Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What a wonderful world

Since Christmas we have been so busy loving our new Isaac that we all missed writing on the blog. All I can say is WOW. It is a miracle. He is amazing and I know I am not an overly proud grandma but he is the cutest baby. Rachel and Casey are so tired but they seem to be hanging in there and loving Isaac every minute. I really believe he hasn't been set down yet. He is so loved. LOVE MOM

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Thanks for the birthday wishes :) I'm excited to be 26. I think its going to be a good year. well today we just did one show so I was able to get laundry done . yeah. Tomorrow we have a two show day yuck.... but its my birthday so I pretty much am going to ignore the fact i'm working all day. I hope karen drives safe, you may need to boat half of the way. I"m glad that isaac is doing well. I guess we will have to save his presents for the new years ;). Well better run see you all in a few.


Good Day

Well we went shopping I made it to Lowe's Rachel. Casey is good to go. YEAH. Grandma got to drive the jazzy and then we went to Albertson's and she got to drive another one. I keep losing her in the store. She can go where she wants to. It is fun to watch her. Have a happy birthday tomorrow Robin. Drive careful Karen. I am excited to see you and play for a whole week. That will be fun. Rachel I am glad that Isaac is doing good. I knew he was. I am glad that you decided to make tomorrow your last day. It will work out for you. Have a great last day. LOVE MOM

Next Week

I went to the doctors today and the baby is doing good. They did an ultrasound to make sure that he has enough amniotic fluid and that looked good. I couldn't see much of the baby it was really quick. Then they hooked me up to a monitor and every time the baby moved I had to click a button, and the monitored his heart beat and my contractions. I guess when babies move their heart beat is supposed to go up. Isaac's did so that was interesting to see. I haven't dilated any more so he said to come back on Monday and they would induce labor next week. So when I got back to work I talked to my boss and I am going to have tomorrow be my last day. Since I haven't been their long enough I just signed a leave of absence form. I think that it will work out good. Well that is all my news. I hope that you don't get stuck in any flooding Karen and I hope that you have a great Birthday tomorrow Robin. It sounds like it will be a busy day.

Happy Birthday Tomorrow

Well Robin I hope that you have a great Birthday tomorrow. My day has been good. It has rained off and on but it doesn't look like flooding any more. Last night it stopped rained all night which helped. They said on the news that the water dropped 7 feet over night. Hopefully we get a few days to dry out a bit before we get any more water. I am excited to come up tomorrow. I am hoping to get there by 6 by a lot depends on traffic and the weather so we will have to see. I am going to leave work after the Christmas party at 1. Well have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

4 to go

Well today was a two show day. so 4 more shows to go. Tomorrow we only have one show so that will be nice. Hopefully I can get some laundry done. Grandma got me some cute tights for my birthday and I wore them today. Everyone thought they were cute. well I am excited for the holidays :) drive safe karen I can't believe the photos that you sent us. crazy flooding. i think its better your up here for a few weeks. at least if we get a lot of precipitation its snow. we can shovel it out of the way ;)



I had a really fun night. We went to the Spaghetti factory for dinner and it tasted really good. Then we shopped a bit and then went and did some sewing. It didn't feel like we sewed very long but it was fun. I have another doctors appointment tomorrow so I will update everyone on how that goes. I can't believe Christmas is almost here. It is coming fast.

150 programs

Well I made and folded 150 programs tonight. I made 2 weeks worth since I am not going to be here. Well besides that flooding nothing too exciting is going on. I am trying to get organized to come up on Thursday. So that is time consuming because I am not an organized person. I hope that your last 6 shows go good Robin. Have a great Wednesday everyone. BYE

Monday, December 20, 2010

6 more

6 more shows and then white christmas is over ;) i am excited, I have no idea what I am going to do afterwords but hopefully I can find a job somewhere.... I can't believe its raining so much down in we will have to get you some floaty toys so you can at least enjoy the flood. well only 3 more days till isaac is born... :) lol. have a great night


I scraped snow off my car this morning

It was really wet snow but I had over an inch of snow. The roads weren't bad though. Dad went to the doctor and he said he was doing good. I guess for feeling crummy he is in great shape. He went to work for Harold afterwards but decided not to stay in Logan. He is on his way home right now. It is suppose to snow tonight though. I hope it isn't bad. I am excited for you to come down Karen. The weather is suppose to be better by the time you leave. I have been thinking about your comment on Rachel's picking the date. I think it is OK. I hope she has it on that day. Karen you gave me a desire to go to the mall so me and grandma went to the mall tonight. We had Edo's for dinner and it was fun. I got the boys a stocking stuffer. They needed another one. It is too easy for buy for the girls. Well have a great tuesday.


The rains came down and the floods came up

Well apparently all the rivers down here are running at flood level and it is still raining. The weather said that there is a 100% chance of rain the next 2 days also. So I might be living on an island by the end of the week. Work was good today. It went by fast so that was nice. I am super excited to come up on Thursday, hopefully I won't need a boat. Well my vote for the baby goes with dad's I think it will be sometime before the 31st. I don't think that it is fair for Rachel to vote so can just tell her doctor to start her on the day she picks so that could be cheating. Have a great one. BYE

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Today was pretty chill. we had a birthday dinner and cold stone pie. It was really tasty. I got really awesome things thanks for the great gifts. It was raining today but no snow. we will see if we have a white christmas or not. well I hope everyone has a great monday i'm glad that christmas is this week.


Rain here also

Well it rained here most of the day also. I bet Logan got snowed in for sure. I had a quiet day and it was nice. Got up late stayed in bed and watched a movie then went for a walk and had a birthday dinner for Robin. It was nice. I am excited for you to come up Karen. I hope we can get your laptop working when you get up here. That sucks. I really like laptops. I didn't do farmville either tonight. So we are even. Well have a great week. I hope all goes well this week. Karen you didn't pick a date for Isaac. I really think I am going to win. Well take care you guys. LOVE MOm


Well it is still raining on and off down here. Nothing to hard but still we have flash flood warnings. Well my laptop is not working and I can't get farmville to work right on my desk top. When farmville loads all I get are grey circles where things are suppose to be. I will have to play with that and see if I can get it working. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I made a BLT for dinner and that tasted good. I love the smell of bacon. Just four more days until I get to come up. I hope that Robin had a good birthday party today. Have a good one. BYE

Saturday, December 18, 2010

eight maids a milking

I waited all day for a phone call so I could rush off to the hospital. baby demerit #1 my new date is the 23rd. If he is born on the 23 I will forgive him for not being born today. :) I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well though. Today was a two show day so I am pretty beat. Tomorrow I have the whole day off. woot. I'm glad the christmas carols were awesome karen. well I guess nothing else for the daily report. signing off



Karen, Good job. I was just the opposite. I am inspried by you. I slept in and watched the last three episodes of Dexter. This season wasn't as good as the others have been. I did wrap all my Christmas presents so I am good to go. Then Casey went to work and I went with him and watched him work. Then Mom and Dad picked us up and we went to dinner. It was a nice day. We took a bet at dinner to see who can guess the babys birthday. If anyone wants to join they can. Grandma took the 22nd. Mom took the 28th. I have the 29th. Casey the 31th. Dad took everything until he is born so his doesn't count. Robin did call the 18th but that has passed so you can choose a different date.


I forgot to say that the Forgotten Carols were amazing and I had a great time.


Well I have been productive today. I went grocery shopping, cleaned my bathroom, saw a movie, and now I am doing laundry. Wow I know. I even fit in a trip to the mall just to see how many people where there. There were a ton. I also got me some nuts at the Totally Nuts place. They are just so yummy when they are warm. It has rained here all day. I guess that means you have snow up north. I am hoping that you don't have too much. I may have to find my ice scrapper. Well have a great one.

Friday, December 17, 2010

nine ladies dancing

Well today was good. I beat the end guy on level 5 and then a few girls from work needed dresses for a wedding they are going to so we went to the gateway to look around. They didn't have anything, dress shopping is terrible. Then at work a dancer caught the flu and had to miss. but everyone handled it really well. hopefully she fells better tomorrow. its a two show day. I am glad that the baby is doing well. If he's born after christmas does that mean we all get to open one of his gifts??? :) just kidding. I hope the forgotten carols is good karen, I love that music. well not much else with me. I'm excited for christmas.


Nice Day

Well we were in Logan all day and it turned out good. We got the ear wax out of grandmas ear went to lunch got her money for her cards and went shopping got her hair cut and went to dinner. It was a busy day. I am staying for a party at 6 tomorrow night but it the weather gets too bad I am going to come home before dark. I don't want to drive in the dark in a snow storm. I can stop by Debbie's house on the way out. I will just play it by ear. Well not much else to report. I hope you had a good time Karen and Rachel I am so glad that all is going well. You are doing great.



I had a doctors appointment today and it went good. Isaac's heart sounded good. I was 70% effaced and a finger tip dilated. He kept teasing us that we are going to have to name him Nick, because he will be born on Christmas. I have another appointment on the 22nd and he said that they do a stress test on the baby to make sure he has enough fluids and is holding up alright. I am jealous that you are going to the forgotten carols Karen, that will really put you in the holiday spirit, have fun.

