Thursday, December 31, 2009


We made it safe and sound to St. George. We got here around 7:30. We stopped at Grandma and Grandpas and then went to put wireless network at Kyles place. I think Austin and Alyssa were having a great time when we left. It is nice to be able to get internet anywhere. I know I really like it. We went to first night but last year was better. We came back to Karen's place and watched a movie and put the puzzle together that we bought at Hobby Lobby for Christmas. I am glad that you got off early Rachel I bet that felt nice. I slept most of the way to St. George and I am feeling better. I didn't realize how worn out I was until I started getting some sleep and feeling better. I am going to sleep in and go slow this weekend and get rested back up. I forgot all about dad's jeep needing to get inspected and registered so I think we are going to try and do that tomorrow. I am not keeping up that is for sure. To much playing. It is hard to believe that in one month I have been to Toronto, had Christmas and now in St. George. Have a wonderful time off. I was wondering if on Monday you wanted to meet at Bernias for lunch. I really want to use the same thread on my quilt. I don't want it not to look the same. LOVE MOM


I had a good day. It was nice to sleep in and not have to drive. Work went good. At 11 Dan asked me what my plans were, if I wanted to leave early. I said that I wanted to leave early but I was just seeing what he did. He said that he was leaving right now so I was like so I am. So I picked up some pizza and come home and was home by 12. It was great. We were invited to two parties in Clifton but we are just having a night at home and watching movies. It is nice. Well I hope that you guys have fun in St George and the drive went well. Happy New Years.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well tomorrow I am going to drive down to with mom and dad to ring in the new year. I hope rachel and casey have a great one. :) I don't think I will blog again till next year so I hope everyone makes it safe and sound were they are planning to go. love you



Well it rained here a little bit today. i bet that means you guys got a lot of snow. I am doing laundry right now. I figured I better get it done before I play the rest of the week. Drive careful tomorrow. The weather should be better tomorrow. I hope that your move went well mom. Have a fun time sewing tonight Rachel and Mom. Next week is going to be a long week because I am going to have to work the whole week. Oh well. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE

So Warm

I have been so cold lately that yesterday I broken down and bought a space heater but I got the best one. It is like a radiator and it has a thermostat on it so I set the temperature to 75 last night and I slept so good. It was really nice. I went visiting teaching last night and that was nice. I get to hear all the gossip but I don't know 90% of the people. Casey came home last night because he didn't have anything to do today. He may work on Thursday but he isn't sure. The roads were really bad this morning. I am glad that I am spending the night in Logan tonight. It will be nice.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

3 more days

3 more days till the year 2009 is over. I guess I need to start making plans for 2010. well today I help put files away. Then I came home and vegged all night. I'm glad that your blu ray player worked karen. Thanks for the dvd for my room, that will be sweet. then when I move again people will have a nice setup for the guest room. anyway I better head to bed. have a great day.



We got most everything moved today and some of it put away. Robin helped a ton and that was so nice. Dad made it back to Logan safe and sound. That was good. There were a lot of wrecks in SLC because of the storm. I am excited for St. George. I hope I can move by then. I am really stiff. I am excited to sew tomorrow night also. That will be good. LOVE MOM

Half Over

Well it was nice to think that at noon today that the work week was half over. I am excited to see you guys again on Thursday. It was cold and cloudy here today. No rain though. Tomorrow there is a chance but not much of one. I am glad that you got all packed up mom. That was nice of you to help Robin. Especially after having to pack and move from Canada. I did get my blue ray hooked up last night. Thanks Rachel and Casey it is very nice. I am going to give my old one to Robin because mom said that she doesn't have on in her room. Well good luck to tomorrow mom, I am sure that it will all be crazy, but you can do it. BYE

Monday, December 28, 2009


We are all packed (special thanks to Robin) and tomorrow is the big move day. I am so glad when this is all over with. It has been a long one. I am excited for everything to calm down. If there is such a thing. It is so cold here. I am glad a storm is coming to move all the fog out. Not too much else going on here. I am glad that Robin got her stuff from Canada. It is always stressful until the packages make it. Have a great week. I am glad it is a short week.


Back to Blogging

I am back to a normal schedule I guess. It was great seeing everyone together. I had a great holiday and I was sad that it had to end. Thank you for all the great presents. Nursey was crazy yesterday. Their was only two of us for 15 kids, it was too much. It was crazy. We had steaks and potatoes for dinner last night and they were really good. I had the left overs for dinner tonight. I am going visiting teaching tomorrow and then I am sewing with Mom and Wednesday. It will be a good week.


Well I made it thru my Monday. I am kind of tires today so that made work seem a lot longer. That is nice of you to help mom out at her work Robin. I always hate moving. I am glad that you got all of your stuff. It is cold and cloudy here today. There is a chance of rain. It does look like it will be a nice weekend for when you guys come down though. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE


So I helped mom pack at her work today and started to take down the christmas tree. I got my duffel bags from the post office. I am now complete :) they were heavy though but I will have good arms by the end of the week. nothing else to exciting. I hope everyone has a great day back at work after the holidays. love you


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back to the grind

I am glad that Karen made it home safe and sound. We are all back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the move. I will be glad when that is over. We had a quiet night tonight and that was nice. Have a great week. LOVE MOM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my youth is fading

I'm excited for everyone to be here tomorrow. :) it will be fun. Drive safe, Thank you for cooking me dinner for my birthday. I'm excited for delicious food. I only have a few hours left being 24 then I'm a quarter of a century. boy what a few hours can do to you. :) anyway have a great night. and be safe see ya'll later.


All Done

I finished up Christmas tonight and even got gingerbread houses for christmas eve. I am excited about that. I think everything is done with getting the building ready for move in. The flooring didn't get ordered in time so they are waiting on that and then everything is done. I will be glad when that is all over with. I am tired of it. I am so excited for Karen to be home and tomorrow the parties begin. We are going to have a good time. I am looking forward to the roast sandwiches. That will be good. LOVE MOM

Christams Time and Birthdays

I had a godo day. I went to Ogden to go to their Christmas party. We played a white elephany game I gave some Canadian Syrup. It was fun. I have another party tomorrow. Casey got stuff today to make the roast for Robins Birthday so we are ready for that. I wrapped all the Christmas presents today so I am ready for Christmas. I am excited for Christmas. Our computer wasn't working today so Casey fixed it. Collin and his friend came up and got some parts for his Honda civic. Well I am excited to see everyone tomorrow. Happy Birthday Robin Tomorrow.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Well I'm back to blogging. I have made it to america. I like your pictures rachel they are fun. I'm glad karen is coming up tomorrow. Sorry plans went wacky and I won't be in slc but when you come up we can play. well nothing else to exciting everyone has blogged the gist of it. I'm excited for christmas. Have a great night


back in America

Rachel I love the slide show. WOW you are amazing with that. It is wonderful. Karen I am sorry I haven't been very good at the clip board of fun. Everyone keeps changing plans faster than I can keep up with. I am sure we are going to have one great time. Just not easy to plan. Robin said we are for sure back in America. I went to Lee's to get groceries and I drove two parking rows over the Cold Stone to get her birthday cake. I walked a hundred miles last week in Canada and today I couldn't walk across a parking lot. It is amazing how fast you slip back into not walking. Work was crazy but I am trying to keep up. I hope I can keep it all together. It is going to be close. Dad made it safe to SLC. It is hard to get back to the real world after having so much fun playing. LOVE MOM


I am back. It is good to have have Robin home and be back home. I slept really good last night in my own bed. We had a great vacation. Karen, I am sorry for your loss. That is sad. Here are a couple pictures from our trip. I couldn't put them all on the slide show because I had too many but here are some highlights. I will give everyone copies when I see them.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


It is cloudy here today. I am glad that everyone made it back to the USA safe and sound. Rachel should feel better now that she is not out the country anymore. My day was good. I went visiting teaching this morning and then went to church. Fun times. So I decided about 8 last night to make cookies. I got to the point where you add in the chocolate chips and I didn't have any. So then I had to go to Walmart and get some. Since it was the Saturday before Christmas it was busy, but I was tough and got the chips. Then I get home and open the bag to add them and they were white chocolate instead of the choc late chocolate ones. Since I didn't want to go back to Walmart I just made them with the white ones. I hope that they like them at work. It was must annoying to have that happen. Next time I guess I will have to pay more attention to the bag I grab before I buy it. Well I have a good night everyone. Love ya

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last Night

It is our last night in Toronto and we had a good day. We went to the market and Eaton Center and then came home and had a nap and then we went and tried all of the Canada food that we hadn't had a chance to try and then we went to the parade of lights. We were too slow for the fireworks but it was fun to walk around. It is really cold. We bought a day pass on the subway and that was nice. Helped us warm up. I have never heard of ketcup chips. They are lays potatoe chips that have ketcup flavor. I know why they are popular in the USA. Acquired taste is all I can say. I am glad you had a good saturday. Tomorrow is travel day. We have to leave here at 8:00 in the morning. We have reserved a mini bus for the trip to the airport. We should be back in SLC around 4:30 and then we are going to go take care of Grandma and Grandpa Gumm. I hope that doesn't take too long. I am excited to come home but not looking forward to going back to work. Moving time it coming. I will be seeing you soon. LOVE MOM


