope that you sleep better tonight Karen. You should buy some melatonin, it really works.
So glad
I am so glad it is almost friday. It is hard to get back in the groove when you have played for a week. WE are going to Logan. I am not sure if it will be Friday night or Saturday morning. I will keep you updated on that one. I got all my laundry done. That was good. I was really behind. I have just been doing enough to keep going for over 2 weeks. It was nice to get caught back up. Now it is ironing, ironing. I haven't done that in weeks also. Well have a great friday. Just think in three fridays we will be sorting through our bounty. :)
Almost Friday
Well today was a busy day for me today at work. There was a company meeting today. Then I had a design review. So that was pretty much my afternoon. I am tired though. I had trouble sleeping last night. I hate nights like that. YOu just keep tossing and turning and looking at the clock think "if I fall asleep right now I still can get ..... hours of sleep" the blank is for the varies times you figure that out during the night. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Yeah. It is suppose to be really cold and rainy though. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thurdays. BYE
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
well today I worked at lagoon still cleaning stuff up. Then me mom and dad went shopping. I had most everything I needed and all the costumes are cheap and sleezy so I didn't get any. I think I am going to make some more things this winter while I have down time. anywho have a great night
Black Friday
Well with all this talk of shopping, I am so excited. It will be fun to go out and shop around. It is cold here today. I am not looking forward to snow. I am glad you enjoyed the books. I love books. I am glad Isaac loves them also. I love the hard books they make now. They didn't do that much when you guys were little. It is so much nicer. They will last so much longer. I had a good day at work. I am behind from missing work but I don't care. I had such a nice time. It is fun to be able to play once in a while. Have a great Thursday. I can't believe it is November already. Time is going to fast. LOVE MOM
Mom found a book of our children books yesterday so today I went through them. It was so fun, I had forgotten about a lot of them and seeing them brought back a lot of memories. We read a lot of books when we were little. I found the poky little puppy and it is different than the one that Karen bought Isaac. I liked your copy better. We had a good day, it was chili but we were still able to go outside and walk around. Casey came home tonight and that was nice. Isaac has been scared of his bath the last couple of night so Casey helped me and we just went really slow with him and eventually he took a bath. Something must of scarred him one night, hopefully he is over it now. I am excited for Thanksgiving and shopping. I need to put a countdown on the blog, that would be fun. I will do it tomorrow.
Well my day was good. I had a meeting in the morning so I wasn't bored all day. It lasted from 9 to 1230. It was chilly here today. I am glad that you got lots of blood Robin. You can never have too much. Well just three weeks until Thanksgiving. I am excited to see everyone. Have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
blood donor
Well today was good. I worked at lagoon help cleaning the madness. then me and a girl from work went and got some eyelashes as well and blood. now with moms additions, I have a whole bucket of eyelashes and at least 10 liters of fake blood. I am set for the next year. :) I feel like october is the end of the year for me and november is the start of the new. well i'm glad everyone is doing well, it snowed up here they said it is good weather until friday and then its going to get bad.... Also 24 more days till we get to shop shop shop. :)
Back home
I had a fun trip to Logan. Boy it was hard to leave and come back to the thought I have to work tomorrow. Oh well, it was so nice to be able to play for awhile. Thanks Rachel for letting me come up. It was fun. I finished up a burp cloth tonight and watching Ghost Whispers. Me and dad went grocery shopping I guess you have to do that once in awhile. I am back to work the rest of the week. Next week I am going to have to try and work all week. Have a great night. LOVE MOM
Fun Times
Today was really fun, thank you Mom. We went to Walmart int he morning to get Robin some blood and eye lashes, it was really fun to shop. We got some breakfast sandwiches at Subway and they tasted so good. Then we came home to give Isaac a break. He took a nap when Mom went to the Doctors. We meet Debbie for lunch and it was fun to see her. Our waiter was horrible though and it took so long to get our lunches so we weren't able to go fabric shopping or get our hair cut. Casey came home tonight and we played some monkey ball, it was really fun. Well tomorrow will be quiet, I will miss everyone being gone.
Well there are a lot of ones in the date today. I liked your picture of Isaac, Rachel. That was a cute custume. My day was good. I stayed busy so it went by pretty fast. It is really windy down here. We have wind advisories until tomorrow. I guess that is better than the snow/rain they said you guys were going to get up north. Well have a great Wednesday everyone.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Well its officially over!! the winter season is now here and that means less work, more food, and fun! yeah. Isaac is super cute in his costume, I loved it. Sorry you didn't get more trick or treaters karen :( but I guess that is more candy for you!! :) well not to much else going on have a great one
Happy Halloween
We had a really fun Halloween. Mom made it up to Logan and we went to the mall to trick or treat. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and it was really good. Then we went up to Casey's Dad's to show him Isaac's costume. He was super cute. Here is a picture. He loved walking in the mall. Mom is co-blogging with me.

Well my day was good. i am glad that you made it safe up to Logan mom. I hope that you had fun with Rachel and Isaac. I am sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. i had one all written but the post button wasn't working. It was annoying. So far I have had 4 whole treat-or-treaters. I may have a lot of candy left over. They had doughnuts at work this morning so I was all sugared up this morning. Be careful driving tomorrow mom it is suppose to snow up north. Well have a good one. BYE
Sunday, October 30, 2011
do not disturb
Sorry the mirror wasn't more secure I hope no one got hurt. but like mom said I have on here, so no biggie. well today I stayed in my sweats all day and watched movies. it was nice to not do anything all day long. tomorrow I am not to sure what I am doing but I am going to ogden and hang out with a few girls from work and then we are going to just hang out and see what happens. most likely movie and dinner. but who knows. well have a great night
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...