Its raining its pouring

Well it is raining here not now. I am just killing time until Forgotten Carols start. Work was good today. I am glad that it is over though and it was payday so that was good. I am glad that you made it to Logan safe mom. I hope that the weather is nice when you have to drive back. So far the weather looks nice when I am coming up. I hope that it stays that way. Well I hope that everyone as a great weekend Bye

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In Logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan. Dad stayed in SLC. He was too busy. It was hard to come up. I feel like I was coming up all alone again. Weird. Good luck at the doctor's Rachel. I hope all goes well. The baby is covering up the 40 that is good. Karen you will love the Forgotten Carols that is fun you are going. Well wish me luck tomorrow. I am going to sleep in. That will feel good.



Karen, I love the forgotten carols, that is so fun that you got tickets to go. I am jealous. Good job. I had a good day, the temp called in sick again so I had to do the reports today. Tonight me and Casey went Christmas shopping, we are all done now. It feels good to be done. Well I have a doctors appointment, I will let everyone know how it goes.


Forgotten Carols

Well I was spontaneous and bought a ticket for the Forgotten Carols tomorrow. I heard the advertisement on the radio my decided to go. It was rainy here most of the day. Work was busy today and filled with random jobs. But at least it went quick. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Just one more week until I get to come up for the holiday. I am excited to come up and see everyone. Hope you all have a great Friday.BYE

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hot dog

Today I had a two day show. The first show was a school group and they are fun because they have bigger reactions. Then during intermission we went to hot dog on a stick it tasted really good. I love their hot dogs. well other then that its same ole same ole. 10 more days till christmas


Alyssa's dance recital

Me and grandma went to see Alyssa's dance recital. It was really good Kyle got to go also and that was fun. He enjoyed it We took them to Leatherby's afterwards because Julie had to take Kyle home. It was nice to be with the kids. I am going to go to Logan tomorrow night or Friday morning. Grandma has a doctor's appointment on Friday and so does Gary. Gary might cancel and go another day. We will see what is going on tomorrow. I am glad you got to rest Rachel. The seats weren't very comfortable. Julie told me that Robins show got continued for an extra week. I thought that was good news. Excited for you to come home Karen.



I had a good day. I didn't go to the dance recitial tonight. Casey wasn't going to work but he ended up working. I atedinner and fell asleep. It was nice and I feel better. I don't have much else going on, I hope that everyone had a good night.

Lead anyone

Well at work today I worked on tracking down solder with lead in it. It was a rather involved project. But it kept me busy so that was nice. It was cloudy here all day. I thought maybe it might rain but it never did. Just one week left until I get to come up. I am excited. I am glad that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing. The baby is going have about a millions blankets. He will have to have an extra room just for cloths and blankets. Have a great one bye.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Times

I had a good day. We had a work Christmas lunch and it was fun and the food was really good. I ate a ton of food. Me and Mom did sew and her blanket it really cute, I love it. Isaac is spoiled. I worked on my Sea Urchin quilt and got a lot done. I didn't make enough of the middle pieces but when I got home I found fabric for the 5 I am missing. I don't know what I was thinking, it will be fast to get caught up again. I am excited for you to come up next week Karen. It will be fun. :)

Going to Snow

It is suppose to snow tonight. I don't like that. I hope they are wrong. Rachel and I got to sew and I sure like that. I made the cutest monkey blanket from material I got in St. George. I even cut to finish by myself. That made me feel good. I feel good I could do it all by myself. We are going to have a birthday dinner for Robin on Sunday because she has to work on her birthday. Karen I thought since you were coming up on her birthday we could take her out late and do something fun. I thought would be good. We will see how it works out. Unless Rachel decides to have Isaac on that day. I am glad it is Wednesday tomorrow. I have friday off so it will make the week go really fast. Not much else to report. I am needing to wrap some presents but I'll get to that someday I hope.


11 days

Well there are just 11 days until Christmas. Things are going good here. I got 15 minutes over time today at work. I hope that you guys are having fun time sewing tonight. It gets dark so early now. It is dark by the time I get home. It makes it feel like it is late at night when it is still early. Have a good one.

Monday, December 13, 2010

copy cat

Well today I worked at the theater. I am really tired yesterday was kinda a joke. but I made it out a live and can add that to my list of battle scars. Hopefully the rest of the week is smooth. Nothing else to crazy. I am glad that christmas is 12 days away. I am sooooo ready for december to be done.

love you


I couldn't think of a good title either. Robin was really tired. I hope she gets some rest. I had a good day also. I went to work early today. I am tired tonight. I am excitd to sew tomorrow. I am going to make another baby blanket. The one with Monkeys. Not much else going on. I did take Grandma to Smith's and we got a table cloth and a new wallet for her. Well have a great tuesday. LOVE MOM


I couldn't think of a good blog titile today. Today was good, work went by pretty fast and it was a good day. Casey was home tonight and we just took it easy. We are having a work christmas party tomorrow, it should be fun. Everyone stay safe.


Well today was good. It was colder today than it was all weekend, but I guess that is winter for you. I got me some clemintines oranges and they tasted good. They are another thing that I love about this time of year. Work was good today. I kept busy for the most part. I am ready for Christmas to be here. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Sabbath

We had a good day. We finally made it to church this week, I haven't been very good about getting up to go. It was really nice and felt good to go. Afterwards we napped and just took it easy. We went up to Mom and Dad's for dinner and it was really fun. The lasagna tasted so good. Yesterday Casey worked and I did a little Christmas shopping but was mostly lazy. I did get some sewing done and that felt nice. I am so close to getting done with the Sea Urchin quilt. I also played a lot of Donkey Kong. I am on world 6 now. It is a fun game.

Safe and Sound back in SLC

We made it back safe and sound. It was nice to go to Logan. It is really warm here also. We visited Grandma Bodily on the way back and it was nice to see her. She is having a hard time. I made lagsana tonight for dinner and it tasted really good. I have to go to work early tomorrow to work on some data but I am going to take Friday off so I won't go over my hours. I am excited for Christmas to come. Won't be too much longer now. Robin I hope you had a good time with your movie. Get some rest. Karen I am glad they gave you the program now you can get them all done before you leave for coming here



Well they didn't give any information for the program this week so i didn't make a program. So a little while ago the Bishop called and gave me the speakers for the next 2 weeks. So I am set I guess. Church was good it was the Christmas program so the ward choir was in charge. It was another beautiful day outside. You didn't even need a jacket in the afternoon. I wish it would stay like this all winter. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip back to SLC. I also hope that Rachel, Casey, and Robin had a good Sunday also. Have a great week. BYE

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Well today was a double show day. I am pretty beat. but during the middle of the two shows me and a couple girls went out for dinner and then went to a craft fair at the trolley square. it was really fun. I got a cute head wrap thing with a cute flower and a dress/skirt thing. I really liked the fabric. It was fun. I shouldn't have bought so much but I did. tomorrow I don't work at pioneer theater but I work for the film that I worked on friday. Its in ogden this time so not as far but still early. well have a great one


Nice Day

I finished up christmas today and that was fun. Gary worked the morning and then we just rested most of the day. It was nice just to take it easy. We needed that. Nothing else to report. The weather was nice. A little snowy in Sardine on the way up but other than that a nice day. We are coming home tomorrow morning and stopping by to see Grandma Bodily and then coming home. I made dinner already so all I have to do is warm it up.


Shall I go now

Rachel I am glad that you are liking the 2nd season of dollhouse. Well things are going good for me here today. It was so pretty and nice outside this afternoon that I went for a walk. It must of been 65 outside I had a jacket but I took it off it was so warm. I think that I got a good dose of vitamin D. It was nice to be out in the sun. I walked up to the mall and it was crazy to see how many people where there. i was glad I wasn't shopping. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday also. BYE

Friday, December 10, 2010

safe and sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound to Logan. It was snowing in the pass but it wasn't bad on the roads. It feels good to be at the house. It is cold though. I turned the heat up and in a few minutes it will be warmer. Not much else to report. I am going Christmas Shopping also tomorrow and then make some Lasagna for Sunday dinner. that sounded fun to do. Have a great weekend. Get some rest Robin


I'm not my best

I have been watching too much doll house I think. Everything I mess up something or miss something I think "I am not my best". I have been liking season two, I am on disc three now. Today was kind of gloomy, it rained most of the day. Me and Casey went to dinner and that was nice. I am going to lie on the couch and watch doll house the rest of the night. Tomorrow I am hoping to finish all my Christmas shopping. I am not looking forward to the crowds.


Well I am glad that it is the weekend. I hope that you made it thru the day okay Robin. It makes me tired just thinking about how much sleep you got. Work was good today. It was pretty here today. the sun was shining, it was a little cold but it was nice outside. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend


I'm glad you guys liked the play, they do a good job dancing. well today I worked and then drove up to logan. I am helping with a film in the morning and also on sunday. So I am going to wake up in about 3-4 hours. I just caffinated to get to logan so hopefully my enegry will settle so I can sleep a bit. :) well just thought I would write so then everyone knew I was safe. 2 more weeks till christmas :) yeah I'm excited for karen to come up and isaac to be here :)

love you

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Neat Play

It was a really nice play. I loved it. The costumes were amazing and dancing. I am sorry you missed it Karen. However guess what is playing at Touachan this summer? Grease! I am really excited to see that one. That should be good. We will go to that one. Probably on the hottest day of the century. Tomorrow we are going to Logan after work and grandma is staying here. Robin left for Logan tonight and will come back just in time to go to work tomorrow. I am going to finish up my christmas shopping. I even wrapped a few gifts last night. I need to do some more. Have a great Friday.