Well I got my errands done today. I went to the bank and to Walmart to go grocery shopping. I went early because I knew that it was going to be crazy today. It wasn't too bad at 10 this morning though. So about 3 I decided to go to the mall just to see the crowd and boy you could hardly find a place to park. I didn't get me a new book to read, so it was worth it. I also had to go and get gas in my car and the gas stations were pretty busy as well. I am not planning on going shopping until after Christmas now. We will have to see how well that works. Well I hope that you got to see everything that you wanted to today. Good luck traveling tomorrow. I am excited for Christmas. I got everything wrapped last night while I was going laundry. I think that it is fun to wrap Christmas stuff. Well have a good one. BYE

Friday, December 18, 2009


Boy do I have smart girls. I am so proud of you getting your EMT certificate. We were all talking about that tonight and have decided that a lot of shows etc need EMTs while the show is going. We were thinking if you volunteered at the Touacan. We could get free tickets to the show. Just a thought. Not so excited if you volunteer for little league but that would at least get you hours. They symphany was really good. There were amazing. The place was also really neat. Tomorrow we are just going to tour Toronto. We still have been to the lake, Eaton Mall or there is a flea market Robin wants to go to. Tomorrow night they are having fireworks for a christmas thing. I think we are going to that. I have a mini bus coming at 8:00 on Sunday to come and get us. It was that or two taxis. We only have a 30 minute layover in Cinnicati. It is going to be close. I think my spelling is bad tonight. I have had a really good time. It is cold but it has been nice to see the city for one last time. I am glad you made it to the weekend and the pictures went well. I am so excited for you to come home. Robin is craving ham and stroke potatoes so I think we will have that for Christmas Eve. We will save the steaks for another night during the holidays. LOVE MOM

Made it

Well I made it thru work. I am glad that it is over. I only have to work one and a half days next week. That will be nice. Today was a pretty good day. I made some models to put on our website at work. I used the program to put real materials on it so it looked really cool. I even made it thru the picture. I tried to stand in the back but they said that I was too short for that and made me stand closer to the front. It was worth a try though. Tell Robin congrats on being the 2nd place student that is awesome. Also tell her that I think her cheetah guy turned out good. Well I hope that symphony was good. Oh the grades for my class come out and I got an A-. Well Have a good one. Love ya BYE


We just got done with graduation and brought all of Robin's stuff back to the hotel. They honored the top three students and Robin took 2nd place. It made me cry. Everyone just clapped and clapped. They all love her. She was so happy. We stopped at the store in the school and I got her some makeup for you and me to give here for Christmas. Thought you would be glad about that one. We are going to rest for awhile and then go out to the symphany. Hope you are having a good friday.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Karen good luck with your picture. We had a good day. Dad got to see the dead sea scrolls. We got to go to the organ recital at the catholic church and we went and saw Jersey boys. It was really good. It was a 1/2 hour subway ride to the play with the subway packed in like sardines but other than that everything went well. Tomorrow we are going to the symphany. Handel's Messiah. That should be christmas feeling. I am glad that tomorrow is payday. I love those days. I am glad for direct deposit also so I don't have to worry about it. Robin graduates tomorrow afternoon so we are going to that in that afternoon. It is cold here but the wind is what makes it feel so cold. When the wind isn't blowing it isn't too bad. We just walk in the underground malls as much as we can. I am so excited for you to come home. I love it when we are all together. LOVE YA MOM


Well my Thursday has been good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday (and payday) though. They are going to take a company picture tomorrow so I have to wear my red shirt. i told Tom that I think that I had hit my quota with pictures this year what with the magazine and movie and everything, but he said that I still had to be in this one too. Oh well I tried. I am glad that you are having a fun trip. Has it been cold there? Well I better go. have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nice evening

I am glad you didn't have class tonight. I bet that felt nice. Meetings ya got to love them. You are never going to believe what I did tonight. I went up on the CNN Tower. I know brave person that I am. It was nice to see the city so high up. May I say 53 sounds like a heat wave. Have a good thursday. LOVE MOM

No class

I am done with my class. The only thing I really have left to do is just take the written test for the state and as long as I pass that I am an EMT. Today was kind of slow at work. Two of the engineers were at a communication training thing so it was really quiet in engineering. Then after lunch I went to a meeting for the new program we got and that went from 115 to 430. The lady that did all the training was here today and she will be back tomorrow so I don't know if I will have to go to another meeting tomorrow. I am that the week is half over. I am glad that you guys are having a good time. Try not to freeze. I hate to brag but it was 53 here today. What a rough life I live. We I love ya BYE.

Cold but nice

It is really cold here today and windy. I think that is why it feels so cold. We got all the stuff for Robin mailed and got two carry on luggages and got her apartment all packed up. All she needs to do know is go check out. That was nice. We saw her chester today and it isn't as big as I thought it was. I thought it was life size and it is just about 2 feet. We can carry that on for sure. We took her to lunch and I got my swarma. It did taste good. I think tomorrow we are going to try waffles. Robin said they are really good. We also went to the candy store so Robin could take some candy to her class. Dad found some candy that he loved when he was on his mission to England. We bought one just to make sure and they are so tomorrow we will go buy some more of them. We are going to the fine are museum tomorrow and they are having an organ recital at the church that dad just loved. It is at 12:10 tomorrow. Well I hope you are having a good time not having class. At least I think you don't have class tonight. I love you lots.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In Canada

Karen I am so glad you passed your tests. I think taking the test on the 23rd is a really good idea. That way you can get it over with and you don't have to use any more vacation. That will work out good. We had a good trip. Everything went just like it should have. We went to Robins apartment and got things organized. We are going to mail some things back and then bring the rest with us. I am tired tonight but glad the trip is going good. Even the hotel is going well. They smell a lot better than the last one. It is cold up here but I don't think it is a cold as SLC. Good luck tomorrow. Do you know it is hump day already. I hope you have a good day. I am excited for you to be able to come home and everyone home for Christmas. I love that. LOVE MOM


Well I passed my state practical test. Yeah! They sent me my email today. I also scheduled my written. They were all full down here until after the new year. So since I am going to be in SLC on the 23rd I scheduled it there. I hope that is okay. They only schedule it during the day so if I waited I would have to do some creative time adjustment for work. Well I am glad that you made it to Canada without any problems. I am going to go and get me a pizza from the pizza factory to celebrate my test victory. Hope that you are having a great time. Love ya BYE

Monday, December 14, 2009


We made it to SLC and took care of Grandma and Grandpa and also helped Casey fixing bikes for Sub for Santa. The bikes weren't that great some of them needed too much work. It was nice to help. I am so excited for tomorrow. I didn't pack an umbrella. I guess H & M is in my future. I am glad you test was easy Karen. I knew it would be. I will text everyone with details of the trip. I hope everything goes good. So far so good. Well we will be in Canada tomorrow and we will bring Chester and Robin home. I am really looking forward to bringing one of them home. Well have a great evening. LOVE MOM

11 Days to Christmas

Well I just got done with my written test for the college and it was pretty easy so I am not too worried about it. I am going to try and schedule my written for the state on Wednesday. Well I hope that everyone's travels go good tomorrow and I am sorry that I am not going too. But I will see you all at Christmas. I am glad that my class is over it will be nice to have my evenings back. Well have a good one. BYE

yeah for family day

I'm excited for everyone to come up tomorrow. :) don't forget your umbrellas. anyway I hope your plane ride goes well. If you need anything give me a call. I will leave my phone on. I'm glad that your test went well karen. I'm excited for your new skills. Anyway today I was still sanding. But I bought paint today so hopefully tomorrow I can start painting. cross your fingers. He isn't as smooth as I would like. But I have to slap the little voice in my head and let it go. My photoshoot is thursday and I still have to paint and then attach the shoes. So I don't have time to nit pick. We will just use him as a quilt holder. :) anyway. I'm excited for tomorrow. yeah.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My bags are packed and I am ready to go

I had a good day. I got a lot done and it was stress at all. Dad covered church for me so I went and did the things that I needed to do at work and so I had the night to pack and get organized. It felt nice. I made chex mix with only chex. Dad wanted that way. It really has snowed a lot here. I am glad Rachel doesn't have to go to work at 8:00 in the morning. The roads will be interesting. Dad is going to Harolds in the morning and I am working and then we are out of here. I hope we have a wonderful trip. Good luck with your tests Karen. Just think I will know an EMT. Robin good luck with your Cheetos guy. I am sure he will be great. See you on Tuesday


Well my Sunday was good. At least it wasn't snowing. Church was good. We are moving to the 9 o'clock schedule after the 1st of the year so that will be nice. I like the 9 better than I like the 1 o'clock time. My hometeachers came over after church. It is nice having hometeachers that come. Well I hope that everyone is all packed and ready to go for your trip. I hope that you all have a good time. I have my written final tomorrow so fun times ahead for me. But after that I just have the written for the state and then no more tests. It will be nice. Well have a good one. BYE

last church

So today was the last day of my church at toronto. I'm excited for everyone to come up. If you need anything let me know. well just thought I would write a quick hi. I'm still working on my chester. I just hope it gets done in time. Anyway better run have a great night


Saturday, December 12, 2009


It is snowing a lot. We even got alot of snow in Clifton. I got to spend some time with the goats today and that was nice. They seem really happy. They have a ton of food so they will be good when we are gone. We went to IFA today and got a huge bucket with a deicer so they will have enough water while we are gone. I feel good about leaving them now. Their fur has gotten really thick, it is cute. I got some new black shoes today, my old ones had a hole in the bottom so when I walked in the snow my feet would get cold. They are cute and have a back so they will be good in the winter. My new coat is keeping me really warm and I like it. We also got Casey a new computer today. It was on clearance. He is going to work in SLC starting in January and he needed a computer for down their. He is excited about it. I am ready to go to Canada now. I just need to get a sub for nursery. I am excited to see Robin and go to another country, it is going to be really fun.