Friday eve

Well it is almost Friday. Yeah! I am ready for the weekend to be here. I hope that everyone had a fun time at Robin's play thing. I am sorry that I didn't get to see it Robin. I am sure all your stuff was awesome though. Well it was chilly and cloudy here today. Work was busy this morning but then it slowed down in the afternoon. I am glad that you got your rick rack thing done mom. Well have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Ya that works to have my birthday the sunday before. I am ok with whatever. I'm not making any definite plans for anything I figured we are playing the next few weeks by ear. well I worked today it was a double show so I'm tired. I can only imagine what the dancers feel like. well I am going to go relax..... have a great one



I had a good day, work went well and me and Mom got to sew. We had a good time and we both got a lot done. I finished a quilt top for Isaac and Mom made two receiving blankets, they are really cute. I will put pictures on. I am excited for you to come up too Karen, it will be a fun holidays. Well I am going to do my farm and them go to bed. :)

I have Rick Rack

I finally got the rick rack on the blanket and made another one with snowmen. They are both so cute. Work was good. I got a little training and am moving right along. I am getting so excited for Christmas Holiday also. It will be fun to have you home Karen. I hope little Isaac will come then. Well not much else to report. We are going to Robin's play tomorrow night. Robin says it is really good and it got really good reviews in the newspaper. Rachel said turkey sounded good for Christmas Eve. Think of some good food items for the other days. Robin do you want to Celebrate your birthday the sunday before Christmas or do you want to celebrate late on your birthday when Karen is here or both.


Count down

Well just 2 more weeks until your due date Rachel. I am excited for you. I am also excited to come up for Christmas. Work was good today I stayed busy for most of the day. So it went by pretty fast. I am glad that you are liking the 2nd Season of Dollhouse Rachel. When you are done just send it over to Robin, she wanted to see it next. I hope that everyone has a good time sewing tonight. Have a good one. BYE

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


well nothing to crazy today I worked at the theater. The show went well. I feel really tired. Everyone is starting a count down for christmas because its the end of the show. well nothing else to exciting have a great wensday


Quiet evening

I even cooked tonight. I put some chicken in the crock pot and then I took Grandma to Shopko. I like quiet nights. I have a lot to do and I just vegged. I will work harder the rest of the week. I am excited to sew tomorrow. maybe the rick rack will get done tomorrow. Ya never know. LOVE MOM

This and That

I had a good day. Work went well and I didn't do much in the evening. I watched Glee and that was good. I also have been watching the Doll House. I am almost done with disc two. I like it Karen, thanks for letting me borrow it. Tomorrow me and Mom are going to sew and that will be fun. Thanks for everything.

Made it

Well this morning started slow at work, but it pick up in the afternoon so that was nice. I went and got Inception at Walmart after work. I haven't seen it yet but everyone has been saying that it is a good movie. It was chilly here this morning, we even had a little fog hanging around. It didn't last long but it was there. Well I hope that the rest of the week goes quickly. I am excited for the Christmas break so time is going slow. Have a great week everyone

Monday, December 6, 2010

in line at the DMV

Well today I went and got my drivers license renewed. It was a long line and kinda depressing. The lights are dark and everyone is not in the christmas spirit. but I survived and now I have to wait another 2-8 weeks till I get my real license in the mail . Then I worked at the theater. It went well nothing to crazy. Its starting to settle down a bit. only 19 more days till the end of the show :). I hope everyone has a safe and great day. love you



Well it was a good day. Thanks so much for getting me a case Rachel. I was going to go look for one tomorrow. Grandma rode her first scooter today at Sam's. She was so cute. She said she wanted to go back again and ride the motorcycle. She also rode one at Smith's but the isles were smaller and it was a little harder for her. Dad returned his software and they gave him his money back and then he just downloaded it on the internet. It is working great. Karen you should get on UTube and watch the music video. It is really neat. It is by Becky Kelley. Well have a great Tuesday. I did my first power point slide show. It even turned out. Thanks Karen for being my backup. Well have a great night.


The Line to See Jesus

I watched The Line to See Jesus today and I really liked it, thanks Dad for showing it to me. I am sorry it didn't work yesterday. After work I did some Christmas/Birthday shopping. I am getting closer to being done. After shopping I meet Casey for dinner, then sat with him for a while at work. Mom while I was out shopping I got you a bobbin case. It didn't have a model on it but I think that it will work.



Well I brought cookies to work today, so that made it a good Monday. Sugar and chocolate make any day better. It rained here this morning but then it cleared out. I think that it only rained because I washed my car on Saturday. Work was a little slow today, so I hope that it picks up the rest of the week. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Safe and Sound

We made it safe and sound back to SLC boy it is foggy both in Salt Lake and Logan, We bought tickes to go see Robin's play on Thursday. I thought that would be fun. It is nice to be back in SLC. It is starting feel more and more like home. HOwever I did love going back to my home in Logan. I do like that house. Well I don't have much else going on. I hope your headache is better Karen. I did make stroke potatoes for you.



Robin I think that Rachel might have the whole game won by the time I get mine. Well things are good here. I had a headache this morning so I skip church. I feel better now though. I was going to make cookies last night but I didn't have any Crisco so I had to go back to Walmart. Then I lost motivation after that so I made cookies after lunch today. I burned the first dozen but other than that they turned out good. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip back to SLC from Logan. Have a good one. BYE

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I can't believe you are on world 3 I just barely got there. I hope I can get a little ahead before karen starts playing. You two kill me at games. I might have to get the cheat book to get a better percentage. :) well today was a 2 show day... I am beat. During the break me and a girl went to zuppas for dinner. It was quite tasty. well tomorrow I have off but am going to go see a friend in a play. hopefully it doesn't go all night. I am ready for a day off. :) anywho I hope that everyone is doing well. have a great one


All Ready

We had a good day. We meet Vickie and Steve for lunch and they are doing good. It was good to see them. Then me and Casey went baby shopping and got a ton of things. We got a Snug-a-Bunny swing that is really nice.

We got a bumbo seat with a tray, a changing pad. A light that has monkeys and a sail boat on it. It is pretty sweet. We also got a garbage can for diapers.

I was going to go Christmas shopping but we were shopped out after so we took a nap. Casey got me donkey kong and I played that all evening. I am on world 3 now. I have video game problems, they are addicting. Well I am glad that everyone is having a good weekend. Stay safe.


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I got a lot of shopping done today. It was fun. I even got dad a present but he can't wait until Christmas so he is playing with it now. It will be fun up to Christmas. Grandma wouldn't get dressed today. She doesn't change environments well. I don't think she will be coming to Logan much. It is just too hard on her. I am going to have to work something out. I hope everyone had a good day. It was fun to get ready for Christmas.



Well I got a lot done today. I went to the bank, got the program for church made, went grocery shopping, wrapped presents, and now I am doing laundry. I am going to make cookies for work tonight or maybe tomorrow. I hope that everyone has had a good Saturday. BYE


Well today was pretty much the same I worked tonight. Tonight was opening night I thought it was yesterday but It was today. I think it went pretty well nothing to crazy. Tomorrow we have a matinee so its an all day event and then sunday I have off... yeah. have a great relaxing saturday :)


Friday, December 3, 2010

safe and sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan. We stopped and saw Grandma Bodily and then went to Village Inn for dinner. It is foggy in Logan. It feels nice to be here. I do love this house. It has a lot of memories for me. I am glad you got to go to Temple Square Rachel that is fun and I am glad you car is OK Karen. FUn times. WEll dad is going to take me to the midnight buying of Eclipse. I am excited. Have a great weekend. I am going to go Christmas shopping tomorrow. LOVE MOM

Temple Square

Tonight when I got home from work it felt so warm outside I thought it would be fun to go and see the lights at temple square. Casey had to work for a while so I took a nap and when he got home we went out to dinner and then went and saw the lights. It was fun. It was pretty warm so it was fun just to walk around. There were a ton of people and Casey said it was nice so we didn't get stopped by the missionary's every two steps.

In the middle of the night

Well I went to work at what I consider the middle of the night. But I made it thru. I also got my wipers checked and they said that it was just ice hat made it not work. It works fine now. The good news is I didn't get charge for anything. I am now super tired. Just three weeks until Christmas. I can't believe how fast things are just flying by. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE

patty wack

Well today was productive. I went christmas shopping and am now done with shopping. I wanted to get it done before stores were crazy and time speeds up. only 22 more days. yikes. I also worked to day as well. Things are starting to become not so chaotic. I have more control of what I need to do. well nothing else to crazy, I bought me a copy of donkey kong for the wii so now my life is going to be full on donkey kong. :) have a great friday!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

No Rick Rack

Well I went to sew my rick rack on and the bobbin holder was lost. I hope it is at Logan. So my rick rack is still pinned on. It is taking forever for one little thing. I did cut out two more blankets tonight though and that was fun. It just seemed nice to sew. I missed sewing night. Good luck Karen tomorrow. I hope you make it. That is so early. I am so not a morning person. I had a good day at work. I even did some of the papers on my desk. That felt nice. Robin I hope your phone is working. That sucks. I wonder if it is still under warranty. Tomorrow we are going to Logan. Grandma is going with us. I am not sure if we are coming back on Saturday night or Sunday Morning. Laundry here I come. I hope I get it all done. Well have a great weekend. HO HO HO


Well i have to go into work at 6 tomorrow morning. Ugh! At least I am going to get off at 230. They doing something to the power at work and so it will be off at three. I am taking my car to get the wipers checked after I get off. So it work out well for me. I am going to wrap presents this weekend. Since I put up the tree Rachel gave me I decided that it should have presents under it. Well have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well today was good I slept the first part of it. I was really tired, I don't sleep well I think. I am glad this week is half over it. I charged my phone this afternoon and when I went to go get it for work it spaced out. I had little lines all down my screen. I kinda freaked out. Then afterwork it was black so I charged it when I got home and the home screen came up. I hope it was a one time glitch I don't know what I would do with out my phone. Well that was my trauma for the day.... maybe tomorrow my phone will behave.