So i've attached the hands and the head. but now I have to resand everything. its a never ending story. There are little holes that I have to fill then sand. I keep thinking for the light at the end of the tunnel but hopefully by monday I can start painting. cross your fingers. I'm excited for everyone to come up on tuesday. I'm so ready for christmas. and to be done with school. I'm glad that your tests are over karen. congrats. I like your stockings and wreath rachel there super cute. So when are you guys flying in on tuesday? I'm trying to get everything packed but my clothes so We can just throw those in a bag. :) anyway I better go back to sanding.


dreaming of a white christmas

It has snowed here about 5 inches. The roads were horrible in the canyon and then it cleared out after Ogden. Both ways there was a blizzard in Sardine. Robin is going to get her wish for a white christmas that is for sure. I hope after all the sanding she is ready for shoveling. We got back early because we were worried about the snow. Julie wrote me an email and said that Kyle has another infection and is home on IV antibiotics. Just thought you guys would like to know. Well we are home safe and sound. I am going to go make sloppy joes for dinner.


Always at the office

Well it is snowing here and it is sticking to the ground. I thought we suppose to have global warming. Well I am done with my practical exam for the state. I won't find out my grade until Wednesday though. I think that I did good though. I am going to go and take a nap now though. I had to be at the testing place by 745, but I was there even earlier because they let you take the test in the order you arrived and since there are about 70 people taking it I didn't want to be last. I was number 11 so I got out at about 940. Well I hope that mom and dad made it down and back safely from SLC. I wouldn't want to drive in this weather. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

Friday, December 11, 2009

Still at the office

I have one more day I still have to work because I need to do payroll but it does feel like the vacation has started. We went to borders tonight and got dad a book to read on the trip. Good luck Karen on your test. I am sure you will be wonderful. You are so good at it. You come acrossed really confident. We had a quiet night and that is good. Tomorrow SLC and then Sunday I am going to work a couple of hours and then monday I am leaving at noon I hope. Just think Robin next week at this time we will be getting ready to come home. That is amazing.


I am currently out of the Office

I put my out of office notice on my email today. It was really fun. I haven'y used it since June when I went to girls camp. They wanted a report this afternoon and I did it. I hope that it is what they wanted because I am not working next week. Me and Mom listened to the soundtrack for Jersey Boys this morning and it is really good. It made me excited. It is going to be a great play. Mom it ended five minutes after I droped you off. Franky Vallie is not dead. Robin, I am glad that you want the car. This works out so good. It will be nice for you so you are not stranded at home. Thanks for Mom I was able to finish the Wreath for Terry. I went to Red Rooster on my lunch and got more fabric. I three yards of fabric to make it. Here is a picture of the finished product.

Here is a picture of my finished stocking.

Test anxiety

Well my practical test for the state is tomorrow. I am nervous, but I figure that as long as I don't panic and totally space something critical then I will be okay. These are the types of test that make me nervous. A person with a clip board and a timer sitting there watching you and just you do stuff. I do better when with the written stuff that you don't have a person just sitting there staring at you. Well work was kind of boring today. I am hoping that Monday will be busier, but you never can tell. It did snow about 4 flakes here today. That means it was super cold outside. Robin I hope that your hands stay attached this time. Have a good weekend everyone. BYE

eskimo kisses

so today was the practical exam for the kids that didn't do it when I did it. So I got roped into being a model. so my whole day was putting on makeup taking off makeup. my face is kinda raw. Luckly I was able to work a bit on my cheetah. I reattached the arms after some trips to canadian tire. (thats like a hardware/ homeware store kinda). I casted the hands today so I need to sand those and hopefully paint them. I am going to work on it all weekend so on tuesday I can play with everyone instead of stressing about it. Well on the way home it was so cold I took the subway home but as my luck would have it there was a fire on the train so we had to evacuate so I ended up just walking. I least I made it two stops before that happened. I didn't see the fire just the lights flickered and outside of the train was smoke. so I figured it would be a while thats why I walked. anyway better go work on my guy have a great night love you


ps. I forgot thanks for the car I would love to drive it until I can save money to get another one :) you guys are the best!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We had a good time sewing tonight. Casey helped Mom at work start moving her work. After work we went to dinner at the Indian Oven, it was really good. I ofcourse got the rice pudding, it is so good. Then we can to Clifton and sewed. We had a good time. Mom ran out of thread so she helped me and cut all the fabric for the wreath I am making for Terry. It was really nice and we had a good time. Robin, Casey has finished his car so if you need/want a car when you come back the Sundance is ready for you. It is sitting in our garage, nice and warm. It is extra special because Casey drove it. Mom says hi and have a good night.

Rachel, Casey and Mom

Almost Friday

Well I have almost made it to the weekend. Robin I am sorry that your arm snapped off. Usually it goes faster the second time around though. My insurance meeting was okay. We are having to start paying for our dental insurance, but it is only 5 dollars so it is not too bad. I still liked it better when I didn't have to pay anything. I am ready for my class to be done. I think that I am worn out and need a nap. Right now though who has time. Oh well maybe in January. Well i hope that all you northerners don't freeze to death. It is cold down here but it is suppose to get warmer by Monday. We should be back to normal for this time of year, yep back in the 50s it will be nice. We have been running 20 degrees below normal this whole week and it has been rough. Well I hope that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing tonight. Have a good one.

candy cane hot chocolate

So the walk home today was freezing. I thought my ears were going to fall off. I stopped at second cup mostly to warm up a bit and they had candy cane hot chocolate. It was very delicious. I am a serious addict. It made the walk home so much better. I think I'm going to wear a hat forever now. anyway same ole same ole. I brought my cheetah body to work on and the arms snapped off. ugh. oh well I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :) anyway I better go fix the damage. have a great night


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Everyone sounds busy, I hope that everyone get a break. Robin, I am glad that you are excited to come home. I am so excited for you to come back. Logan/Utah is the best. Casey finished his car today :) It is pretty neat. The security system works and it will be safe. I got alot done on my stockings tonight. I just need to put the ruffles and binding on. It is really cold. Casey made a fire in the front room and then we have the fire place going in the front room. I think the cold is aborbing all the heat. It is a cold day. Casey said that Tobais fur is getting so thick and he is getting fat that his head looks like a little triangle on his body. It is funny. I am excited for next week to see Robin and bring her home.


long days

Well two nights in a row I didn't get home until 9:00. Boy am I tired. I need to slow down. I am going to sleep all the way to canada. Karen I don't know how you have been doing it. Good luck with you insurance meeting. I hope they don't give you a huge high deductible. That is the new rage. 10 days Robin and we you will be back home in the frozen tundra. You might want to rethink the beautiful snow in Utah. It was 4 below zero this morning in Mendon. I am already thinking of living in St. George the whole month of January. Have a good night.



Well I got all my Christmas shopping done last night. I just need to wrap now. They have a radio station down here that is just playing Christmas music all month, so maybe I should start listening to that to get more into the spirit of things. Well tomorrow should be a long day. I have to go to an insurance meeting and that is enough to make any day long. I still have a cough and a guy in my class said that he has had his for a week. I hope that I get rid of mine sooner than that. It was cold here today when I got off work it was 35 out side. That is way cold for down here. Well have a good one. BYE

I'll be home for christmas

So it snowed last night but then it was followed by rain. so we had an inch of slush. blah. I like the white snow not slush. Utah is the best place for good snow. I'm disappointed in Toronto. its a good thing I'm done in 10 days. I did listen to christmas music so it helped ease the pain :) jk... Well I guess you can figure out what I did today SAND. yeah for sanding. at least the belly is smooth now. I am going to try to make the hands tomorrow just to spice it up. :) My goal is to finish smoothing so by the weekend I can paint. I'm using my airbrush. might as well make my life easier since I have the technology up here. well I'm glad that everyone is alive and well. Enjoy life

love you

My internet wasn't working

My internet wasn't working last night so I am blogging just to say that I am a live. Hopefully Casey will fix it today so it will be working tonight. I had a good day yesterday, the roads were bad though and driving was slow. Work was really busy and kind of stressful. Casey made Pasta Fresca from noodles and company for dinner and it was realyl good. It was fun. Then I worked on my stockings for a while. I am almost done and they are looking cute. Well hopefully my internet will start working today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

what a ride

Well i just got home from the party for the Cache Kids. It went OK. Not as many as I thought would come but it was still fun. I am just glad it is over with. Congratulations on your test Karen and your first car payment. One down. It is so cold here. The roads were horrible and let me just say the roundabouts on icy roads are not fun. Dad likes them but they just make you slip and slide in a circle. I hope you are feeling better Karen. Robin I am so excited to see your Cheetah. It is going to be way cool. Dad made is safe and sound last night so he missed the horrible roads this morning. Rachel said it was horrible for her commute. I just kept thinking all day. I am going to be on vacation this time next week. It made my day. I bought Harry Potter on Blue Ray today. I like Harry Potter movies. I need to get everything done before I leave. LOVE MOM


Well I just made my first car payment. I also sent in the paper to get it auto deducted so I don't have to mail it in every month. I am excited for you to come back to Utah Robin. It will be nice to have you closer for a while. My day was good. But it was cold here and really windy. It hard not to cough when going from cold to warm. Oh well, that is what cough drops are for I guess. Well good luck with your project Robin. I hated sanding in my wood shop class too. It takes forever, it was definitely my least favorite part. See you all in 2 weeks

ninja smoother

Congrats karen on your tests that is so cool. Good luck with the other ones. I know you'll do well. I'm excited for this month to, in 7 days you guys fly up. In 14 days i'm home. yeah I made it 8 months alive. Today I sanded everything. I worked on it last night but it was slow going. My teacher had a power sander. I think i prefer modern technology. I still am not finished though. Hopefully tomorrow I will be done sanding. It has to be perfectly smooth because its the layer I paint on so it has to be absolutely smooth. Its taking forever. after 8 hours of sanding and then its not finished, ahhhh. I didn't bring it home tonight, i needed a break. well I hope you guys have a great night. On MSN it said that the west got slammed with snow. be careful and drive safe. :) and drink lots of hot chocolate. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009


I have been pondering all the neat stuff we are going to be doing this month. I am just amazed at how much we are doing. Tomorrow is the Christmas party for the kids at the Heritage Farm and then on Wednesday I babysit and then I Tuesday I am in Canada and then I get home and Karen comes home and then we go to St. George. I better go to be bed and get some rest. Congratulations Karen. I am so proud of you. You have worked very hard and I know you are going to be state certified. Dad left for SLC tonight because he had a 9:00 meeting and it is suppose to snow all night. Thought he had a better chance tonight than 6 in the morning. I am so not a morning person. LOVE MOM


Well it has been pouring rain here all day and it has been cold also. It is suppose to change to snow tonight, but I doubt any will stick with all the water that is already on the ground. Well I took the practical portion of the college final and I got an 82 on the trauma and a 94 on the medical. Whew! I passed. The state practical is on Saturday so I am still I little stressed for that. Then I have the written for the college and then the written for the state and then I am done. I still have a cold unfortunately, but I am starting to feel better. I have decided that I don't want to be sick any more so tomorrow I am going to be cured. At least that is my plan. I will have to see how good it works. Thanks Rachel for the idea for Casey. I going to go and get it tomorrow. Then all my shopping will be done. I will just have to wrap. Well hope you have a great week one and all.

We have snow!!

Casey drove me to Logan today and that was nice. We had lunch together at the Bluebird. He changed my oil for me and then he worked on some peoples bike. When we were driving home it started snowing in Preston and we have a couple of inches in Clifton. It is werid how a couple of miles make a big difference in weather. It was fine in Logan. I am just going to relax and make some stocking the rest of the night.

bond cheeto bond

So today I worked on my cheetah body. I had to bondo the entire body. Its the same bondo that I used on dads truck. Everytime I smell it I am reminded of working on the truck :) but I think I'm going to rename him cheetah bond. since almost half of him is covered in bondo. well It kinda snowed here. It came down white but it all melted before it hit the ground. I guess tomorrow we are suppose to get a storm. Well I brought my cheetah body home to sand, fun i know don't be jealous. Have a great night


Sunday, December 6, 2009

The north wind doth blow

Boy is it cold and windy here. Makes you want to hibernate. Rachel and Casey came for sunday dinner and they helped me put up the christmas tree. We put Robin's presents under there and it really felt like Christmas. There was a mom and baby deer in our back yard this morning. I felt so bad for them it was so cold. It is really suppose to storm here tomorrow. I hope it isn't too bad. LOVE MOM

No snow either

Well there is no snow here, but there is a pretty good chance of it tomorrow. I think that St. George had a high chance of snow than Logan. Which is just not fair. Where is global warming when you need it. I skipped church also today. I am felling better. Sleeping most of the day seems to help. Who knew? Rachel do you have any ideas for me on what to get Casey for Christmas? I would appreciate any ideas. Well I don't have anything else to report it has been a nice quiet Sunday. BYE

No Snow

We didn't get any snow in Clifton, Dayton got a little bit and the further south we went their was more snow. We went to Logan yesterday to finish our Christmast shopping. We had a good time and it was a good day. The goats are getting really fat, they are cute and chubby. Church went good. It has been a good day.



Thats crazy the weather is so bad. I'm glad you made it safe those roads can get really bad. I hope it doesn't snow next tuesday :). It hasn't snowed up here just rains all the time. Well today I was bad and didn't go to church. I just slept. It was nice. well I hope everyone has a nice relaxing sunday.

love you

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wild Ride

It was a crazy drive to SLC this morning. The roads and drivers were out of control. We went 10 miles an hour from Ogden to Layton and there were a dozen accidents. It was awful. Coming home wasn't as bad until we got to the top of Sardine and then it was bad again. I don't think I am ready for the snowy weather. Grandpa Gumm wasn't feeling very good today. He was having a hard time breathing. We made it home safe and sound though thanks to dad and the jeep. It is suppose to snow now until Wednesday. I hope it doesn't get real bad. I hope Karen you start feeling better. You sounded pretty bad tonight. I hope you get lots of rest tomorrow. LOVE MOM

I am with you

Robin I would have lock the bathroom too. That is what the have building managers for. Well my day started early with class. It was long and they really didn't go over anything I didn't know already so it was boring for the most part. They did cut up a car to show us how they do that and that was pretty cool. Then I had to run to the bank and go grocery shopping. I still have a cold also so that sucks. I am going to skip church tomorrow and just sleep. Well have a good one. BYE

mouse in the house

So last night as I was leaving for institute my roommate comes out of the bathroom and said that there was a mouse. I guess they leave poison around the building so we think it ate some because it didn't run away. So my other roommate who came out caught it in a Tupperware container and we took it down stairs to the front guys. They thought we saw a mouse and were down to complain about it. They didn't know we actually had the mouse. So they threw it in the dumpster outside. He said if it was going to die then It would die in there, but if it got better it could eat food in the dumpster. I guess the mouse will eat allot and come back twice as big. my luck. anyway I was there for emotional support. I would have run away and locked the bathroom door. but I'm not level headed when it comes to those things. luckily it was my roommate who found it. So needless to say I didn't make it to institute. So I stayed home and painted. I worked more on my shoes this morning and did laundry. luckly there have been no more mouse sightings. thankfully. well have a great night


Friday, December 4, 2009

This and That

I have been looking at quilting blogs and I have been finding some really neat things. This one,, has all these free patterns and directions. It is really fun. I am going to make the fabric wreath, I have the fabric I just need to get the frame. This one,, has really good prices on fabric and she is an amazing quilter, she has pictures on her blog. Robin I really like your sculpture, it is really neat. You are doing a great job. Well we just checked the weather and it feels like 7 degrees in Clifton. We have the fire place going to stay warm. I don't have much else going on. I am glad that this week is over, it was busy at work. Me and Mom had a good time sewing, we got a lot done and had a good time.

Weekends So Nice

I am looking forward to a weekend. The week after the holiday is always so long. Sometimes I wonder if it is really worth missing work. It is so hard to make it through a whole week. Dad made it home safe and sound so that is nice. We went shopping and now are going downstairs to veg. I haven't ironed in two weeks so I guess I might need to do some of that also. I am glad you project is coming along so nicely. Goodluck Karen on your class. I hope you are resting in between washing and drying. Remember always how much I love you girls.