I had a good day. It was fun to go to dinner with Mom and everyone. Casey was home when I got there and that was nice. He even had gone to the store for me for some cottage cheese so I didn't have to go. It was really nice of him. Mom also gave me the left over yams so I am good to go. Thanks for all the change you gave me Karen. I felt rich today when I looked in my drawer and I had a ton of change to buy a candy with. Thank you.

Hump day

Well we made it through half the week. I got trained some today so I have a billion stuff to do now. YEAH. That will make the day go really fast. I am so glad because I hate sitting there when I know Ihave tons of work to do. We went to meet Kay's family for dinner. They took grandma to the Festival of Trees. She had a really good time and it was nice to see everyone. Rachel came with me and I got to feel Isaac kick. It was way fun. Well I am tired to I am going to go veg for awhile.


Half Over

Well I made it thru the insurance meeting. We got a new insurance provider, I will have to see if it as good as the other one. It was cold here today. It is going to be a very cold winter. I am glad that you found less stairs to go up Robin. Less it always better when it comes to stairs. Tomorrow is our company meeting, exciting I know. Well I hope that you all have a great day.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Well today went a lot better I am starting to know where I am in the maze of things. So now instead of a bazillion stairs I'm down to a million. :) I can't believe that its december.... I'm sure its going to fly by. I guess thats life. have a great one


Internet is back

Well my internet is back on line. It took dad most of the night last night to get it working. I am glad everyone is doing OK. I want to see Robin's play also. We should go together one night. Tomorrow grandma is going with Kay to watch Rylee dance at the festival of trees. Me and RAchel are going to join up with them for dinner. Work is going good I think. I am slowly plugging through things. I kept busy so that is good. Not too much else going on with me. Have a great day.



I had a doctors appointment today and it went good. My stomach measured 36 for 36 weeks. Everything is looking good. I go to the doctor every week now, so that is fun. Work went good day, it was busy since it is the last day of the month. I don't have much else going on, I am going to watch glee tonight. Everyone stay warm.


Well it was chilly here today. I get to go to an insurance meeting tomorrow. I guess they are changing insurances again. i hope that they get a good one. Then on Friday they are loosing power in the afternoon so we all get to work 6-230 again. Then I am going to go and get my car checked out on Friday. My sprayer is working again. Maybe it was just frozen. I am still going to go have then check though. Well tomorrow I get the first chocolate out of the cool count down calendar Robin got me. Thanks again for that. Have a great one. BYE

Monday, November 29, 2010

White christmas

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while its been really crazy and last night the internet wouldn't work so that is my excuse. yesterday was the first dress rehearsal it was chaotic at best I was sore today and then I had another crazy night today so tomorrow i am really going to feel it. The show is called white christmas. Well I am glad to hear everyone is safe and sound. I think I am going to head for bed. have a great night


Back to the Grind Stone

I made it back to work today. The roads were snowy but it wasn't too bad getting to work. Casey took me out to dinner and then he went back to work. I slept too much on Sunday so I had a hard time sleeping last night so I am tired tonight. Robin is your play A White Christmas? I heard a commercial for it on the radio this morning. How do I get tickets? Can I buy them online. I would like to see it. Well everyone have a safe night and try to stay warm.



Well I actually woke up and made it to work this morning. Yeah for me. I am tired today though. It was worth it for the fun weekend though. I went to Walmart after work today to pick up a few things. I needed bread and milk and some fruit. It wasn't too bad at walmart so I got in and out pretty quick. I hope that everyone had a good Monday and that it wasn't to crazy with all the snow you got yesterday. Have a great week. BYE

Sunday, November 28, 2010

snow, snow and more snow

Boy it really snowed today. I am so glad you went home Karen or you would still be here with us. The roads weren't bad when we went to Rachel's though. THat was good. Robin had to work tonight and she took the Jeep. She still isn't home so I hope she is OK. I am not looking forward to a week of work. It always is hard to go back when you have had time off. Good luck at the doctor's on Tuesday. I can't believe what nice gifts you got. You are spoiled. I am glad the chest of drawers turned out so well. They are really nice. They will hold a lot of stuff for sure. Well have a great week. I hope the roads are good in the morning.


Thank you

Thank you everyone one for everything, you guys are spoiling me. I had a such a fun weekend. It was fun to be all together. Karen I am so glad that you left yesterday, the weather was bad today. It is good just to have a day to rest anyway. Casey and I, mostly Casey, built the chester drawers last night. We built it in the living room and couldn't get it in the bedroom so Mom and Dad came over and helped. It looks really good and I feel a lot better about things. I have a lot of it organized now and will keep working on it this week. Hopefully my apartment will start to look better. Well everyone have a good night and get a lot of rest.


Well mom said that you had a lot of snow in SLC today. So I am glad that I left last night. I haven't done a lot today, just been lazy. It was nice. Robin's Christmas gift come in the mail while I was up north. So I think that I am all set for Christmas now. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nice Weekend

I am so glad you made it safe and sound Karen. We are watching the weather and it is starting to snow in Logan right now. You would have had a great drive home tomorrow. I am glad you got to come home. It was so much fun. I had a great time. Rachel you got such wonderful presents. Some of those blankets are going to be heirlooms. They are amazing. We took grandma out to Julies house and then to James house. It was nice to see everyone. I am going to rest tomorrow. YEAH LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Made it

Well I made to St. George safe and sound. Thanks for checking the weather, Rachel and Casey, I like driving better when it is not snowing. I had a fun time this weekend thanks for everything everyone. I am still going to skip church tomorrow though. I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Safe and sound in Logan

We made it safe and sound and so did Karen. The turkey is unthawing and stuffing is ready to be made. We are going to have a good day. Rachel drive careful. If you need anything you just let us know. LOVE MOM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I see turkey in my future

Rachel we won't leave until I hear from you. You can drive with us. I am so excited for thanksgiving. I got to leave early also. I got home around 3 it was nice. I could get use to that. Well tomorrow I have to work a full shift and then I can leave. Karen please drive careful. It really wasn't that bad of a storm. It is suppose to be really cold however. Ice will be everywhere. Have a great Wednesday and I'll see you soon.



Well I wasn't that impressed with the blizzard, it wasn't that bad. They let me go home from work at 4 so we wouldn't get stuck in the storm and Casey got the evening off. It was nice. We went to best buy and got Casey some headphones and he did some doughnuts in the parking lot. The lunch at Olive Garden was fun, it was a nice day. I had a long lunch and left early. Well I am excited for you to come up tomorrow Karen and for Thanksgiving. Casey may go up to Clifton tomorrow if the roads are OK to see his Mom. I may catch a ride with Mom or Karen tomorrow if you guy are going up to Logan. I will call Mom after work tomorrow and let her know what is going on.


Well it is chilly here and cloudy. No precipitation yet though. I have to get up tomorrow at 5 so i can be to work at 6. I don't even like knowing there is a 5 in the morning let alone getting up at it. Well they did get me the stuff for the program so I better go and make the program. Then I have to pack. I hope that you all don't get snowed in. BYE

Monday, November 22, 2010

drum roll please

Well posted is the new entertainment center. It did not come in pieces we dragged it all the way. we did have a dolly but non the less we were successful :) well we went out for dinner it was tasty. then I had to drive to farmington earlier today to get a pay check it was nice to get paid. :) well I am beat have a great tuesday be safe in the storm!!!


New entertainment center

I found this entertainment center at Fred Meyer's and it was on sale so dad let me buy it. It was kind of a chore to get it here but it looks nice. Robin took a picture and said that she would post it. When I checked out they gave me another 30 dollars off. It was over 1/2 off. I really like it. It is so not me. I always go for light wood and this is black but it matches so nice with the book case that we had already. It hides all the cables really well. Robin says it is off center but we will survive. It was nice to go to dinner with Rachel. Get some rest you looked really tired. Karen we are under a blizzard warning for until Wednesday. We need to watch the weather really close. I am worried about it. Robin said she has minute by minute weather on her phone. Do you have that? Well I am excited for this weekend. I hope Logan isn't snowed in. LOVE MOM

Top Performer

I was a Top Performer again at work. We are going out to lunch tomorrow at the Olive Garden, it will be fun. I had a good day. Mom, Grandma and Robin all met me for dinner and then we went shopping. It is fun to hang out with everyone. I like it. When I got home Casey came home a little after and we watched a movie. I am sorry about your bank Karen, they try to get every penny out of you. Thanks everyone for the fun evening.


Well I got my statement for my new account and it had a 10 dollar service charge on it. I thought that was strange for a free checking account so I called and they reversed the charge for me. They also said that it wouldn't happen again. It was still a pain though. Work was good, just two more work days left until the holiday. It was cold today. I nearly froze. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well my day was pretty much a copy of rachels. it was a good day though it was fun to see everyone. Well mostly filling up space on my section of the blog. Mostly to say HI to everyone I'm excited for thanksgiving!!!



I had a good day, Grandma's Birthday party was really fun. We had a good turn out and it was fun to visit with everyone. I really had a good time. Then we went out to Grandma Bodily's house and visited, it was good to see her and Sue. We are going to watch a movie now and relax. I am excited for you to come up Karen, it will be fun. This week is going to go fast.



Well today has been good, but cold and wet. I went to church and it was windy and wet. I did tell the bishopric that I was going to be gone on Wednesday. So we will see if they get me the stuff for the program in time for me to make it before I go. I am not holding out much hope though. Just three work days to get thru until Thanksgiving. I hope that Grandma's party went well. Did everyone show up? Well i hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE

Saturday, November 20, 2010

winter wonder land

Well today was a good day. I went out for dinner with jeff and grandma. It was good to get caught up on life. I sometimes forget how long we go with out catching up. Then we came home and it started to snow. It was really pretty but crazy driving. Well I am glad everyone is doing well I am super excited to play next week!!!!! (and eat) :)



We made it back from Logan. Sardine was snowing but we took the jeep and it wasn't too bad. It was getting a lot of snow. I am ready for summer already. I am sorry I missed the shower Rachel. I am glad you had a good time. I got the shower presents bought today for next week and thanksgiving all ready to go. It was weird to go back to Logan. It just didn't look the same. I guess I have taken more stuff than I thought I had. I am excited for black friday. Old Navy is opening at midnight. Just an FYI. I still can't find the plug for my sewing machine. I have no idea where it ended up. I am going to clean up for the openhouse tomorrow and hopefully I will find it then. Be safe in the snow LOVE MOM

Bad Blogger

Sorry I haven't blogged in the last two days, I have been a slacker. Thursday I went to Harry Potter and it was really good, I liked it. Everyone I went with hadn't read the book so I don't know how close they stuck to it. The book was probably better but they did a good job. I made it through Friday at work and when I got home I feel asleep and didn't wake up until this morning. It was a good sleep. When I got up I went and had my oil changed, I have been talking about it forever and I figure I would just do it. The girls at my work through me a baby shower today. We had lunch and opened presents and then we went to a movie Life As We Know It. It was a cute movie with a lot of sad part. We had a good time. They got me some cute clothes, it was really sweet of them. Casey had today off so we went to the mall and found me a jacket that fits better and it is cute. We also went grocery shopping. It is snowing here Karen so be prepared for it to be cold when you come up. I am excited for Thanksgiving this week, it will be fun.


Well it has been really cloudy here today. It did rain a little bit not much much here. I have been running errands most of the day. I went to the bank and got my account all switched over so mom and dad's names are off my account. Then I went grocery shopping. I went to cafe rio for lunch and spent the gift card mom gave me. Then I was going to go to a movie, but I took a nap instead. Now I am getting laundry done. I have also wrapped my gifts for the shower next week. I just have one question is this the correct spelling of Kristen? I would hate to spell it wrong. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, November 19, 2010


Well today I went to pioneer theater for orientation. Its a really nice facility. I think it will be fun to work there. I'm going to learn alot. Then I went to a party with a friend it was glitter toes party. So I have glitter toes now, they are pretty cute I like them. And other girl was doing extensions with tinsel. so now I have red tinsel as extensions in my hair. she said they should last a while so I'm excited to try the new locks. :) anyway that is my flare for the month :) I hope everyone is safe in the nasty weather to come

love you

In Logan safe and sound

We made it to Logan safe and sound and I have really missed my big screen computer. It is so nice. We went to Lee's and bought Thanksgiving. We are ready to go for sure. Tomorrow I am going to do a bunch more stuff and then be back here on Wednesday. Not much else to report. The house looks so different with the things we took out. Makes it not so homy I guess.


Friday night

Well it is finally the weekend. I am sorry that the person training you at work sucks, mom. I am sure that you will get it all figured out eventually. How was the Harry Potter movie? Work was good for me today. I did have a meeting but it wasn't too bad of one. I was looking at the weather and it looks nasty from tomorrow until Wednesday. At least that is what they are predicting now. At least it looks good so far for my drive up to Logan. Well I hope that everyone has a nice weekend. BYE

1st part

Well today was good. I didn't do much in the morning, I decided to go for a run at my gym just to get my butt kicked. i am so out of shape. I had to drink a 32oz pepsi to keep energy. I know it counter balances things but it needed to be done. :) then my film was in a short film festival the eggistential one from the 48 hour film festival. So I went and saw that and then went to harry potter with a girl from lagoon. well tomorrow I have orientation for the Pioneer theater job it should be fun. well have a great night


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Almost my first week

I went to lunch with everyone from work. They are all very nice people. I am going to like working there. I didn't have to work late tonight and that was nice. I took grandma to the blue plate special. It is a cute place. We went to Lowe's to get a shower head for her. I can shampoo her hair now. She is sure having trouble walking. We did buy an outdoor mat so that will look nice. They are delivering her paper right to her door. She is loving that. Well not much else going on here. We are going to Logan tomorrow night. Grandma is staying here. I have a long list of things to do. Laundry is top on the list. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

One week

Well one more week until Thanksgiving. I am excited to come up. Work was good today. But I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. janie called me tonight and said that she didn't get the rotation thing in St. George so she is going to to to SLC instead. She is planning on staying with Grandma. I think that will be good. Rachel, mom said that you are going to the mid night showing of Harry Potter. I hope that you have good time. For someone with a bed time of 9 that is way late. I am going to have to go and see that movie sometime. But I think that I will wait until the crowds dye down a bit first though. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am ready for turkey

I am so ready for thanksgiving dinner. I am going to buy it this weekend while I am up at Logan and then it will be all ready for me to cook when I come up on Wednesday. YEAH. Work is going good. I am not sure I am doing it right but I keep plowing through. It will be nice to know what I am doing instead of just wondering. It is hard after you know everything and then know nothing. I walked around the hospital today alone and found everyone I was looking for so that was good. Everyone is really nice. There procedures are different than logans but I will catch on. I talked with the payroll lady today and I think I have that all figured out. Requests for Thanksgiving dinner are being accepted. Let me know if anything sounds good. LOVE MOM


Robin, I would like to go to dinner this weekend, that sounds fun. I have a baby shower on Saturday but I should be done around 6. Karen, Robin will only get a dollar if he is born on the 18th or I have twins. Today was kind of slow at work and I was tired so it was kind of a long day. After work I brought Casey some dinner and hung out with him for a while. Then I went to Hallmark and got some thank you cards and Grandma cute birthday present. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week, November went so fast. I am really excited to shop and eat a lot of food. It is the best Holiday. :)

Paper work attacks

Well my paper worked attacked me today at work. I got a paper cut between my thumb and finger, it hurts. Oh well I guess I will just have to suck it up. Work was little slow today, but not too bad. I hope it picks back up. Rachel, wow that is a whole week off. The baby may be born on Robin's birthday after all. Does she get her dollar back if he is? Well I am glad that the week is half over. At this time next week I will almost be to SLC. Well have a great week. BYE

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well today was nice I just relaxed Its nice not to have 1 million things going on. Its a bit weird though. Today I cooked dinner I made soup it was really spicy, I tried new peppers and my word they added some zest. I can't believe they took a week off your pregnancy Rachel, I think you may have him earlier then that my bet is the 18th of december. That is what my bet is I will put a dollar on it. :) anyway I hope your feeling well though, mom and dad are going to logan this week and grandma is staying with me so if you want to go out for dinner I think it would be fun. Karen I think its perfect timing for the christmas carol is so funny, and a christmas story. I'm excited for next week, go thanksgiving. best holiday ever. :)



The doctors appointment went well today. I did find out though that my due date is now Dec 22, so I will be 35 weeks along tomorrow. That is a week earlier than before. So he may be born on Robins birthday. I guess we will see. So only 5 weeks left. I go back in two weeks and then it is every week after that. I bought the josh Groban CD today so that was fun. Me and Casey went out to dinner after the doctors appointment and then he went to work, it was fun to go to dinner. Well everyone have a good night.

Thanks for not shouting at me

I am going to watch Muppet Christmas Carol. Do you think that it is too early in the year to watch that? Well I hope that things are still going good at work for you mom. Well I don't know whether to wish for you to get the job or not Robin. So which ever way you want I will wish for that. I am glad that you got organized Rachel. I need to organized my place. Well I had a good day. Nothing to exciting. I hope that you all have a great rest of the week. BYE

seize the day

Well my interview went well. I don't know yet if I'm totally sold on it but We will see. Its a long way to drive, its in ogden. WEll other then that life was good. We went out for dinner. I decided to make a corset so I started on that. I want to learn how to make clothes and taylor things. So i thought I would start baby stepping that way. have a great night


Monday, November 15, 2010

Nice Day

My first day went really well. Everyone is really busy. It is quiet and I have my own desk. It seemed nice to be out in the open all day. I liked having my own space. Tomorrow I have to work late so the girl I am replacing can train me. I hope it goes OK. I guess I do a lot of data entry. I tried the bus but didn't find the right one so dad came and got me. Tomorrow I am going to drive. I am not going until around 10 to I can work until 7. I am going to do that the next two days. Good luck at the doctor's appointment Rachel. You are looking really good. Karen I am sorry you are sore. It was worth it though. It looks perfect in that spot. Well have a good day. Robin went to dinner with us tonight. Grandma had such a hard time walking. I am worried about her. I think this has been a lot on her.