Well I am doing laundry tonight. I have class tomorrow and I haven't done laundry in 2 weeks so I thought that i better get moving on that. It was cold here today. The high was only in the low 40s. I nearly froze this morning. I am glad that it was Friday today. Just about 2 more weeks finishing up this class and then I will be done. Good luck painting your shoes Robin. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE

you take two steps forward I take one step back

Well today is wonderful friday. I so glad this week is almost over. I brought my shoes home to paint so that is what I'm going to do the majority of the week. I have to do laundry and start packing :). Well i'm going to institute tonight so nothing to stressful. its cold out side though. waiting for the bus isn't to fun in the cold. I'm glad that your quilt is going well mom and rachel. I'm excited to see all the quilts that you guys have done. Good luck with school karen. I hope the weekend isn't to stressful. well have a great night


Cute Cute Cute

Robin I lover Chester. He is really good. Congratulations. Karen I hope you are feeling better. You sounded so tired last night on the phone. I am worried about you. You need to get december over with fast. Well I had a good time at Rachel's last night. I sewed 5 blocks. 40 more to go. I really like this quilt. Well I am off to work. Just thought I would let you know we made it safe and sound.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Isn't he suppose to be orange

Robin looks good except that he is an orange cat. Well the dentist was just a dentist trip. He did fix all the cavities that they found at the last cleaning so i am all caught up there. The bad thing about that was that 3/4 of my mouth was numb all after noon, but at least it is over. I had to run to the notary after work and paper signed. Now I am working on getting it scanned and emailed off. Fun times. Well I better get going I love ya BYE

construction zone

Wow karen it sounds like you are super busy, busy, busy. good luck with all of your test and dentist. I like your lights mom I think they are really cute. Sorry you had to miss your lunch the other day rachel. There is this AMAZING!!!!!! waffle place up here that I will take you to to make up for stupid work. :) Well today was fun. the fashion class was taking there final practical test and one girls model bailed on her so I went in and modeled for her. She did my foundation really thick and pale so everyone called me a ghost afterwords. I felt bad but luckily the girl didn't hear. :) but it was fun to not work for a few hours. anyway I posted a picture of the construction zone called chester the cheetah. His head isn't attached and I'm still working on his hands. and still have to sand, smooth, sand....... ect ect ect... any who have a great one

love you

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well tomorrow I have to go to the dentist and get my crown on. Yeah! I just have tons of fun here. Hey Rachel are you ever going to read the Harry Potter book's I lent you? Just wondering. My day was busy. I did fin out today that they are being nice and giving us New Year's Eve off as a paid holiday. So that was nice. Saturday is the last time I have a Saturday class. Monday I have the practical exam for the collage, then Wednesday we are reviewing for the written exam for the collage. The Saturday after that is the practical exam for the State, the Monday is the written test for the college. Then I just have to take the written for the state and that will be it. I should be brain dead by that time. Well have a great rest if the week every one.


I went with Kelli from work to the movie last night. She hadn't seen it either. I enjoyed it. I have been organizing tonight. I got ready for the cache kids party on Tuesday and then worked alittle bit on christmas stockings. I then did laundry and changed the sheets on my bed. All in all I had a good night. Thought you might like to see my snowmen lights. They were $12.00 today at Walmarts and I got them for $5.00 on black friday. I am going to Rachel's tomorrow night to sew so if I don't blog it is because I didn't bring my computer. I will make Rachel write for both of us. LOVE MOM

No snow

Robin, that is pretty involved. I bet that it will be awesome when you are done. Mom did you go to the movie by yourself or did you go with Linda? I am glad that you got to see the movie. I don't have much going on. I am glad that this week is going fast. I am loving my new hard drive, I have been working on that tonight. Well everyone stay safe and have a good night.

pink snow

well I kept working on my dude. the body is giving me frustrations, I have to sand the foam to make it smooth so I have pink dust everywhere then i have to make other liquid foam stuff that gets everywhere that I have to sand. so needless to say by the end of the day I am head to toe pink. Luckily it will be sanded and done soon. I just hope it all comes together. well nothing to exciting. A new chicken wing place opened next door to me and a girl from class lovesssss chicken wings so we went and checked it out. It was alright she got really spicy ones that she liked. anyway have a great one


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Moon

I have now officially seen New Moon. It was really good. I liked it. Kept pretty good to the book I might say. Well I am glad that Rachel can still have her capri suns. I think I should buy stock in the company. It is way cold here and windy. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I will be on the look out for Amazon package. Work was out of control for me also. I stayed until 6:30 working. I did at least the surface taken off the desk. Friday everyone is going to a conference. I am going to work in peace and quiet. Dad has a doctor's appointment on Friday at 3:30. I am going to go with him. Well have a great week. I am going to go do a batch of laundry before bed.


I do love Capri Suns

I do still have Cari Suns to drink. They are delicious and they have no caffeine, (not that there is anything wrong with that). They do have a lot of sugar though. I drink a lot of those and I need to cut back on them. Well i saw three deer on the way to work, they were a little deer family. I had a busy day, I had to work through my lunch, but that means that I will get to go home early one day or I can take a really long lunch one day. Casey made Paradise bakery's tomato soup tonight and it was really good. It wasn't as creamy this time and I thought that it was really good.

I am reading a really, really good book right now it is called "My Fathers Paradise". It is about a guy reconnecting with his past and his family, it also has history of his people. It is a really good book, I would recommend it.

I love being right

Well Rachel I am sorry that I ruined Sunkist for you. At least you still have Capri suns. Sorry I didn't blog last night. My class went until 10 and I was so tired by that time I come home and just went to bed. Tonight I have some homework to do, but hopefully I will be able to get to bed early. It is chilly here is St. George. We are only getting in to the 50s during the day. Burr! Well tomorrow night at class we are doing a mass causality incident. It should be fun. We have volunteers and they get all made up and then we go out and get it all organized. It will either work well and we will get done quickly or it will all fall apart and we will be there all night. I am hoping for the quick option. Well I hope that every has had a great first day of December. Love ya BYE

and capri sun

I love sunkist its the best orange soda. I usually stick to pepsi though ;). well today was good nothing to crazy. Its the first day of december :) yeah i'm so excited. I guess it snowed in the town next to us but it missed toronto. I guess when everyone comes up they will be warmer then utah. :) I started on my chester body with pink foam. its just foam that I have to carve into. it looks kinda dorky. but I guess its in its beginning stages. OH mom I went christmas shopping on amazon and had it sent to your house. So expect a package for me from amazon. It should all come in one box hopefully. But everything is wrapped so you can open it if you would like. have a great one 14 more days till you guys come up :)

love you

Monday, November 30, 2009

too funny

Rachel you are too funny. I can't believe Sunkist has more caffine than coke. It will be hard to give that up. It was a busy day today but I think that is just going to be that way until we move. I had a nice evening. I did laundry and watched movies with dad. It was a nice quiet evening. I have a countdown calendar also Robin. I can't believe it is coming up so fast. I hope Karen's class went good tonight not many nights left for her also in school. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow for the week. I think Rachel's blog made my whole night.


Feeling good about Sunkists

Sunkist's have been ruined forever for me and Casey. I can no longer enjoy the delicious Sunkist's without thinking about the caffeine. I looked the the ingredients again today and their are a ton of sugar in it also. I think that the combination of all these bad things make it taste so good and mabye that is why I have been wanting it a lot. I will never be able to look at it the same way again. I still owe you a dollar Karen, sorry I had to borrow it. I did drink one today and it tasted really good. I am going to cut back on them now. Work went good today, it went fast. I was glad since it is hard to come back. It is good to have Casey home. Besides thinking about sunkist's it has been a good day.

these hands are small i know, but there not yours they are my own

So all weekend I sculpted my hands and they still look horrible. ahhhhh. so tomorrow I am going to try again. so tonight I am going to work on the tail hopefully I can get that. I'm making the body out of pink foam and its going to be interesting. It takes 24 hours for the glue to set to tomorrow I am going to carve into it. It may be the death of me. but we will see. anyway good news is I have 3 weeks left so that is a good thing. well anyway have a great night. 2 more mondays left in toronto....

love you

Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a good day. They let us into sacrament but we were in the back corner. The kids were good in nursery and it went fast. Casey made mash potato patty's. They are good, then you put fried eyes on them. I made three new block on my quilt yesterday. I took a two hour nap today and that was nice. I am lazy.


We are back home in Logan safe and sound also. What a great Thanksgiving. Just think two weeks and two days and I'll be going to Canada. It just keeps getting better and better. I am so excited for December and then we get home and Karen comes up and we get to play some more and then she goes home and we get to go to St. George for New Years. It is going to be a blur. Well I am going to go make me left overs. Have a great week. I thought people stood at the doors to welcome people to church not to keep them out. Very interesting story.


I'm Back

Well I am back in St. George. I am glad that my driving is over. The weather was good for both the trip up there and the trip back so that was nice. It is usually nasty this time of year. I am glad that your school project is working out so good Robin. I like it when things turn out the way I want them too. I am still feeling sleep deprived fro the early morning shopping but I think that I will recover some day...maybe. It was fun though. Well I better go have a great week. BYE

thats life

so today at church I sat in the very very back and the old guy that was a greeter shut the doors for sacrament meeting. We were still in the middle of the song and someone wanted to come in, he flipped. He grasped at the door till it had no life. Nobody was getting in. He went out and yelled at everyone when more people wanted to come in. He was surely not letting anyone in. after sacrament he let everyone it and it was like 20 people. I don't know, it was more of a distraction of him pulling the door closed and throwing a fit then letting people walk in. whatever. anyway thats my church story. hope everyone has a great week after the long holiday. its so hard to go back after you had a few days off. love you


Saturday, November 28, 2009

its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am sorry I didn't write last night our internet went out. Dad got a new modem today so when we go back to Logan tomorrow hopefully it will be fixed. I got some solar lights that look like snowmen and I put them up on friday and put the candy canes around them. It is so cute. I took a picture and when we get back to Logan I will down load it off my camera. We had a good day. We went to a Thai place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Bodily and Jannie and then dad and Karen and Jannie went to get a new modem and went to the ceramic show. I went to Grandma and Grandpa Gumm's. It worked out good. Then we went to spagetti factory for dinner and went to see Kyle and Julie and Kay and Jen and Rylie showed up and we all went to pizza. It was fun. I am tired but it was good to see everyone. If you don't hear from me tomorrow you will know the internet in logan is still not working. LOVE MOM

a wink and a smile

Well I'm glad that you were able to get all the amazing deals. I think thanksgiving is best served in november. Everyone in canada doesn't enjoy the splendor of a great holiday. They celebrate it in october but its really not a big deal. anyway i just chilled today. my room is a wreck. I keep thinking I'll clean but then I figure I could just start packing instead. so its just sitting around until I get motivated to pack. well have a great one..

love you

Awesome Holidays

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Thank you everyone. We missed you Robin, it was hard to shop without you. It was really fun though. We started shopping at Walmart and that was really nice. It made the whole morning nice because we didn't get cold. We were able to wait inside and it was great. We got everything we wanted. It was the longest line we waited in. It took a while to check out, their was a lot of people. Then we went to JC Penny's. I wanted a coat and it was still there!! It was pretty awesome and we didn't have to wait in line to check out. Then we went to Kohl's but the line was really long so we left. Then we met up with Linda at Fred Myers. I got some socks. Then we went to McDonald's and got some really good hot chocolate. I was surprisingly good. Then we went to Joann's the line was kind of long their. Then went to Staples and they still had the hard drive I wanted. It was a perfect shopping day and we had fun, even for Karen. I most of my Christmas shopping done and Robin you can go in with me on some of the presents. I will email you.

We ate leftovers today and they were so good. The baked yams warmed up really good and tasted really good. We just had a laid back day. I took a nap and did some sewing. We cleaned up the goats stable and spent some time with them. They are doing good. Thank you everyone for the fun holiday and I am excited for Robin to be coming home soon. I am excited for Karen to come back up to Logan also.


Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm glad thanksgiving was fun. It looks like shopping was fun to. I'm glad that you guys went out such troopers. Nothing exciting here. just same ole same ole. Its another girls birthday at school so everyone is going to party but I'm going to stay home and sculpt. I don't want to waste money to watch people get drunk. anyway i'm going to head off. have a good rest of the holidays ;)

love you

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nice Thanksgiving

Robin I am glad you got your hands going. We you get it all done. You always do. We had a really nice time today. Everything went just as planned. We had a good time. We missed you but Christmas we will make it up. We are going to start shopping at Walmarts and then go to Penney's and then JoAnns and then we are going to wing it from there. It should be a good morning. No snow and we don't have to wait outside that will be even nicer. There is a Terabyte hard drive for $79.00 that Rachel wants. We will see if it we get it. There are solar lights that are snowmen that I want. They are really cute. I thought that would be nice outside. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM

Happy thanksgiving

Have a happy thanksgiving and shopping day tomorrow. Today I started sculpting hands for my cheetah they are coming together slowly but hopefully I can get it together by the end of school. well have a great turkey day. I'm thankful for all of you. Love you



Well I thought that I would blog really quick before everyone starts getting moving here. The drive was good for the most part it did get really trafficy around Odgen, but other than that it wasn't too bad. I am excited for all the turkey. I saw dad's blue ray and it is cool. Well I better go. Love ya

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The eagle has landed

Karen is safe and sound in Logan. YEAH the party can begin. Her car is really nice. I like it. I am excited for this weekend. I hope the dinner turns out OK. With Rachel and Casey bringing the potatoes and pie that will make it good. I hope Robin has a good time sanding. I am more excited for black friday. We went and got dad some new shoes tonight and there were 3 people lined up at Best Buy for the friday sales. I thought that was crazy. LOVE MOM


I was a slackers today. I went down to Ogden for their Thanksgiving
party and we messed around for a while. It was fun and good to talk
with ever one. Then I left early and went to Logan to drop off some
Turkey rub for Mom and pick up a pizza for Casey. Then I came home and
it was still light outside, I made it by 4:30 it was nice. Me and Casey
made some awesome pies. I took pictures but I am having trouble loading
them so I will do it tomorrow. We mad pecan, apple andpumpkin . They
look really good and it was really fun to make. Then we watched Glee. I
really like that show. It is fun to watch. I am really excited for
Thanksgiving. Mom Casey's brother Kelly may come tomorrow.Casey's Dad is going to Terry family. We haven't gotten a hold of him yet but I think that he is coming, I just wanted to let you know. I am excited to see you tomorrow Karen.


Well its starting to get cold up here. Its still raining though no snow. Well I just sanded again all day, its starting to get old. but I still have a lot more to do. I think I might start something else tomorrow to rotate the madness. Well hope thanksgiving dinner is great tomorrow. I know you'll do a great job with the food mom. Well Nothing else to crazy have a great night


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

clean, clean, clean

Well I have spent the night cleaning and I know this may sound crazy but I really enjoyed it. I have been neglecting things and it felt good to be organizing again. I needed that. I am going to have to stay on track with that. I got the sheets on the bed washed for Karen and vacuumed and dusted and clean the downstairs bathroom. WOW. I am excited for thanksgiving. It will be fun. I am missing Robin but I am so excited for my Canada trip that I know it won't be long and she will be back home with us. YEAH. Drive careful Karen. I am working 1/2 day tomorrow. I was going to take it off but I have so much to do I thought with everyone gone I could get a lot done. I am taking off though and cooking, cooking,cooking. I hope I remember how. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Rock band

So today my friend asked me to help again with the george brown class. The theme was rock band. so it was fun. I am getting the photos from the other shoot soon so I will post some when I get them. I hope you guys have a great american thanksgiving. I'm sorry I can't make it this year. I wish they at least gave us the days off here. I have to still go to school, I guess sanding chester can be just as much fun ;) any way travel safe and eat loads of food. ;)

love you

my bags are packed...

Well I think that i am all packed up for Thanksgiving. I always feel like I am forgetting something when I pack though. Oh well, if it is really important there is always Walmart. I have to go to work at 6 tomorrow. I go get off at 230 which is nice for traveling, but the only 6 I like to acknowledge is the pm one. But it should go by pretty fast because once you are fully awake the day is half over. I also went and got my desk done tonight. I figured that it was better to get it over with now than worry about it all Thanksgiving. This was I also don't have to bring my test book. Well I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Love ya bYE

One more day

I had a good day. Work went pretty fast. I am listening to a good book called "Outlander", so the drive is good. My visiting teachers came tonight and that was nice. Casey is making good progress on his car. He switched the tail lights and is still working the secerity system. I am excited for Thanksgiving and to see Karen and her new car. Have a good day.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Covers for your Car Seat

Do you remeber the game on the computer that said "You just won yourself a prize enforcer, come on over and check it out. Cover for your Car Seats!" Well today Casey has won that prize. His parts car driver seat had a big hole in it so tonight we patched it up. Here is the finished product.

It was fun to do and it turned out realyl good. We had a good evening. I am glad that it is a short week too. I am really excited for turkey and yams and shopping. It will be a fun week.