Josh Groban

Today josh Groban's new CD came out. I had to go grocery shopping so I went to Fred Myer and they didn't have it. I didn't feel like going anywhere else so I downloaded it when I got home and I will go somewhere and buy it tomorrow. It isn't as good as his other CD's but it isn't too bad. I did laundry also tonight and tried to get things more organized. I went through all the baby clothes and took off all of the tags so I can wash everything tomorrow. He has a ton of clothes, he will be well dressed. Thank you for everything. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so that will be good. I really like your shelf Karen, it looks really nice from the picture you sent Mom. I hope that everything went good at your interview Robin and you were able to learn more about the job. I am glad that you had a good first day Mom. That is fun. There is a poor lady at work who just was diagnosed with RA and I was tell her that Dad had it. She has a lot of the same symptoms as Dad, she thought she was going crazy and was glad that she actually had something. The should have a support group for people with RA, that would be good. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.


Well I was tired today. I am also a little sore from moving that bookcase around. I did get it together and it is cute. I hope that you had a great first day at work mom. I am sure that they loved you. My day was good. 2 of the engineers are going to a customers place to do a design review so I was updating stuff for them today. I hope that your interview went good Robin. Well have a good one. BYE

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Well I woke up early to finish the movie shoot. I'm pretty beat. I have an interview tomorrow but its in ogden so I don't know if I will take it but I thought I would go any way and see how it is. Good luck with your new job mom. I think you'll like it .

have a great one

New Adventure

What a nice weekend. Got all moved in got to go to Park City and shop and then have a baby shower. Tonight we got to have Sunday dinner. We haven't had that for a long Time. I need to remember to cook that is for sure. Tomorrow is another big day. A new job. HOpe I am up for the new challenge. The apartment is nice and it seems to fit all of us. We haven't really had a normal day yet so time will tell if it will continue. Pray for me.



Well i am tired. i did make it back to St. George safe and sound. Someone even helped me carry the bookcase to my apartment. I love nice people. It saved me a lot of trips carrying it. Well I had a nice weekend, thanks everyone for the fun time. And in less than 2 weeks we get to play some more. Have a great week everyone.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well tonight me and rachel went to a play called one flew over the cuckoo's nest. I had a few friends playing in it so we went to support them. I'm trying to go to more venues to support the arts. Tomorrow me and dad are driving to logan to get some more stuff. Karen we gave rachel a key for you to get in. call me if you need help getting here or anything. I will try to call when we leave so you have a heads up. well have a great night drive safe karen. Have a great last day mom. I hope the luncheon has great food. :)


One more thing

Rachel I really like the new background. It is cute

For the last time

Tomorrow we are having a luncheon for me and grandma is going to come. Dad and Robin are coming up in the afternoon and we are loading up and going to SLC. Karen right now the plan is for you to stay in SLC. Hopefully on a couch tomorrow. Drive Careful. I am excited to play this weekend. Shaylie came for the afternoon to get trained. I hope I am doing a good job. It is hard to know for sure until after I leave. Shaun left today for a wedding and it went well. I am excited for the baby shower on Saturday. I hope you like what we got. If not you can return things on Amazon can't you?



Well i am going to pack tonight. I also need to put some dishes in the dish washer. I am excited to come up tomorrow. i am going to leave here at 4. My arrival time depends on Provo construction. Hopefully it won't be too bad. WEll i hope that you have a great last day of work mom. I am excited for your move to SLC. Well have a great Friday everyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I ate an ant

Yes that is right I ate an ant today. One of those bug candies that have real bugs in them. It was weird. I live on the edge. Well two more days. It isn't getting any easier to leave. I just get farther and farther behind and I worry that I am leaving a mess for everyone. I will try to keep focused. Well not much else to report here. Grandma packed all day and her hutch is all empty. Making progress. Rachel's shower present came today. We are going to need a UHAUL just for that. I hope it is a good one. If not Amazon does return things.



Robin, you are out of the loop. You need to read the People more. I am excited for you to come up this weekend. I can't believe the shower is this weekend. It will be really fun. I don't have much going on. Casey was home tonight and it has been really nice. Everyone have a good evening.

out of the loop

Today I went grocery shopping and in the checkout line I saw on the magazines that mariah carey was pregnant so i bought the magazine to look through and I am so out of it on entertainment gossip. My word I really need to dust up on new shows I didn't even know half of the younger stars. i'm getting old. Well I finally finished laundry as well. It took me forever to get done. I ran out of quarters, so I had to take a mini break. Well have a great night sleep tight :)


Half Over

Well I am glad that the week is half over. I am excited to come up on Friday, just two days. Work was good today. I like being busy it makes the day go so much faster. I am glad that dad got his tv working. I hate it when I get a new toy and it doesn't work. Just think mom 2 more days then you are done in Logan. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. BYE

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well dad got his T.V to work its a really nice screen I think mom and dad will like it. I hope your last few days are good at work. Its always nice to have a light at the end of the tunnel. Me and rachel went out for a movie it was fun but the movie wasn't that great. It was nice to get out and not work. I also went baby shower shopping, it was fun. there is so much stuff out there for babies. its hard to resist. well I am going to play some lego star wars and head for bed.

love you


Well I have 3 more days and then my world really changes. I got some boys to come help me on Saturday morning. I just need the UHAUL now. It is 80 dollars more not to return it to its base. Go figure. Well other than that I am doing better. I am not so stress at work and this is helping. I got to go to the service luncheon in honor of me being at Logan Hospital for over 10 years. Can you believe that one? We went and found a flannel shirt for grandma. Grandma is really stressed about the move. She made me take down all her pictures from the top of her closet. I tried really hard to not to do that. I am afraid she is going to trip on them. Scares me. I think I was a little hard on her but it just makes me nervous to have all that stuff around. Rachel I wish I had your warmth right now. It is really cold. I am glad you guys went to the movie. Dad's TV wasn't compatible with the google TV box so he had to go take it back. He has had a long night and so far it still doesn't work. Tomorrow Shaun and Deb are taking me to lunch because Shaun can't be there for the Friday luncheon. The new girl is coming over for a couple hours tomorrow and then 1/2 day on Thursday. I am hoping it will help her get started. Have a great Hump day. Rachel you are at 33 weeks.

Winter is here

I had a good day, I did have a headache this morning so I drank a coke and I felt a lot better after that. Me and Robin went to Due Date, it wasn't that great of a movie but we had a fun time. Thanks Robin. It was cold today, lucky for me I feel hot all the time so it is working out good for me.


Well things are going good here. It is still cold here today. I am sure that you are all colder up north but still it is cold here. Work was good today. I have been busy which has been nice. I am glad that they hire someone mom. That will hopefully take some stress off you. I hope that your last week goes well there. I am glad that you got all decorated Robin. i know that is the most important thing when moving. I love it when I find stuff I like on sell as well. Have great one. BYE

Monday, November 8, 2010

Better DAy

I had a better day today at work. They offered the job to someone and she accepted. I was glad. It is nice to see things moving forward. I have been trying to tie up loose ends and get things ready for her. I hope I leave her good instructions. It felt nice to see things work out. Dad got a new TV for the bedroom tonight and the sony google thing to go with it. He is way excited. It is nice to see him happy. Tomorrow they are having a service luncheon and I have 10 years this year so I was invited. Deb has 10 years also so we are going together. That will be nice. We haven't been to lunch for a long time. I am excited for this weekend. I haven't organized anything yet but I will before it is too late. I got the present for the babyshower ordered last night and it should be here in a couple of days. I hope. Well that is all my news. Congratulations Robin on the find. They were doing that at this Walmart also but they didn't have any eyelashes. I was there today and there wasn't anything good. Well it snowed here today. I am sure not ready to go home in the dark. That was brutal.



Me and Casey went to a Breastfeeding class tonight, Casey was the only boy there and I thought that was weird. It was interesting and we learned a lot. It is cold here too Karen, it even snowed a bit. I am glad that you got all that stuff on sale Robin, that is exciting. That is a good way to build up your stash. Well everyone have a safe night and stay warm.



Well today I did mostly shopping. I had to pick my check up at lagoon so I stopped at centerville. I got keys made for everyone for the apartment :) then at walmart they had 75 percent off there halloween stuff and they were selling there left over halloween costumes for a dollar. So I over loaded on stuff. I got at least 20 different eyelashes. its hard to say no when they are a dollar and they are usually 12. so if anyone is in need of eyelashes or costumes you know who to talk to..... well I guess you already knew that :) Then I got my bathroom completed with decor. I am just taking it slow tonight nothing to crazy. I think I will do laundry tomorrow. not as cool



Well it has been windy, rainy, and cold here today. I watch the news at dinner and they said it was 48 degrees here. Burr! I had to dig out a sweater. I am excited to come up on Friday. It should be a fun weekend. Work was good, Solidworks is still bugging me. It is running slow. I have no patience. Oh well guess I will learn some. Have a great week everyone.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sounds good

Mom, I am good with anything. Just let me know where I should go. Rachel if you want I can pick up up Friday night. That way we won't have a ton of cars. My day was good. i made beef stew and it was yummie. i love crockpots. Church was good. It is getting cloudy maybe it will rain. Well I am glad that the move went well. Have a great week.


Sorry I didn't blog either, it was a busy day. I didn't help much with the move but I tried to be supportive. Today me and Casey just rested which was nice, then he had to go to work. I think that sounds like a good plan for Friday Mom. I can drive up on Friday after work and help also. Good luck with your last week of work Mom.

Home again home again

We made it home safe and sound. Sorry I snapped before we left. I really am pasted go. I am going to rest tonight and then hit it hard tomorrow. Karen I have been pondering an idea. Come up here on Friday and I'll get a Uhaul. You can help me move grandma's stuff and then saturday we can come to SLC and unload it and then go to the baby shower and stay down on Sunday and you can leave from SLC and I'll go to work. I am going to try and get some Elders to help us move the stuff here and then in SLC maybe Austin, Scott, Etc can help us unpack. What you do think of that idea? Well have a great day.