Nice Day

I went to work early today and I am going again tomorrow. I think it is helping me get caught back up. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow but coming home on Wednesday. That will be a short week. We don't have too much going on right now. Dad went to the doctor today and they increased his methotrexate. He has been having more pain and Dr. Vonk said this would help. I am excited to go to Canada. It will be fun to go and get Robin. Karen you might be studying the whole month of December. You will be able to rescue us. Robin I hate to say it but it might be you are counting down. That is fun



Well just the same old same old here in St. George. I am glad that it is a short week. I just got back from class. We are getting to the end of things. I can't believe that it is almost over. I take my practical exam for the collage on the 7th of December and the State practical exam on the 12th. Then the written exam for the collage on the 14th and then I have to schedule my state one with the dixie testing center but I can't do that until after the 10th. Lots of studying for me. Well I better get going BYE

dang quedilla

Well Today I made my head and two shoes in plastic. its so cool. I was excited. well my room is trashed I have stuff everywhere. bags and wigs and costumes form everything. I think I'm going start packing it up so then its easier in 3 weeks and 6 days to get everything together :) well nothing else to exciting. I'm going to sand my chester head tonight and relax. have a great one love you


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Robin, you did an amazing job, that is great. You look really pretty also. It didn't really snow in clifton much to Casey's dismay. It is interesting that it snowed in Logan. I don't have much else going on. Casey made some delisious french toast for breaksfast and I made some homemade mac and cheese for dinner. It has been a good food day. We only had 8 kids in nusrey so that was nice. I am proud of you Robin, you did a good job.

I would have voted for you

Robin I think you did a good job on your model. I think that it looks really cool. Well I just have to work three days this week so that will be nice. I also only have class on Monday so it will definitely feel like a holiday. I can't believe that it is snowing in Logan. You barely need a jacket outside today here. It makes me cold just thinking about snow. Burr!!! Well I am making blueberry muffins right now because they sounded good. At least I had the mix for it. I hate it when something sounds good and I don't have the stuff to make it here. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. I love ya BYE

I think you should have won

Dear Robin;

I love your makeup. You did a good job. The blog picture is fantastic. You are soo good. Well get some rest. I am so proud of you. Rachel I am glad you didn't come for sunday dinner it is really snowing here. It is suppose to clear out tomorrow so Karen should be good to go. Well I am going to vet and watch the IT guys on netflixs. LOVE MOM

No dice

Well I didn't place at the IMATS. the rumor was that I was close to 3rd but the other girls was pretty cool. Once I know about you tube and picts I will let you know. They try to upload them fast. but it was fun non the less. Anyway it does not feel like sunday. I don't want to go to class tomorrow. I feel like hibernating inside and sleeping for a week. Luckily this week should be calm so that will be nice. well I'm tired I'm going to hit the sack I added a pic of me and my model. have a great one

love you

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Luck Robin

Robin we are excited for you. I are sure that you are going to do good. You have been doing a done of makeup this weekend. That is awesome. I am excited for you. We have had a uneventful weekend. Today we went to Logan and worked on Casey's Dad's computer. He had a virus on it last week so Casey put on a new virus scanner. We were their for most of teh afternoon. Then we went grocery shopping and went to Lowes. Casey made me some french toast and bacon for breakfast and it was really good. I didn't get any sewing done but here is a picture of the quilt me and Mom are working on.

Good Luck Robin and I am excited to see Karen this week.

And the Winner is

ROBIN BODILY. Good luck tomorrow sweetheart. We are all praying for you. We are so excited for you. Karen I bought you a audio tape for your trip. But since it is sunday it will be for your trip home. I hope you don'thave it. If you do Borders do exchange. Well we made it home safe and sound from SLC. Grandma Bodily meet us for lunch. That was neat. She is recovering nicely. I am proud of her. Has anyone heard from Rachel? She didn't email on Friday and no blog. I hope she isn't sick. I better call her. Well once again Robin we are so excited for you. Way to go. Karen I am so excited for thanksgiving. I bought the turkey tonight. We are ready to go. Rachel I hope you aren't sick.



Robin, good luck tomorrow, I am sure that you will do awesome. My day was good. I went to the bank, then I went and got my licence plates for my car. I also went grocery shopping. Right now I am trying to get all my laundry done. I am lacking motivation but since it is a holiday week I have to get it done if I want clean clothes to wear. I was good and cleaned my kitchen today. I scrubbed the floor and everything. It looks very nice if I do say so myself. I am excited for Thanksgiving. Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Love ya BYE


So today I went to the Imats to see the Beauty competition. The girl in my class got third place so that was fun. The girl that won was pretty cool. Tomorrow its my turn. ahhhh I wasn't nervous till they did the beauty show today. They gave us lamented name tags to get in both days and my name was printed on it. so its official. I just hope its fun, my model is pretty cool so I think we will end up having a good time no matter how it turns out. I bought I really cool bag though. I was selling it to everyone that came in contact with me. A makeup artist designed it so it has all the elements that other bags are missing. when you guys come up I will show it to you. its pretty cool. anyway I better go I have to get everything together. I will try to send a pict. through phone when I'm done but I will call you when its over around 4 ish our time to let you know about the results.. :) have a great night


Friday, November 20, 2009

I made

I made it to the weekend. What a week. It has been one busy week. Dad made it home safe and sound. We ordered pizza hut and watched the new Star Trek Movie. It is good. Well we don't have too much going on just same old same old. I hope all goes well. Good luck Robin on IMAT. I just know you are going to win. Have a great Saturday.



So today was my fashion show. it was intense, the lady in charge decided to do a line approch. so one person do foundation, then one person do eyes, and so forth. So i was on foundation duty. ugh. lets just say i'm glad its over. The film went well last night though I didn't get home till about 4 so i'm pretty sleepy. Tomorrow is the Imats also, so me and the girl that is modeling for me are going to go and see the booths and some girls in our class are doing the bueaty section of the contest. So I thought I would go represent. Then sunday its me. I don't even know what i'm going to do. They don't give you the pieces until you show up that day and thats kinda the main part of the competition. So I have a few ideas of what to do and maybe mesh them all together well see. Hopefully something will come from it. Well I'm sleepy I'm going to hit the sack. :) have a great one

love you


Well I made to the weekend. I am excited for Thanksgiving. It will be nice to have some time off. Work was good I got my desk cleared off having been in all that training stuff. Mom, I am sorry but I don't have nay good ideas for Grandma. Maybe you could just take her out to lunch if she will let you. I hope that you and dad have a quiet night. Good luck with the IMATs stuff Robin. It is getting closer. Well have a good night. BYE

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quiet night

Well it is a quiet night for me. I needed one of those. I have been making lists of things I need to do to get ready for Thanksgiving. To much fun. I am really excited for the holiday. Good luck Robin with your movie. It might be another twilight you never know. Well dad is going to come home tomorrow and Grandma Gumm's birthday is on Sunday. I am not sure what to get her. Any good ideas? Have a great friday.


Rules you can bend

Karen, you can have the Gathering Storm audio book. Just bring your MP3 up for Thanksgiving and I will put it on for you. It will be good to talk about it. Me and Mom had a really good time at the class yesterday, I will post some pictures tomorrow. Casey is done with the forest service. He is unemployed now. It is good to have him home. Well I had a boring day, unlike ever one else. It feels like a Friday since we sewed on Wednesday and Casey is home and Dan usually goes to Ogden on Thursday and he didn't go today. It really feels like Friday. I am excited to take Karen shopping next week. It will be awesome, freezing and cold.

done and done

Well I made it thru the dentist, but boy can that make you feel broke when you are done. i hate going to doctor stuff. I didn't even get to miss the picture stuff at work. They were running late so I made it in time for that. Of all the rotten luck. I also got my test taken and hey I am still going good. Now all I have to do is go and get my licence plates, but I am going to do that on Saturday. I at least get one relaxing night this week. Mom I will help with the Thanksgiving stuff when I get up there. I know I will only be up there the night before, but I will help you out. I am excited to go up to Logan, even though you are going to drag me thru the freezing cold in the dark early morning to stand in line to go shopping. I still think that it would be funner in St. George where you are not in danger of freezing to death. I guess I will just have to be tough. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Love ya BYE


Well today was pretty crazy. I was casting and making molds. I hope it all turns out. the middle stuff is when it can all go wrong. well nothing else to exciting I am going to work on the film tonight. That is crazy about the asteroid in utah, the email rachel sent out. That would have been neat to see. Its been raining here so nothing but clouds in the sky. well i better run have a great night.

love you


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am a quilter

We went to class tonight and had a good time. Effie the teacher was sick so we left early but I did really good. I am getting a lot better. This is a fun quilt. Karen your fabric looks wonderful. Now I have a bag out of Robin's material and a quilt out of Karen's material. I just have to finish them. Good luck Robin and Karen. All I can say is COKE. Good luck with your IMATS and Karen good luck at the dentist. Tomorrow is a quiet day. I am going to start working on Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night and also get ready for the weekend. I am not going to work on Wednesday because the whole office is taking it off. Lucky me. I am going to sleep in and clean house for thanksgiving. 5 whole days off for the holiday. LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Well I got out of class early tonight. We were doing child and infant assessments so i got mine done as quick as I could then I could go. I made it thru the last day of training. Yeah! I sat thru 28 hours of training. My head is fuzzing out with all the new information that I have gotten. The picture people didn't make it today, so they are coming tomorrow morning and darn I have a dentist appointment. I guess I will just have to live with that disappointment. Tom told Mary that she would have to stand in for me so that they could have one girl in engineering. I was good with that plan, but Mary didn't seem too excited. I also got a call saying the licence plates for my car are in. I may just wait until Saturday to get them though. I will have to see. Rachel if you make me a copy of the audio book I will listen to it when I am driving. Well I hope that everyone has a good rest of the week. BYE

it always happens

its amazing how fast things start to pile up. Tomorrow I am working on my film then on friday I am doing a fashion show then sunday is imats. whew, I signed up for the fashion show forever ago because I didn't think i would make it into the imats so now I have to do it. at least it keeps me busy. I casted my cheetah head today. Tomorrow I have to finish it then work on my shoe. Then I can start on the body. Luckly on monday all I have is my class so I can focus on that next week. I'm sorry about the guy that passed away. its still hard even when you expect it. I'm glad that your class is going well karen your going to be awesome fixing people up. I'm glad that rachel gets to make beautiful quilts. I don't know if its to stressful. But there is the company that makes powder puffs with cool fabric. I bought one. but I was thinking if you were stuck on christmas or whatever you could make me a cool looking powder puff. ;) just an idea. anyway better get going love you


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

I am sorry about Vickie's husband. That is hard. I feel bad for her. If she needs anything let me know. Robin, I am sad that you aren't going to be here for Thanksgiving, I will take a ton of pictures and jump on some people for you. I am getter really excited to shop. Karen you are busy, I hope that you are able to get everything done. I am really liking the Gathering Storm, but I hate Egwene. She is stupid. But the book is good and has made me happy a couple of times. I have four more hours to listen to. Karen when you have a free moment you need to read it so I can discuss it with you, I am about to burst. I had a good day. Work went well and then I went visiting teaching. I know the ladies now and it is fun to visit. I finished cutting my quilt out tonight so I am ready for tomorrow. I am really excited for this quilt. I need a week off so I can just sew, that would be nice. I set the goats up this morning with a water heater so they should be alright. I will check on it in the morning and make sure that it hasn't frozen. Well everyone stay safe and be careful. This is a funny website, it is just werid family photos.

Busy Busy

Wow it sounds like everyone is really busy. Good luck Karen you are running girl. Robin you are also. I need some of you guys energy. I am going downstairs and work on cutting my quilt out. Tomorrow is class. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. Guess what is playing in Vegas. Lion King. I think we need to plan a day to go see that after christmas. Well that is my great news for today. Vickie at work's husband died today. He has been suffereing for a long time. The funeral is suppose to be on Saturday. I am not sure how to work that one out. I might just have to miss it. Well not much else is going on here.


Here I am

Sorry I am a day behind. Mondays are just crazy. Today I was in training all day. Then when I got to my desk to go home I was told that the movie stuff that was done didn't turn out so now I have to dress up tomorrow and go to training all day. Apparently the are going to do the picture stuff after 4 so maybe I will just change at lunch. I also had to call the dentist to get a tooth fixed so Thursday morning I am going to get that fixed. I also have a test I need to go and take for my class, but I think that I will do that Thursday or maybe Friday. I will have to see. I did go and buy the new Star Trek movie so I am going to watch that tonight while I am working on my homework. Just a crazy week. Good luck with IMATs Robin. I know that you will do awesome. Be sure to take a lot of photos so we can see how it all looks at the competition. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Love ya bYE


Well today I spent all day smoothing my cheetah head. Its taking forever. You think it would be a simple task but its apparently is not. Well I got rachels adds for the black friday. I wish I could go. No one has heard of it up here so its lame. But I'm excited for you guys to go you will have to take a picture of your loot. At least dad can breath a sigh of relief no new christmas decorations for the lawn. :) lol. I will put chester in a santa hat when I get home, he will be my decoration. :) well I better go. I brought my shoes for the chester to smooth all night. hopefully I can stay on task. have a great night

love you

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, Monday

Well Robin will just have to wait until Sunday to get her $1000 when she wins. I am so excited for you. I just know you will do really good. Not much going on here. Laundry night. I did get a few squares cut out for my back. I am going to work on it again tomorrow night. I want to have everything cut out so I will finish the quilt. I find if I just do a couple that is all that gets done after the class. It looks so beautiful. I am excited. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow. The weather is suppose to be good. Not much else to report. Work was crazy or I might have been. I wasn't quite sure which one. LOVE MOM

its here

Oh dear the imats are on sunday. I'm pretty sure that I won't do that great i'm nervous. but it will be fun anyway. :) I asked my teacher about jobs though and he said I could use him as a reference so that is super awesome. I'm going to see who is at imats and then apply after the competition to see where I can get in. Well I got my photos today but they were taking forever to load onto the blog so I have them on face book so you can see them :) sorry. I hope everyone has a great night

love you

The Usual

Today was Casey's Dads birthday, so after work I meet up with them and we went to dinner at Firehouse pizza. I didn't get my usual and that was sad. We just got a big pizza and shared it. It was good but not as good as my ususal. Me and Mom will have to go sometime and we get. Casey wasn't able to come since he is in SLC. Terry joined this internet birthday club where everone in the club makes the birthday person a block that she wants. So you make everyone their block and send it to them but when it is your birthday they sent you your block and you have enought to make a quilt. It was her birthday a couple weeks agao so she was showing me all the blocks that she got. It looked pretty fun. Then I came home. I bought the goats a water heater and need to install it. I will do that in the morning so they will have water. Not much else is going on, I have to go visiting teching tomorrow and then Wednesday we had sewing class. It is a fun/busy week.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Time hurries on

I always liked that song. It does remind me always how fast things go. I had a nice weekend. Rachel and Casey came over tonight and brought tomato soup. It was really good. I got to keep the left overs which is nice. I almost won Caton again. It think I did win but dad ended up winning and it was his turn so he got to be first. It was fun. I got all my strips cut out for my quilt class on Wednesday. I just need to cut out the back now. It is going to be beautiful. I am excited. Karen's fabric will be beautiful. Well if you think St. George is cold all I can say is bring lots of coats because it is freezing up here. I can't believe that next week at this time Robin will have won IMAT. I am so excited for her. You are so good. Have a great week.


No animals for me

Well I had no interactions with any kind of animal today. For visiting teaching we got together at Jana's house at 11 and had brunch. I brought the bacon and orange juice. I even manage to cook the bacon long enough so that it was crunchy. Church was good even though it went 10 minutes over. It was chilly here all day. I had to wear a jacket all day today when I went out side. Pretty soon you will be able to see your breath in the mornings. Well other than that I haven' done too much so BYE

Thats right I'm a penguin

So today they had a christmas parade. I caught the middle of it since it started while I was in church. But it was right in front of my apartment so i just watched from my window. I've never seen so many kids in toronto, it was fun. There was this one section though and a girl was dressed as a penguin everyone else was dancing and being goofy, she just stood there. her expression was like ," i can't believe my life has come to this" it was so funny it made me laugh. but they had santa come at the end and everyone cheered and got all excited. any way that was my big thing for the day. have a great one


Frozen Water

We didn't get any snow in clifton but everywhere else we went to yesterday did. The goats water froze though, tomorrow i am going to but them a heated water bowl. The goats are doing good even in the cold. They are really fat and cute. We had a really good day ysterday. Casey taught his bike class and he drove me to Logan and droped me off at Mom and Dads. We went to Kolhs and got my watched resized and then we were off to SLC. Me and Vickie went and saw The Men Who Stare at Goats. My goats were a lot cuter than those used in the film and I think that they would be god moive stars. The moive was good, it was really dry and I liked it. We went back to Logan and Casey came over and we ate dinner at the Olive Garden. It was really good. We were able to watch the new blue ray and it was realyl nice. I think that you really need one Karen, it makes a big difference and would be great on your TV. Church was good adn went fast. Casey is making a fire. He loves the billows and has used them a lot. I really like your Cat Robin, that is amazing. You are good.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

:( no snow :(

I wish I had snow Its barely even cold up here. They are starting to decorate the city for christmas and tomorrow is the santa walk. but no snow...... sigh......... at least utah is gearing up for my return it better not melt before i get there. :) anyway I went and saw " law abiding citizen" with gerald butler. it was a crazy movie it makes you think. well nothing else exciting. be safe through all your weather extravaganzas in utah and Idaho. :) love you


Wind is better than Snow

I am ready to live in St. George. The roads were bad going to SLC and then the pass was bad coming home. I really am not a fan of snow. Everything went well in SLC. Not to much else to report other than it is really cold out there. LOVE MOM


Well if you go outside right now you just might blow away. It looks like there is a storm blowing in. And it was so pretty outside this morning while I had to be in class. We didn't have to stay clear till one though so that was nice. I was home by noon. Just one more Saturday class and then that is it. I got mom's package in the mail. Thanks! That is nice of you to send me stuff. I like getting fun things in the mail. Well I got my grocery shopping done and all I can say is I hate waiting in line. And it is only going to get worse from here on out. Oh well. Hey since Christmas is coming in about a month I will like some suggestions on what everyone would like for Christmas. I don't think that I will be creative enough to think of things all on my own. Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. Love ya guys!


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...