I forgot to blog oppps. well we are all moved in. we have a lot of stuff..... well I have a lot of stuff. I think now everything is moved we are on the easy slide now. the move was the most stressful in my book. I am really tired. I have defiantly hit the wall thursday and now I feel like a truck has run over me. I had zombie makeup to do yesterday and today. I will try and get some pictures posted. Tomorrow I have a day off of everything but now I need to clean the chaos of the past few weeks. so I really won't have a day off. but thats ok it will be nice to organize stuff. well I hope everyone has a great night.

love you


Well we are all moved and almost all cleaned. It is coming just the stove and the carpet. It is coming. The new apartment is nice. It needs some work but we are in and that is a big step. Not much else going on but that. We did go give Julie some material and Rachel has been helping keeping grandma company. Going home to Logan tomorrow.


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Well I am disappointed in everyones blogging ability yesterday. I was the only dedicated one. My day has gone good. I went to the bank, got the program copied, and went grocery shopping. I am doing laundry right now. I am going to make beef stew tomorrow. It sounded good. hope that the move went well. Did it take long to move everything? Well I hope that things went well. Love ya all. BYE

Friday, November 5, 2010


Well I hope that everything is working out well in SLC. Work was good today. i did have to go to a 2 our meeting but other than that it was good. I am glad that you got a free good free lunch Robin. I like it when they give good free lunches. Sometimes it is just pizza. I am excited to come up next weekend. It should be a fun time. I need to do laundry and go grocery shopping tomorrow. I would put it off but I am almost out of socks, so can't put it off for too much longer. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today I worked for one of my friends doing makeup. It was a good day and they had a lunch catered it was super delicious. I love good food. I am doing the same thing tomorrow as well. I think I will be finished earlier the anticipated I should be home by 4. but other then that same ole same ole.


Is it friday yet?

Well we had the group interview for my job today. All they kept saying is their isn't a Carole there. That is gettin really old. I haven't had one minute to prepare for leaving. I am running all the time. It is making me crazy. As if I don't feel guilty enough for leaving them. There I said my peace. It is just getting so hard. They are 2nd interviewing tomorrow and if they don't like anyone they are going to reopen the job. I wonder how much they can do in less than 5 days. I am excited to move this weekend. Robin your makeup is in dad's bag. I hope you got them. It is a black box. I just need about 40 more hours until next friday to get everything ready for my departure. Rachel, Kay called grandma today and said she has a like new baby crib mattress if you want it. I thought you might be interested. Let me know and I'll give her a call. I still need to get all the insurance moved around for the cars and the apartment but I do have cable and lights. That is a good thing. Well I will stop venting and go play farmville maybe that will help me relax.



I had a good day, I was kind of tired at work but it went pretty fast. Casey had to work tonight. I made Mom's chili for dinner and was really good, thanks Mom. I bought some rolls at the store to go with it. I am going to have it for lunch tomorrow, I am excited. I think tonight I am going to get some sewing done and relax.

Pretty day

Well it is pretty outside here today. To bad I was inside for most of it. My day went good though. Work was the same old same old. Nothing too exciting to report. Good luck with the move tomorrow and Saturday. I am excited to see everyone next weekend. Have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well on friday I work till about 5 hopefully I will get done a little early but I don't think I will. But I will be open the rest of the night. OH and also Rachel I had a gig planed and they moved it to the 13 eeeeekkkkkk. Its suppose to be a day thing but I'm not sure what is going on. Its outside though so pray for rain :) but other then that hopefully my schedule won't be a pain in the butt for everyone. Today was my last day of lagoon till next season. so now I am on job search. I just need a day off to do that..... have a great night


The night is young

I had a good day, I worked a little later to make up some time from yesterday. I finished shredding all the papers at home, I feel safer shredding things than just throwing them away. We finished the Doll House season 1 and I am with Robin, I didn't like the last episode, it didn't make sense and was dumb. I did like the rest of the series though. Is season 2 weird? I don't know where what they would start with. Me and Casey and free this weekend to help you move. It will be fun. Everyone have a good night.


I think I saw something

Rachel you made it to 32 weeks. Congratulations!!!. Karen I am glad you are liking the Kindle. I am thinking I might jump on board with one. It would be nice to not have to try to turn pages on cheap paper. Not much else going on with me. I am got your makeup today Robin. I am going to send it down with dad tomorrow. We get the apartment on Friday so if you aren't busy there will be a lot to do. I know your schedule was pretty booked up. Well have a great Thursday. Dad walked and picked me up from work today and it said it would be the last time he did that. WOW that kind of hit home



Well the week is half over. I am sorry that you are tired Robin. Getting sleep after not getting enough is rough. I always think that I should have just kept missing sleep that way I would drop. I am tired today. I had trouble falling asleep last night. I just tossed and turned. It was annoying. Today I will sleep well though. I got a 25 dollar amazon gift card from my credit card so I got a new book for my kindle. I may buy another one also. Solidworks at work was driving me crazy today. It was running so slow. So I went and talked to the IT guy about and he said that he would fix it. I hope so because I am a person of little patience. Well have a great one bye

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

sleep is taunting

So now that I have had sleep I am so tired. I need to get back to zombie mode. I'm glad everyone is doing good. well I worked at lagoon today. just more clean up. Tomorrow is my last final day. I think the other two are going to get all the hours for the off season. well I am going to head for bed


8 more days

Boy that does sound like not very many more days I have to work. I have so much to do to get ready for some one to take over and there just isn't enough time. I hope I don't leave her in a mess. I keep worrying about that. I still have next week. They are going to do a group interview on Thursday. I have never heard of that. Weird. It is nice to have dad home. I have missed him. It is good to have him here. I am so looking forward to that being like that as the norm. Well I am glad the baby doctor went well and Karen got new lenses and Robin got rest. That is all wonderful news. Have a great hump day. I am busy doing laundry to get dad some clothes.



My doctors appointment went good. I only had to wait an hour and that was good. The baby is doing good. It was a really quick visit. I am going to start going in every two weeks now. I am glad that you got new lenses Karen, it is always fun to be able to see well. I don't have much else going on, me and Casey just watched Doll House tonight, it was a nice evening.



Well my new lens are in so I am going to go and pick them up tomorrow. Work was good today. I even had stuff left over to work on tomorrow. Yeah! I like being busy. I hope that you had a good lunch today mom. You probably won't have to pay for lunch all week. I am glad that dad had a good trip. I hope that he has a relaxing week to recover from it. I am glad that you had a good day sleeping Robin. I hope that you all have a great week. BYE

Monday, November 1, 2010

clean up

well yesterday I literally slept all day. I was really nice. then today I worked at lagoon we are in clean up mode now. then afterwards a girl I know was in a play "the little shop of horrors" so me and another girl from work went. it was fun they did a good job. well tomorrow I am planning to work at lagoon again. have a great one


Dad is safe and sound

Well dad made it home safe and sound. He is stiff and sore but had a good time over all. I will be glad when the change has been made it is hard to be half way there. Good luck with your doctor's appointment Rachel. LOVE MOM

Roast Beef

I had a good day, I had the leftover roast beef for breakfast and lunch, it taqsted really good. I have a docotors appointment tomorrow so I worked a little late to make up swome time. Then I paid rent and went grocery shopping. Casey friends called him and they went hiking tonight. Well have a good night.



Well today was good. I am glad that Monday is over though. Work was good I stayed busy for the most part. I the invite from Kay for Rachel's shower today in the mail. Well I don't have much to report so I will sign off. Have a good one.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

nice weekend

I always hate to see nice weekends come to an end. It was nice to have Rachel and Casey up. It was a nice drive to Clifton and grandma loves to go out there. I am excited for next weekend to move. It seems like a dream right now. Life does turn on a dime doesn't it. Well have a great Monday everyone. Robin I hope you got some rest. You really needed it. Or maybe just some fun goofing around. You have been working not stop. Well not much else going on here. Dad comes home tomorrow. He sounded really tired tonight but had such a nice day got to go down right on the track while the race was one today. He really liked that.



Robin I am glad that your Frightmare is over. I had a good day. It was really pretty outside today. I made roast beef and potatoes for dinner. It turned out really good. My phone is still awesome. I also got a nap today, that was the best part of the day of course. Well I hope that everyone else had a great day. Have a great week everyone.


Well I had a good weekend. Today we went up to Clifton and winterized the house. Then we went back to Logan and took a nap. I am glad that Halloween is over for your Robin, maybe you can get some sleep now. Karen i love your phone and I am excited that you got it. You are going to have a fun time with it. Well thanks for everything and everybody stay safe.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

its over

So halloween has ended. or at least frightmares. It was kinda sad to see everyone go but its nice to not have to work weekends all the freak'n time. After work today I helped a kid with his grinch prosthetic. I just painted it and applied it but it was fun ;) anyway nothing else to exciting. I actually have nothing planned for tomorrow. I thought I would have a bazillion things to do but I think its going to be P.J day..... :) yeah well have a great night and have a great halloween.


Nice Halloween Day

It was a really nice day today. Robin did make up for Shayla's kids in the morning and Rachel came up. We went to lunch at Great Harvest and we got to watch all the kids go trick or treating to the stores downtown. It was so much fun. Then we came home and just hung out for awhile. It was a good day. Karen love the phone. In december I am going to get me one of those. High tech for sure. Well dad is having a great time at the race track. the tests have been going really good and he is happy. That is so good. Not much else going on here. I think we are going to go to Clifton tomorrow with Casey and RAchel to help winterize the house. Grandma loves the drive out there.


New Phone

This is a picture of the phone I got. Cool Uh? It is called the epic phone. So far it is pretty cool. Well let me tell you the story of the phone. I got up and went to the sprint store at 930 and was really disappointed when I saw that they didn't open until 10. SO I went and got my car wash (which was pointless because it rained on it later) and then went shopping at walmart. Then I went to the sprint store. I went in and I was the only one there. But when the guy started to set up my phone it got busy in there. So it took about an hour to get my phone all set up. But I got a free car charger for being patient. So see sometime it does pay to be patient. Then when I went to make dinner I decided on spaghetti. I got the hamburger all browned and noodles made, but then when I got my spaghetti sauce out I saw it had expired so I had to run back to walmart to get sauce. It was annoying but I got it all made. Well I did give you all ring tones so you are all special now. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. I am also excited to see you all in 2 weeks. BYE

Robin's safe and sound

Robin made it safe and sound to Logan. I am excited for tomorrow. Halloween. I am going to be a zombie. Shayla and the kids are staying the night. I am glad it is Friday. Emotional week. I am doing better however. They posted my job and that made me feel better. I know there is someone out there that will help peds rehab continue. Well have a great weekend.


Friday, October 29, 2010


Karen, that sounds like fun. I have always wanted to see Thriller. That is fun. I was tired today. We went and spent Casey's birthday gift card from Robin tonight. We got a shredder so the homeless people don't get our information. Thank you Robin. I am going to hang out in Logan tomorrow while Casey teaches his bike class. I am planning on going to the zombie walk, I am excited for you Robin. I am also bring my sewing machine so if we get time we can sew too.


Well I didn't blog last night either. I went to see Thriller with a bunch of people from the ward. It was fun. Robin I would just like you to know that your zombies are better. We got free doughnuts at work today so that was fun. I am tired though. It was about midnight before I went to sleep. Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend. BYE

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Sorry I forgot to blog last night. It was fun through the haunted house, there were a few jumpy parts. well tomorrow I am going to work at lagoon and then drive to logan. It will most likely be midnight when I get home so I will just sleep on the white couch so I don't wake anyone. then from 10-12 I am going to do makeup for the zombie walk and then drive down to lagoon. I don't know what the plans are for halloween so we will see about that. I think I might just stay in slc now I think about it that is alot of driving. well hope everyone has a great one

love you


Mom, we are not going to come on Friday. We are just going to come down Saturday morning and Casey can drop me off on the way to his bike class and then if it is alright we will spend Saturday night and go to Clifton for a while on Sunday. Thanks for letting us stay. Well both me and Casey are tired today. We ate dinner and we both fell asleep. It is nice to have a quiet evening.


I am excited for the weekend. I am not sure of everyone's plans right now but I am game for anything. Shayla and her two boys are going to stay the night on Friday. I am going to put them in the sewing room. I thought that way if Rachel and Casey come they can have Robin's Room and Robin can have the white couch. How does that sound. I am tired tonight. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I had a cup of dark hot chocolate and I wonder if that kept me awake. Go figure. I am so glad it is the weekend coming up. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

fun times

That looks like you had a good time. Next time I will be down there to go with you. I am starting to get use to the idea that I will be living down there soon. Karen I am glad you figured out the heat doesn't work. Boy that would be bad when it gets down to 60 degrees you might freeze. Not much going on here with me. Dad made it safe to Atlanta and they are driving the rest of the way. He sounded good. I think he will enjoy the car races. Have a great thursday.



Tonight me and Robin went with Jed, Teressa, Kelsey, Mike, Janie and A kid named Jake to a haunted town at this is the place monument. It made me and Robin scream but it wasn't supper scary, it was fun. Here is a picture of us after we went through. My coat buttoned up and I was surprised about that.

The we went to village inn and had some free pie. I got the baby the cutest little bear toy. It is really cute and soft. Casey wasn't feeling well so he stayed home and slept.

No heat

Well I thought that I would try my heat this morning and it didn't work. SO I went and my reported it after work. They are going to fix it tomorrow. At least it I tried it before it got really cold out. Work was good, I have a headache though. Tonight, excitement, I am going to pay bills. Wow I am just wild and crazy I know. I can't believe that it is almost November either. Time is just flying. Well have a good one bye

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I can't believe its already november planning. I wrote you in so hopefully nothing will get in the way and I can go to the showers :) oh also on the topic of planning. This friday I am planning to drive up to logan after work for the zombie thing if that is ok. :) well I worked a bit at lagoon then I came home and rested. It was nice to have a night off. well have a great night



I am glad that everyone had a good day. I am glad that everyone was supportive at work Mom, I am excited for you. I talked to Grandma Bodily last night and with Kay on Sunday and I have times and dates for the baby showers. The Gumm shower is going to be on Saturday November 13 at 5:00 I think at Kays. The Bodily shower is on November 27 at 12:00 at the Lion House. November is filling up fast.

It's snowing

well today went really well. I am tired but everyone at work was very supportive. I hope it works out well for everyone. Not much else going on with me. It is snowing here and cold. I was going to go to walmart tonight but might wait until it is warmer. Maybe in May. WEll have a good day. I am glad the dentist went well Karen. Good for another year.


Made it

WEll I made thru the dentist. Mom I think that you taking the job is awesome. Taking the job perk #1 you will always be close when Rachel needs a babysitter. My day was good. I was busy all day today at work. Which made time go by fast. Other than the dentist I have no complaints. Apparently they fired 2 machinists at work today for and I quote "having bad attitudes". I hope that they hire new people to replace them because the machine shop is already way behind. Well that is it for me. take it easy everyone

Monday, October 25, 2010

Life turns on a dime

Well I am in knots right now. Keep telling me I am doing the right thing. Tonight I am having nerves. I know family is first and I want to be with you guys. I am excited for that. Getting there is going to be really hard. Wish me luck. Well not much else going on here. Just life changing events once again. I think me and dad just live that way.



wow that was fast mom. You must have blown everyone out of the water. I'm glad that you got the job. :) well today was good I'm tired. I worked at lagoon and then I worked at x-pose. well nothing else to exciting.



Congratulations Mom, I am excited for you. I had a good day, work went well. After work Casey ended up having to work so I went up to the office and I went to dinner with Dad and Casey at the Indian Oven place. They all know Dad there and tease him. Then I had to go to the store. I think I am going to lay down and read my book.


Well i am going to the dentist tomorrow. Joy of Joys. I am excited for your new job mom, congratulations! Work was good today nothing too exciting. Just a Monday. I am glad that you got a night of Lagoon Robin. I beat it was nice not having to rush everywhere. Well have a good one bye

Sunday, October 24, 2010

should I stay or should I go

Well today was interesting. I went to the short I was working on, we had a later call time so I got to sleep in. Then half way through I get a call from lagoon and they canceled all the shows because of weather.... so I didn't have to go in. So I stayed at the movie shoot for the rest of the night. It was fun. I'm glad that you like the pustules it took me a while to get it all figured out. But I made a hallow laytex piece and put a ballon underneath it with a tube that attached to a baby nose sucker thing (kinda like a mini baster) and he would squeeze the ball and it would inflate the ballon. well I am going to go to bed it was really rainy today and cold. It definitely is fall :)


I'm back

Well I made it to SLC with meds and a suitcase for dad. We were going to visit but everyone was sick so we just came back home. It poured rain the whole way down and back. OK Robin you seriously are getting better and better at gross. That is amazing. How did you get it to pulse like that. Rachel I had a really good time this weekend. It felt like old times. Karen I am glad you are feeling better. I am going to have to see the dollhouse. I haven't seen that yet. Well have a good week. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. LOVE MOM


Well church was good today. I didn't even make a typo in the program so that was awesome. Rachel I will bring the 2nd season of the Dollhouse next time I come up. It ha been nice here today. The clouds are clearing out so maybe I will be able to see the sun soon. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. Robin all I have to say is that is gross. Well have a good week. BYE

I'm back

I had a really fun weekend. It was fun to go up to Logan and hang out with Mom and Grandma. We went fabric shopping and got some new fabric. I also got a quilt cut out, I used Mom's awesome cutting table. Robin that blister is gross, I like it. You are so good at that. Karen I keep forgetting to say that I would love to borrow Doll House season two when you are finished with it. I keep meaning to say that everyday but I forget. Well Casey is working today, I got to see him for a little bit when I got home. I hope that everyone is safe and stay dry with all this rain.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sorry I didn't blog last night it was quite a night. At work a girl didn't have her costume at all. ahhh stress. we found it today at the dry cleaners. it made for a hectic day. Then I made the pustules for my zombie which worked and looked super cool. But it was to dark at night for anyone to see it move and it made his neck feel funky so we took it off half way through the night. but I got some photos and a 2 second blurp of it moving. I will have to see if I can post them from my phone on to here.
Then A few girls from work wanted to go to denny's after work and I didn't get home till 2 am. Then this morning I woke up and had to be on set by 7:30 then at 12:30 I ran off to lagoon and spent the rest of the night there. its been a little crazy to say the least. tomorrow I am also shooting again and working at lagoon and then everyone wants to go out afterwords. so sleep is not on the agenda. I guess that is what retirement is for :) well have a great night


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...